Failing Dragon;08

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Ayaka took the Cycloneriser and nodded, Manabu placed Awakening Dragon in her hands and gave her his sword.

—Let the Ark guide you. I promise that I will leave you in good hands.—Manabu resumed the fight, his suit falling apart, revealing that his human form was pale and his nose was bleeding from the physical effort that it took to drive Miracle T-Rex.

—You better come home sooner or later, or else I'll see you in the Underworld and I'll smack your empty head all over the place!—Ayaka took a calming breath and put on the Cycloneriser. The red rays came out in torrents, more than normal. But unlike Manabu, they didn't seem to harm her.—Because...! I know you wouldn't fall to or for anyone except your sister.

Manabu nodded proudly, with Ayaka pressing the button on Awakening Dragon. “Blade!”

—Henshin!—Ayaka inserted Awakening Dragon into the Cycloneriser and pulled the lever.

"Cyclonerise! Awakening Dragon! Type Proto."

Manabu ejected his sister from the mecha, as she rode the Dragon Rider Model into battle, merging with it as she landed. Aruto and Ryuji both looked at her.

—Dreadnaught? Aren't you handling the robots?—Ryuji questioned.—Did you come to help us?

—Wait, Nagant. This is not our Dreadnaught...—Aruto had noticed the Rider's curves, ashamed of himself, although it was involuntary due to the There satellite's analysis capacity.

—They are right, and yet wrong.—Ayaka raises her hand to the sky, the sunset shining on her suit.—I am the one who will rule after walking the path of providence.—Ayaka then proceeds to summon the Dragon Sword, smiling beneath her mask.

Ryuji puts his hand on his helmet and sighs, annoyed that he understood the reference.

—Hmph. A display of ego, which no one cares about.—The golden Rider is going to attack Dreadnaught, but she backflips and shoots a flare of flame from her hands that covers the rival.

—Let go of my...—Ayaka seems confused on how to refer to Jin and Saiki, looking to Aruto for help. Aruto makes punching gestures.—... rivals!

Valkyrie and Vulcan appear confused.

—Ugh... How stupid.—Ryuji jumps towards Valkyrie and grabs her leg with his tail, pulling her towards him, quickly hitting her face and freeing Saiki, who puts on her Forceriser.

—Thank you, Nagant!—Saiki transforms into Kamen Rider and launches herself to pierce Vulcan, who, traumatized, lets go of Jin and jumps back, dodging.—Ha, I knew you would fall because of my "bluff"!

Saiki would be shot from behind by Valkyrie, but Nagant would grab her again in a full nelson.

—You're taking over "my" mannerisms, Saiki.—Ayaka laughs.

—This is fun! Mayhem is fun!

—Jin, don't put on the Forceriser!—Saiki shouted, running to help her brother.

Vulcan charged at Saiki, throwing her to the ground and engaging in a fight with her.

Jin put his Forceriser on his waist, directly feeling his programming change, much like a hacked HumaGear would.

—Oh no...—Saiki, grabbing Vulcan's helmet to keep him at a distance so that he doesn't hit her, watches as Jin becomes more serious.


Jin takes out Flying Falcon and inserts it into his Forceriser, transforming into Kamen Rider Jin.

"Forcerise! Spread your wings and prepare for a force. Breakdown."

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