Chapter 5

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It was now 1 year later and Reece and Autumn have not spoke a single word to each other. The house became very silent most days, especially when Roger was at work.

Reece and Autumn started to get very lonely without each other but couldn't bear to speak to each other.

Reece always had dreams about the memories he had made with Autumn when they were younger. He still regrets what he 'did' to this day and wishes he could go back to the past and had just the left the flowers where they were.

Autumn also still had dreams about the memories she had made with Reece when they were younger. They contained all the playing they did outside on the huge grand garden at the back of the house, all the talking, hanging out etc.

It felt like the house was always empty with how silent it was all the time. Neither of them came out of their rooms when they were in there and if they weren't in their rooms, they would be outside somewhere.

Late at night, Reece always had this thought that kept pushing him to do but he could never bring himself to do it and that was to move out and get out of Autumns hair. Autumn still hated his guts and doesn't regret anything she said that night. Reece always went back to that thought every night until one night, it got too much and he decided to do it.

He started looking online for houses and he knew he would be able to afford one with all the money his dad gave him. This shopping broke his heart. He had tears streaming down his face but he knew he had to do it. He had finally found the right one and instantly bought it. He would move in tomorrow.

He started to pack all his clothes and belongings into spare boxes he had in his room. There were stacks of boxes by the morning. He had to hire a moving van to take it all to the new house. Once he had hired it to come at 3pm, he started to write a goodbye note to stick on the kitchen counter for his dad and sister to see as he didn't want to talk to them. He wrote:
'Hey little sis, and dad, I just wanted to say that i have loved living in this huge house and all the memories we have made together. It breaks my heart to do this but i have to. It would just be better for me and Aut to just separate from each other more than we already are. Aut, if your reading this, just know that i will always love you no matter how we are both feeling about each other and i know it's been a whole year and i really am missing you to the depth of my heart so if you are reading this, just know that i will always regret your prom night and i hope, in the future, we can start talking again.
I am going to be moving out and by the time you are reading this, i would have already gone. So don't come looking for me in my bedroom thinking it's just all a silly prank. Dad, if your reading this, you probably won't be, but please take care of Aut and please try and sort out your drinking and if you need to let some anger out, please please please don't take it out on Aut. Thank you and i love you both dearly.
Reece x' This broke Reece's heart to the point it was hurting. He was crying so much that the paper started to even get wet so he had to wipe his face and just forget about everything.

It was now 3pm and the moving van had pulled onto the drive. Reece had helped load the van with his stuff and got back inside to get ready. He had put on his jacket and picked up the note. He had picked up his car keys and went downstairs where he would put the note. He walked across the house to the door. He opened it and walked out. He looked back remembering all the memories that he would be leaving behind. The tempting to go back inside what hard to face but he had to go on. He shut the door and got in his car. He waited a while to process what was going on and started to drive out the driveway.

He had pulled into his new driveway and he unlocked his new house. The moving van wasn't there yet but it was scheduled to be there in the next 10 minutes. Reece had quickly got in and explored his new house before the moving guy came. It was a big house. Not as big as his dad's as it would be only two people living in it. Him and Mia.

The moving van had pulled up and he unloaded all his things into the house. He text Mia to see if she was packed ready and for him to go and pick her up. She said yes so he went and picked her up. On the way to Mia's, he couldn't stop thinking of what Roger would do to Aut now he was gone and how Aut would feel after realising i had left. But all of that faded away when he got to Mia's.

He had got back with Mia and they started to unpack everything into there room. They started decorating straight away to make it their dream home.

Back at Roger's house. Autumn had gone downstairs for some dinner. She had missed the note first but as she went to walk back upstairs she saw it. She picked it up and read it. When she finished she fell to the floor sobbing. She was heartbroken at what she had done and her whole body went numb that she couldn't move.

When she could finally move, she went straight upstairs to Reece's room - even though Reece told her not to - and to her knowledge, he wasn't there. She filled the house up with her cries and whimpers for Reece to come back knowing that what she had done would destroy their relative relationship with each other. She went and lay on Reece's bed wishing it was all a dream. But it wasn't. He was really gone.

His sheet had been soaked with Auts tears but she didn't care. She regretted not talking to him much more now. She was crying so hard that she fell asleep on his bed.

She had awoken to the door slamming but it was just Roger. He had found the note but when he read it was from Reece, he just chucked it in the bin. Autumn had quickly run over to her room to cry even more. She had to get that letter to read it again to process it even more because she still couldn't believe it. Her eyes were red sore and her mouth was aching due to all the cries of regret.

She couldn't believe what she had done...

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