Chapter 47

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(I really thought I had scheduled these to post themselves. Whoops.)

I awoke the next morning with Sebastian's arms wrapped tightly around me. It was comforting, but also strange for him to have such a protective hold on me as we were sleeping. We were safe in the royal suite. There was no need for this.

Then our conversation from the night before came back to me. Was he worried about that demon talking to me again? I'd told him that the barriers around my room prevent his communication, but perhaps that wasn't enough to keep Sebastian's mind at ease. I was honestly shocked at my own calmness.

He stirred shortly after I did, opening his eyes and smiling at me. I smiled back, and it was then that he seemed to realize how tight he was holding me, because he released his grip.

I immediately found myself missing his arms, and nestled myself against his chest. He let out a quiet chuckle, then returned his arms to their place around me, this time more of a loving embrace than a protective hold. I wished more than anything to stay like that with him forever.

He didn't move until I did. With a heavy sigh, I sat up, him following suit. Being just a handful of days away from my coronation, the last thing we had time for was laying in bed all day, and we both knew it. It was a nice thought, at least.

"Any plans for today, My Love?" Sebastian asked as he stood.

I shook my head. "I don't think there is much more that needs my attention at this point. The only thing I was able to help with was my dress, and that's finished. Perhaps I can get someone to practice my swords with."

He gave a sad smile, one that I was beginning to know all too well. The last thing I wanted to see on his face was the pity he feels for me when I know I'm of no use. Or that my swordsmanship is something I still need to be practicing even as a demon with magical powers. "If you need me, Chrystal, do not hesitate to call on me. Nothing is more important to me than making sure you are content."

I nodded. "I will. I just hope I don't have to. I know how busy everyone is preparing."

He sat on the bed again, leaning in close to me. "I do not care what I am doing, or how important it may seem. I will drop anything for you, whether you are in need of something or just want company. My only purpose is to serve you."

I felt chills go up my spine at his closeness, butterflies in my stomach at his words. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks as I nodded. He smiled, seeing my reaction, then leaned forward and kissed me before standing again.

"As lovely as you are, I am afraid I should go ahead and get a headstart on today's affairs. I will see if Evan has any free time to spar with you." His smile dropped then. "And I beg of you, please do not leave this suite without someone beside you. I do not want that demon speaking to you again."

I gave him my best, most reassuring smile. "I promise I will not leave this room without someone beside me. Believe me, I don't want to speak with him, either."

His smile returned. "Thank you. I promise you, after this coronation, and you have all of your powers, I will never ask you anything like this again. But for now, I must know you are safe."

"I understand, Sebastian." I reached out a hand and took his arm. "I assure you, I'm not angry. I know you only want to keep me safe."

He seemed to relax at my words. "I simply do not wish for you to think I am trying to trap you in here, as we did with your first room upon arriving here."

I shook my head, gripping his arm tighter. "This is different, Sebastian. Before, I had no memories of who I was or what was going on. Even when I did get my memories back, I still didn't understand everything right away. But I do now, and I know you only mean to protect me." I looked down at the bed, not wanting to meet his gaze. "I might not like being told to stay put, but I know it is in my best interest. I cannot fight this demon alone. I can't keep him out of my head. For all I know, he really is stronger than me. I would believe anyone is with how useless I've been lately. Besides, I still have a couple of worrying visions that haven't come to pass yet. Staying here is probably the best way to avoid them as well."

There was silence between us for a moment, then I felt him lifting my gaze to his. He searched my face, and I wasn't sure what he was looking for. If it was tears, he wouldn't find any. I was done crying over what my life had become. In a few days, it would all be over. One way or another.

He leaned down and kissed me again, this time longer and more loving. When he pulled away, it was to say, "You have never been useless, Chrystal. You are the star that keeps me going. I do not wish for you to trap yourself in here to avoid what you've foreseen, however if that is your wish, I will not stop you." He smiled lovingly at me. "When this is all over, I will take you to any place you wish to go, in all the worlds. You must simply say the word."

I laughed. "I want to see Maia and Thomas. Maybe visit my parents' graves."

"Consider it done. Just a few more days, and the world will be yours."

I beamed up at him. "I will be waiting."

He kissed me one last time, then released me and left the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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