Chapter 6

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I awoke to the door slamming open. The next thing I knew, I was being thrown across the room by an invisible force.

"Chrystal!" Jasmine screamed as my back slammed into the stone wall and I fell to the floor.

I sat up and shook off the lingering pain, then looked up to see what had just happened. There was a tall man standing in the doorway, with fiery red hair and black clothes. He glared at me.

I stood slowly, leaning back against the wall. The pain was gone now, but the fear of this man's gaze kept me nearly immobile.

"How pathetic," he spat, approaching me.

I wanted to look at Jasmine, to tell her to run, but I found I couldn't look away from this demon's crimson eyes. His gaze was terrifying, and I knew something bad would happen if I were to look away.

Once he passed the bed, I saw in my peripheral Jasmine jump up and run for the door. Good, I thought. I'm glad you'll be safe.

The demon stomped over and cornered me. "So you're the girl from the prophecy, huh?" He reached out suddenly and wrapped his large hands around my throat. "Come on then, Your Highness. Fight me off."

I clawed at his hands. "Please, I don't know what you're talking about," I choked out.

"You know exactly what you are. But I'm here to prove we don't need a queen. We were just fine before, and we will be after I end you!"

His grip around me tightened, and I didn't know what to do. It wasn't that I needed the air, but his hold was painful, and surely if I didn't get away he would find a way to kill me. I finally looked away from his eyes, and searched frantically for an exit. Then I saw it.

The door was open.

That was it. That was my escape. But first I had to get out of this man's arms.

I closed my eyes tight. I can teleport, I reminded myself. I can do this.

"When we first realized you weren't in control of your powers, we had a barrier put around the room. It is supposed to prevent you from teleporting out." Sebastian's voice rang in my head. "It seems it works."

Even with the door open, that barrier he mentioned would probably still keep me from using my power to escape. Looks like I'll have to do this in steps.

With that thought, I squeezed my eyes closed even tighter and told myself repeatedly: The door. The door. The door.

There was a moment where my body tingled. The floor fell out from under me, then immediately returned. I was happy when I opened my eyes and saw the open door in front of me. The intruder was behind me, staring at his hands. He turned to see me still in the room, scowled, then gave chase.

I ran through the open door and turned randomly down hallways and corridors. I had no idea where I was. All I knew was that it was time for step two.

"Get back here you worthless little-"

I tuned him out and closed my eyes as I continued to run straight ahead. Sebastian. I thought desperately. Please, take me to Sebastian.

Once again, I felt the same sensations. The tingling, the floor disappearing and reappearing, and before I could open my eyes, there was a collection of gasps and strong arms pulling me to a familiar embrace.

The room was immediately filled with whispers of "It's her!" and "Oh, my!" along with "The queen!" Sebastian pulled me closer, keeping my face buried in his chest.

"How did you get here, My Love? What happened?"

It was only when I went to answer him that I noticed the tears in my eyes. I felt myself quivering.

"Sebastian! What happened?" came a familiar voice.

I tried to turn my head to see who was speaking, but Sebastian held me tighter. "It's Lisa, Chrystal. Do not worry."

I gripped his clothes tightly, burying my face in his chest.

Someone gently placed a hand on top of my head. I flinched at the contact, but when it didn't move to hurt me, I relaxed.

"I see now," Lisa's voice said beside me. Her hand began to comfortingly pet my hair.

There was a long moment of silence, and I assumed Sebastian was staring at Lisa quizzically, just as I wanted to do.

Suddenly, Lisa clapped her hands together once. "Alright everyone, we will continue this meeting at a later time. I need everyone out of here for now."

The people around us began grumbling, and I couldn't make out what they were saying. I heard footsteps and what sounded like clothes shifting around as people made their way out of the room.

Once it was quiet again, Lisa spoke. "Someone-"

"Sebastian! Lisa!" a familiar voice screamed.

They both turned, Sebastian holding me closer.

"Jasmine, what-"

"Chrys, she-" she stopped, then continued, "Oh, I'm so glad she's alright."

"She was attacked. Luckily, Jasmine left the door open and Chrystal was able to escape," Lisa informed Sebastian.

I held onto him even tighter.

"Chrystal, whatever he told you, don't worry about it for now." Her voice was gentle next to my ear. "I know you're confused, but you really shouldn't stress yourself. Focus on remembering and controlling your powers."

I wanted to face her. I wanted to know where I was and why Sebastian was refusing to let me see. I wanted to know what everyone had meant by 'the prophecy' and 'the queen'.

"I'm going to go search for this traitor," Lisa said after a moment. "I trust the both of you can get her back to her room safely?"

There was silence as I assume they both nodded.

"Good. Stay with her until I come tell you otherwise. It might be good for at least one other person to be with her for a while until we know how many people may be conspiring against her."

"I don't understand," I whimpered, curling over myself. "What's wrong with me that people want to hurt me?" My tears came back as I relaxed my hold on Sebastian defeatedly. "I know you said I was vulnerable right now because I can't control myself, but that can't be it." I managed to look up and meet his gaze. "What prophecy? What queen? I don't understand."

When no one answered, I sighed, then lay my head on Sebastian's chest again. "But no one is going to tell me. No one wants to worry me or overwhelm me." I clenched my fists. "If you won't tell me what's going on, then fine. But at least let someone teach me how to defend myself. I don't want to depend on everyone else forever."

There was a pause between us, and when I glanced back up, Sebastian was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I think you're ready," was all he said.

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