Chapter 15 ~ a rocky start ~

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Raz had fallen in love with the RV and he couldn't understand why he'd never thought of hiring one before instead of staying in hotels but now he'd had a taste of life on the road, he was hooked, he liked the independence it afforded and the time they saved.

Pon and Oon would sit on the sofa pretending to watch tv but they would be watching Raz and Ngusoi bickering over whose turn it was to drive or where to go to eat and today was no different.

"I thought Oon was argumentative but you beat him hands down!" Ngusoi had said.

"you're just not used to having opposition but I'm an alpha, what can I say" Raz had replied.

"yeah well I live here so I know the area better than you" Ngusoi snapped back.

"so how come you didn't know about that last place where we stopped for dinner then" Raz asked.

"it's a new place" Ngusoi had said.

"ah great cop out bro" Raz said.

"what can I say" Ngusoi laughed.



Pon looked at Oon and they both shook their heads, this was better than watching a drama, in fact Oon couldn't help thinking that if it was one of his BL dramas it would be an enemies to lovers scenario.

They had stopped at a few places over the course of the last few days and Raz had collected quite a few samples and labelled them accordingly before placing them into his special case, today was the final day and once they arrived close to the area where he needed to collect samples he got his things together having finally relinquished ownership of the cab to Ngusoi.

He had a bag filled with a supply of sterilised test tubes and petri dishes, a bottle of hydrochloric acid, his drill, his rock hammer and chisel and a strong magnet including maps, a compass, his field camera and his chalk bag.

Once they were ready, they set off hiking but Oon suddenly felt a bit sick so he decided to spend the day in the RV and Raz asked Pon to stay with him so he wasn't alone.

Ngusoi and Raz set off walking and Raz stopped to take a few pictures along the way.

"how did you get into this line of work?" Ngusoi asked him.

"when I was a kid my dad used to take me with him sometimes to visit the wells or rigs and I liked to hang around the on site laboratories while my dad talked to the management. I spent a lot of time with the guys in the labs and they taught me a lot and it just seemed natural to continue studying it as I got older and of course it comes in handy with the family business" Raz replied.

"yes, your dad is into oil isn't he?"

"what's with all the questions bro, know thine enemy?" Raz said.

"fucking hell Raz, why do you have to question everything I say or do? I'm just making conversation, you suspicious jerk" Ngusoi said.

"can you blame me?" Raz said.

"I can actually because you're going way overboard, have you even met any hybrids before me?" Ngusoi asked.

"no but I don't need to, to know you're all arrogant assholes!" Raz snapped.

"right, and I suppose that's something else that's 'common knowledge' ... tell me, where exactly did you hear all this stuff?" Ngusoi asked him.

"does it matter? everybody knows!" Raz stated again.

"ok so humour me, where did 'everybody' hear it from" Ngusoi asked again.

"I don't fuckin' know do I" Raz snapped.

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