chapter 3

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Chapter 3: the weight of doubt

As the crowd dispersed, the man who had accused Giyuu turned and walked away, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Giyuu and Sanemi watched him go, their eyes fixed on his retreating back.

Then, without a word, they turned and walked in the opposite direction, their footsteps echoing through the quiet streets.

Sanemi's curiosity was piqued, but he sensed Giyuu's unease and didn't press him for answers. Instead, he walked beside him, his eyes scanning the surroundings, ever vigilant.

Giyuu's eyes were fixed on the ground, his mind racing with thoughts and memories he'd thought were long buried. The encounter had stirred up emotions he'd tried to keep hidden, even from Sanemi.

As they walked, the silence between them grew thicker, a palpable tension that neither dared to break. Sanemi knew Giyuu would open up when he was ready, and until then, he'd stand by him, a silent sentinel.

The streets blurred together, their footsteps carrying them further away from the scene, but Giyuu's past lingered, a shadow that followed them, waiting to pounce.

Giyuu lay on his bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he tried to calm his racing mind. The encounter with the man had left him shaken, and the memories he'd tried to keep hidden were now swirling to the surface.

He couldn't understand why Sanemi had defended him, had lied for him. They'd known each other for years, but Giyuu had never told him about his past, about what had really happened to his sister.

Sanemi's words echoed in his mind: "I'm his fiancé. We've known each other for many years. And his name is not Giyuu Tomioka. It's Akira."

Giyuu knew Sanemi had said that to protect him, to defuse the situation. But why had he used that specific lie? Did Sanemi suspect the truth about his past?

Giyuu's thoughts were a jumble of confusion and gratitude. He knew he owed Sanemi an explanation, but the fear of being rejected, of being seen as a monster, held him back.

As he lay there, his eyelids grew heavy, but his mind refused to rest. The incident had stirred up too many emotions, too many questions.

Just as he was starting to drift off, he heard a soft knock on the door. "Tomioka, are you awake?" Sanemi's voice was low and gentle.

Giyuu's heart skipped a beat. What did Sanemi want? Did he want to talk about what had happened?

Giyuu nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, I'm awake."

Sanemi entered the room, carrying a tray of steaming food. Giyuu's eyes widened as Sanemi placed the tray on the table, the aroma of hot soup and fresh rice filling the air.

Sanemi walked over to Giyuu's bedside, his eyes filled with concern. "Tomioka, you need to eat. You haven't had anything since yesterday night, have you?"

Giyuu shook his head, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. He hadn't realized Sanemi had noticed his lack of appetite.

Sanemi gently lifted Giyuu's shoulders, propping him up with a pillow. "Come on, eat something. You can't keep going without food."

Giyuu hesitated, but Sanemi's firm yet gentle tone left him no choice. He accepted the bowl of soup and began to eat, the warmth spreading through his body.

As he ate, Sanemi sat beside him, watching him with an unreadable expression. Giyuu felt a pang of guilt, knowing he owed Sanemi an explanation, but the food and Sanemi's care were a balm to his weary soul.

Giyuu took a few small sips of the soup, his eyes cast down. Sanemi watched him, his expression unreadable.

"Tomioka, why aren't you eating more?" Sanemi asked, his voice firm.

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