Chapter 40

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What I had hoped to be a relaxing end to a long day was anything but.

I found myself motionless in a large empty room. I didn't have the energy to look around, but I knew I was somewhere different. I tried to remember what had happened prior to my waking in this room, but nothing came to me.

It took some time to regain control of my body. I hadn't felt like this since back when I was human and my visions had drained me of all my energy. This scared me. I was a demon now. Something like this shouldn't happen to me anymore.

Unless it had something to do with the demon with the red hair.

That was when I realized this had to be a vision. Was I seeing what would happen if we lost? But he was going to kill me if that happened. So where was I?

When I was finally able to sit up, I carefully looked around the room. It was empty, as I had thought, and much larger than my bedroom. Perhaps the size of the throne room or the ball room. I wasn't in the ballroom, was I?

"Chrystal!" came a sudden shout from behind me.

I slowly turned to see Lisa sprinting toward me. This confused me even more. Why did she look so relieved yet so frantic?

"Thank goodness I found you. Are you hurt? Let me see." She quickly started examining my body, but I could feel no pain. Only fatigue in my limbs.

"I'm okay," I heard myself say. "I can barely move, but I'm okay."

Lisa didn't ask questions, as if she already knew the answer to why my body lacked any energy. She simply nodded. "Let's get you somewhere safe," she said, then lifted me into her arms and ran out of the room.

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was that I was alone in my room. The second was the fatigue in my body.

I sat up slowly, and as I did, I began to regain my energy. That meant the fatigue was just residual from my vision, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

It was then that the door to my bedroom opened, and in walked Sebastian. He seemed rushed, and let the door swing closed behind him as he made his way over to me.

"I sensed you were distressed," he said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I came here as quickly as I could."

I smiled and leaned into his embrace. "I'm okay. I'm just coming out of a weird vision."

I'd thought that would relax him, but it did not. His arms around me grew tighter. "Weird how?"

"I woke up in a really big and empty room and couldn't move for a while. When I was finally able to sit up Lisa found me, said she was glad I was safe, and carried me away. That was it." I didn't want to tell him about how frantic she had looked when she found me. He had enough to worry about.

"And you do not know what caused this situation?" he asked.

"No, but I wasn't hurt. I just couldn't move."

There was a long moment between us, then Sebastian let out a breath and loosened his arms around me. "Well, if there was nothing else, then it sounds like there isn't anything we can do to try to prevent this one. We'll just have to be vigilant." He leaned his head on mine. "I missed you today."

I smiled again. "I missed you more."

He chuckled. "I doubt that. You at least had your friends to distract you. I've been working all day and night. I only escaped because I thought you may have been in trouble."

"No trouble here, but I'm more than happy to be your excuse if you need a break."

"I'll have to remember that. Unfortunately there is still plenty of work to be done."

I felt my shoulders slump. "You aren't finished for the night?"

He pulled away and shook his head. "There are still many things that need to be prepared, and we're running out of time."

I crossed my arms. "Well, maybe things would be moving faster if any of the servants would let me help them. Only Susan and Ben would let me help today."

Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly as a look of confusion crossed his face. "Do you know why?"

I shrugged. "Sarah and Jasmine think it's because they're all scared of you. That if something happened to me under their watch, you'd make them pay for it."

Sebastian smiled slightly. "While that is true, it bothers me also that they are refusing to let you help them only for that reason."

"Just don't go around forcing them to let me help. I want them to like us, not fear us. Maybe if you promise them that you won't hurt them if something minor happens..."

He considered me for a moment. "Do you really think I would hurt them over something minor? If you were still human, then absolutely, but you're not. You are a powerful demon who can handle a papercut or falling from a ladder."

This took me aback. "Really? I thought you'd be way more protective of me now than back then, especially with these awful visions I keep having."

His smile became mischievous. "Do you want me to be?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Of course not. I mean, you know how badly I want to be able to take care of myself, but I'm still terrified. The more visions I have and the closer we get to my coronation, the more I want to run away." I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them to me, hoping it would help to ease the anxiety somehow.

Sebastian sat beside me on the bed, his arms wrapping around me again. "Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I'm around."

His words that usually calmed me had the opposite effect this time. I pushed him off of me, suddenly angry. "You can stop trying to comfort me. You and I both know it's not that simple."

He sat back, clearly surprised and a little hurt by my words and actions. "Chrystal-"

"Don't. Don't try to say anything to make me feel better. You and I both know that I keep seeing you die in my visions and whenever I close my eyes. That image is permanently burned into my brain and I'll have to live with watching that happen over and over for eternity. And if we make it through this coronation alive and the threat passes, it still won't go away. No matter what you say to try to make me feel better, my visions are going to keep coming and replaying themselves."

Sebastian was silent. I didn't blame him. I'd never blown up at him like this before. I was surprised with myself. I was tired of being coddled and told everything was going to be okay when clearly it wasn't or else I'd stop having these visions.

It was a long time before he spoke. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm only trying to keep your spirits up. If you are sad and afraid when the time comes, you won't be able to act rationally."

I lay back down and covered myself with my blankets. "I don't want to hear it. Don't you have a bunch of work you're supposed to be doing?"

He didn't speak again, but he sighed as he stood and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. I waited until I knew he had left the suite, then let myself cry. 

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