Three Dragons;05/06

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Manabu would be about to enter the Hiden Intelligence building, only for Ryuji to put his hand on his shoulder.

-Excuse me, Manabu?-The soldier smiled, taking out an egg sandwich.

-Who's asking?- The black-haired man, questioning him, tilted his head.

-I know you have work to do, but we have to talk.

Manabu sighed, taking Ryuji's sandwich and laughing, they both got on the elevator.

-Kamen Rider.


-I have several questions about your involvement with Metsuboujinrai.

-Look... I know what it seems like, but I don't help them. We are just friends.

-They have helped you a lot.-He would take out his Risephone and show the fight between Ichi-gata and Saiki, and then the fight between Saiki and Vulcan.-But I also know that you are not that close.-He showed the clash between Manabu and Horobi.

-You are right. What are you here for?

-Does the name "Four Seasons" ring a bell to you?

They would both exit the elevator, reaching the roof. They would both walk away, putting on their Drivers.


-Not really. I only know the four sacred beasts.

-We both know we're going to fight, so... Do you mind if we make it just a sparring match?

-Not really. Let me ask directly. Friend or foe?

-Friend. We are both looking for the same thing. I can see it in your eyes.

Those words activated something in Manabu's mind. The Ark awakened in him, causing him to bow.

-Genbu, my dear friend. Are you sure we are both looking for the same thing? Eradicating human malice is not the same.

-How do you know my last name...?-Ryuji pressed Wounding Dragon's button.


-I know everything. Four Seasons is after me, right?-The Ark pressed Awakening Dragon's button, and it he enveloped in scarlet and black energy, directly forming the Kamen Rider Ark Dreadnaught suit on Manabu.

"Blade! Arkrise. A latent power awakens miracles. All zero." Announced the belt as screams came from the liquid malice that enveloped him, revealing the incomplete Ark Driver on him.

-So he's not doing it on free will...-Ryuji inserted his Protorise Key into the Upriser, pulling the lever.

-Maybe. But this human is slowly accepting the role of being my body. Let me see your transformation.

"Rise! Wounded Dragon! A demon's bite will stop any prey. Rise to shine."

Ryuji transforms into Nagant, running on all fours towards the Ark, giving it a blow that would cleanly cut the armor, revealing Manabu's naked skin underneath.

-You are very strong, Genbu. Let me show you the power that humanity will use for its self-destruction.-The Ark slashed his hand at Nagant, the power of Awakening Dragon cutting into Ryuji and causing his torso to bleed. In turn, the Ark groped the Upriser, absorbing the data from it directly.

Feeling his Driver being touched, Ryuji grabbed the Ark's leg with his tail and knocked him down, cutting his helmet with the claws of his paws, but the satellite had adapted to his enzymes, allowing him to resist.

-I'll leave you fighting Manabu. I already have what I wanted from you. Send greetings to Manabu's dad~-The suit would fall apart on Manabu, revealing the real Kamen Rider Dreadnaught, with the henshin remaking itself, a blue dragon coming out and merging with it.

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