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The night was still, and the stars shone brightly above Hollow Grove, casting a silvery glow over the town. The trio—Lena, Sam, and Ivy—stood at the edge of a secluded forest, their breaths forming small clouds in the crisp autumn air. The old map given by the mysterious elder had led them to this very spot, and the sense of anticipation and trepidation was palpable.

Lena unfolded the worn, parchment-like map, the edges crinkling as she examined it by the light of her flashlight. "According to this, the entrance should be somewhere near this old oak tree. It's supposed to be hidden, so we need to look carefully."

Sam scanned the area, his face a mask of concentration. "If this is anything like the hidden room, we might need to find a specific mechanism or clue to open it."

Ivy, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. "Let's split up and search the area around the tree. We should cover more ground that way."

They moved in different directions, each focusing on the area around the ancient oak. The tree, with its gnarled branches and thick trunk, stood like a sentinel in the quiet forest. Lena brushed aside the underbrush near the base of the tree, her fingers grazing the rough bark. Sam inspected the surrounding rocks and roots, while Ivy examined the tree's trunk for any signs of hidden mechanisms.

Minutes turned into hours as they searched, their efforts growing increasingly desperate. Lena's flashlight beam danced over the tree's surface, and Sam's frustration was evident in the way he kicked at the underbrush. Ivy, however, maintained a calm demeanour, her sharp eyes scanning every inch of the area.

Suddenly, Ivy's voice broke through the tension. "I think I've found something!" She called out, her tone laced with excitement.

Lena and Sam hurried over to Ivy, who was kneeling by the base of the oak tree. Ivy pointed to a barely noticeable, circular indentation in the tree trunk. "Look at this. It looks like it could be a mechanism of some kind."

Sam crouched down beside Ivy and examined the indentation. "It's not very deep, but it does look like it could fit something."

Lena held up the map, studying the intricate details. "The map mentioned a hidden lever. Maybe this indentation is where it goes."

Ivy nodded, pulling a small, ornate key from her backpack. "I found this in the hidden room, and it looked like it might fit something. Let's see if it works."

With a sense of hopeful anticipation, Ivy inserted the key into the indentation. It fit perfectly, and with a gentle turn, a low rumbling sound echoed through the forest. The ground around the oak tree began to shift, revealing a hidden passageway leading underground.

Lena, Sam, and Ivy exchanged excited glances before descending the stairs into the darkness. The passage was narrow and winding, and the air grew colder with each step. The walls were lined with faintly glowing symbols, casting an eerie light that illuminated their path.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, the passage opened into a vast chamber. The space was breathtakingly beautiful and unsettling at the same time. A shimmering portal stood at the centre of the room, its surface rippling like water. Beyond the portal, a surreal landscape unfolded—a realm that seemed to exist on the cusp of reality and dream.

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