You had never seen the ballroom so full of people. Some you hadn't met a day in your life, all here to celebrate the pairing of you and your elder brother Aegon. The wedding ceremony went off without a hitch, except when every aunty on your mother's side thought it necessary to pinch your cheeks.
When the moon reached its peak in the midnight air, the guests began to leave and the tradition of the first night began. Aegon had delved so deep into his cups, you thought it impossible for him to make love.
"C-mere my dear, letsss- us fuck good." He took you by the hand and led you into your joint chambers, stumbling with every step.
The guard at your door nodded in response to Aegon's incoherent whispers and closed the doors behind you both.
He hopped up and down, fumbling with his shoes as the laces proved too challenging. You were far too sober for his antics but had a duty to fulfil.
"Allow me husband." You knelt at the end of the bed that he threw himself on and pried his shoes off. Aegon lay back into the bed with a thump and pat at his lap, right next to his groin.
"Perhaps we should continue on the morrow my King." You whispered down at him as he appeared to fall asleep, eyes closed, mouth agape. You dropped your wedding gown to your ankles and stepped out of it to don your nightgown. Aegon tossed around in the bed to face you, his eyes widened.
"You-are magnificent, sister. Come, we will fulfil- our duty tonight." He slurred between hiccups. You stood tall and confident at his compliment and noticed a bulge grow under his trousers.
"If you're sure you're up for it?"
He frowned at the apparent insult.
"If the King means to fuck, he will fuck." He sat up and grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to sit in his lap, his wine scented breaths tickling at the back of your neck. He swept your hair over your shoulder and took to your neck with his lips.
A new feeling, pulsed between your legs and you grinded your ass against his growing cock. He took handfuls of your breasts and messaged them gently before pinching hard at your nipples. A wetness quivered at your folds and you moaned his name.
"Why do you tease me so, brother? Please, I want you." You lifted your hand up behind you to caress his cheek and run your fingers through his hair. He gave a drunken chuckle in response.
"Do you deserve the king's cock, my dear wife?" He leaned forward to revel in the anguish, plain on your face.
"Aegon... Please, fuck me."
He peeled his pants off from under your weight and threw your legs behind your head and over his arms. You were bent in two, headlocked in his lap with your womanhood open to anyone who would walk into your quarters.
"I thought we would try something I've never done before, my sweet." Aegon grinded his cock between your ass cheeks, and up to the wetness that trickled out of you. He dipped his tip inside your warm, wet folds and tapped it at your aching clit. Your feet twitched and weakened, blood pumping to between your legs.
"Whatever my King desires." You uttered through soft moans. You felt him grin against your neck as he shoved himself inside your ass.
Your scream could be heard across the red keep, you were sure.
"Aegon! Stop, it hurts!" You winced and tried to writhe out of his grip in vain.
There was a knock at the door. Aegon continued to thrust in and out of your rear and addressed the visitor.
"Come in!"
You were mortified... Your brother and new husband, would invite someone into your quarters when you were in a position of such compromise?

The jealous Prince- A horny one shot smut collection.
FanfictionIf you horny girlies like thirsty aemond edits to cool songs, check out my YouTube channel- Sapphirespid3r 🐉💎👑🍆🥵🤤 1- A flight to remember Aegon and Helaena are due to be married and Aemond can't stand the thought. His older brother frequently...