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The next day......
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over Hollow Grove as Lena, Sam, and Ivy made their way toward the town's old library. The day's earlier warmth had given way to a chill that seeped through their jackets, and a thick fog began to curl around the cobblestone streets, lending an air of mystery to the evening.

Lena walked ahead, her hands shoved deep into her pockets, eyes fixed on the imposing silhouette of the library up ahead. The events of the Memory Festival still weighed heavily on her mind—the distorted memories, the missing fragments, and the unsettling feeling that something was deliberately being hidden from her. She knew that if there were answers to be found, they would be hidden within the dusty tomes and forgotten corners of the oldest building in Hollow Grove.

Sam quickened his pace to catch up with her, his breath visible in the cool air. "Are you sure about this, Lena? The library's supposed to be closed by now."

Lena glanced back at him, determination gleaming in her dark eyes. "That's exactly why we need to go now. Fewer people around to ask questions."

Ivy followed closely behind, her auburn hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, her footsteps light and purposeful. "I still can't believe the librarian agreed to let us in after hours," she mused, a hint of admiration in her voice. "She must really like you, Lena."

Lena allowed herself a small smile. "Mrs. Thompson has known me since I was a kid. She's always said that knowledge should be accessible at all times. Besides, I told her we were working on a school project."

Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah, the old 'school project' excuse. Classic."

They reached the library steps, the grand stone building looming over them with its ornate arches and stained-glass windows that depicted scenes from the town's rich history. The structure had stood for centuries, a silent witness to generations of Hollow Grove's secrets and stories.

Lena pushed open the heavy wooden door, and they stepped inside. The familiar scent of aged paper and polished wood enveloped them, and the quiet stillness of the library was a stark contrast to the bustling festival from the day before.

Mrs. Thompson, a petite woman with grey hair piled into a neat bun and glasses perched on the edge of her nose, was waiting for them at the front desk. She looked up from her book as they entered, her face lighting up with a warm smile.

"Right on time," she said, her voice soft but clear. "I trust you three will be careful and respectful of the space?"

"Of course," Lena replied earnestly. "We won't disturb anything we don't have to."

Mrs. Thompson nodded, her gaze lingering on Lena for a moment longer, as if searching for something. Then she reached under the desk and pulled out a large, brass key, handing it over.

"This will give you access to the restricted section upstairs," she explained. "Not many people go up there these days, but it holds some of the oldest records and books about Hollow Grove's history. You might find what you're looking for."

Lena accepted the key with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Thompson. We really appreciate this."

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