Back to the Beach

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Jack's POV

It's already been 5 minutes. And it just turned to 6. I take a deep breathe, hoping Sammy didn't change her mind and blow me off. Damn it, what if she thinks I'm trying to flirt or hit on her? I really didn't want to give her that impression, but the rose probably did.

Just before I walk to the door to knock, Sammy comes out and closes the door. I almost faint at how beautiful she looks. Her white shirt, the way her hair is straight, the fedora on her head, her shorts, her perfectly tanned legs. And her beautiful natural pink lips. She walks in front of me and smiles.

"You ready?" I ask and she gives me a certain nod.

We walk into the elevators that open as a man walks out and I press the button to go to the main floor. I secretly look at her as she leans on the wall.

It's crazy to me how I remember the first time we ever rode in here together. We were in love, but we didn't know that was our feeling. Pony the other hand, it's crazy to me how I came in here standing by Sammy and her boyfriend. Did she really hit it off with Matt that it drove her to leave me?

I know that people say long distance relationships don't work, but Sammy and I had something special that could have worked. I knew leaving was a mistake, but I couldn't stay. She knew that and understood. But why move on with a guy who could have stayed your best friend?

"Jack." Sammy says softly and I realize we're at the main floor, her standing outside waiting for me.

"Right, sorry." I shrug my shoulders as we walk passed the main doors and begin to walk to the beach, me following Sammy's lead. "You still remember how to get there don't you?"

She laughs, holding onto her fedora. "Of course, how could I not?"

I laugh at her enthusiasm. God, I miss her.

---At the Beach---

We've been at the beach for fifteen minutes, practically giggling, laughing, smiling, and grinning one minute after the other. In my heart, the idea of us still being together lives but I'm trying hard to kill it.

"And even though I gave them the wrong order, they still gave me a tip." Sammy continues with her story from her job, leaning into my shoulder with her hand while laughing. I hold onto my shoes tighter, thinking that they could fall and I could hug her to death.

I stare at her for a moment, laughing with her. The way she looks down and I see her cheekbones high, her perfect lips, her shiny brown hair, her shoes in one hand, and how she's making memories with me this second.

"Oh hey, where's Finn? Did he come back like, separately?" She asks with a concerned look.

"Yeah, he came back an hour after I did. After Amy was done with work, she went to the airport and picked him up. From what he told me, she cried the entire time they went to her place." I snicker as I run my free hand through my hair.

"Right!" She says matter of factly. "I remember, they're still dating. Wow." She folds one arm over her stomach, frowning.

I panic mentally because I realize the sad thoughts she's thinking. "So, how's Jessica?"

She smiles at her name. "She's been good. She just went on a vacation to Greece. Saving up all her money from the restaurant and that's how she spent it."

"You didn't go with her?" I ask, shoving my free hand in my pocket.

She shakes her head. "I couldn't. That was a trip just for the Art students. I just stayed home, taking care of the apartment." A smile appears on her face while she turns her head to the ocean.


She raises her hand to the back of her next and scratches it lightly. "You could say that." She clears her throat.

Of course she wasn't alone. She was with Matthew. Instead of making myself mad, I decide to ask simple questions on her life. "Do you still plan on becoming a writer?"

She pauses in her tracks, right on time for the water to come over on our feet before going back to the ocean. "Writer..." She mutters thinking I didn't hear. "That..." Sammy turns to face me. "What made you say that?"

Maybe I said the wrong thing. "Oh, well, years ago a few days after we met, we went to see the stars at the park one night. You told me you wanted to become a writer." I cough lightly, feeling uncomfortable.

Her eyes light up instantly. "You remember that?"

I give a certain nod. "Of course lov—Sammy!" My heart races as I almost called her what I used to. Love. She was my love. And still kind of is. I believe. But she's not.

"Right..." Her voice has an unsure tone to it. "You? Major in anything while you were home?"

Hollywood is home, it's where you are.

"Of course, communication. Mom would like me to go into real estate. Selling houses isn't my thing, though talking to people is. Sort of a lose-win as some people call it." I sneered.

"Wow, 2 years done already? I just started my second year. You like talking to people? I didn't know that."

I nod. "I grew into it when I was away. Third year is almost starting, so when I finished second I had met traveled. I met different kinds of people in so many different places, it was incredible.

Dreamy Jack 2 (A Jack Harries Fanfic) (Sequel to Dreamy Jack)Where stories live. Discover now