Chapter 1

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It was quiet.

I'd been kept in my room for what felt like ages. I had no way of telling time, no way of knowing how long I'd been confined to this dark place. My only salvation was when I would get the occasional visitor. Today it was a girl named Sarah.

She and the other girl had seemed completely heartbroken at the fact I didn't know them. They watched me, and the younger one burst into tears and tried to get closer to me. I'd been frightened and backed away, only to watch as she was thrown across the room by some invisible force. She hasn't been back to see me since.

Sarah sat beside me now calmly. "Has anything come back to you yet?" she asked in a gentle voice.

I shook my head.

Her smile saddened as she carefully reached out and took my hand. "It will. Sebastian and the others said this would be temporary. You'll remember everything soon."

I frowned. "Everyone keeps mentioning Sebastian, but he hasn't come to see me." I felt my eyes water in frustration. "Why? Who is he? Why can't I remember anything?"

Sarah reached over and hugged me. "He'll come. I'll make him if I have to. But I think he's just scared you'll lash out at him, or maybe do something similar to what happened to Jasmine..."

"I didn't mean to-"

"I know, and so does everyone else. You're still getting used to your powers. You have nothing to feel sorry for. Just keep in mind what's happening."

I nodded. I'd been told that I had recently been transformed into a demon, and that I was very powerful. It seemed that was the reason I'd been confined to this room. They were trying to protect everyone from me while I got used to my power. There seemed to be more to the story, but they always refused to tell me when I asked, saying I wasn't ready, or that I should try to remember it on my own.

"When can I leave this room?" I asked her desperately after a moment had passed. "Maybe I would have a better chance at remembering if-"

"I keep telling the others the same thing, Chrys. Believe me, I want to let you out. We're in such a beautiful building, I'm sure you'd love it. But they keep saying they have to make sure your powers have settled." She looked at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I've been trying to get you out of here, believe me."

"I do," I told her. "Can you at least tell me how long I've been here?"

She looked back down at her hands. "It's been about a week since you woke up, I think."

I stared at the wall. A whole week I'd been trapped in this room. A whole week that only a few people have come to see me.

Sarah suddenly grabbed my hand again. "Hey, try not to think about it. Spend your time trying to remember."

I looked down at our hands, and once again began staring at the black mark on my skin. I'd spent hours the past week looking at it, hoping to remember something. It had to mean something. It couldn't just be nothing.

"I'm going to go talk to him again. He needs to come see you. Maybe you'll remember something if you see him."

I returned my gaze to Sarah. She was smiling reassuringly at me, which left me confused. Why did she suddenly bring Sebastian up again? Does the mark have something to do with him?

I only nodded, and she squeezed my hand before standing and leaving.

Once again I was all alone. I returned my gaze to the mark, hoping to remember something. It was the only thing that had been familiar to me when I'd woken up, and I felt a tug on my heart whenever I looked at it. It means something to me. It has to.

What felt like hours went by before there was a knock on the door. I didn't answer, as I was staring hard at my wrist, hoping to remember. After a moment, the door opened.

I finally glanced up to see who was there. It was a man, with black hair, red eyes, and a black suit with a tailcoat. I stared at him.

He gave a small smile.

"Are you... Sebastian?" I asked slowly.

His smile fell as he nodded. "Yes, Chrystal. That's me. How are you?"

I felt that tug at my heart again, the same one I get when I stare at my left wrist. Instead of answering him, I looked back down at the mark.

"May I sit with you?" he asked after a moment.

I nodded.

He quickly made his way across the large bedroom and sat beside me on the bed. A moment later, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

My heart fluttered at the contact. My eyes began to water again out of frustration.

Sebastian looked at me and asked, "What's the matter?"

I looked back up at him. "What do I do?"

His expression changed. "I don't understand."

"I'm trapped in here. I want to leave this room. I want to know who I am, who everyone else is." My tears began to fall from my eyes. "Why does my heart hurt when I think about you and you're not here with me? I want to remember what this mark is." I held up my arm. "I want to know who you are to me. My heart felt so happy when I saw you, but I don't understand why."

I closed my eyes and cried into my hands. This wasn't fair. I wanted to be free from this stupid room. I wanted to remember the people who kept claiming to be my friends.

I felt a gust of wind in my hair, then was quickly drawn into a strong embrace.

"Calm down, Chrystal. There is no need to be so upset."

For some reason, his hold and his voice calmed me down. I stopped crying, and slowly the wind died down as well.

All of the sudden, I was aware of what had caused the wind. "I'm so sorry," I said, clinging to his coat. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Sebastian held me tighter. "No, everything is alright, My Love."

I pulled away slightly. "'Love'?"

He smiled softly, then moved his lips to mine.

We only kissed for a moment, but I felt so many emotions run through me as we did. This is why he's so important to me. I love him.

When he pulled away, he asked, "Does that answer your question? Or maybe you remember something?"

I tried to smile. "I remember that I love you, but that's about it. At least I know now why I felt so many things."

He embraced me again. "It's a start."

There was a beat between us, before he pulled away to face me. "Chrystal, I am so sorry that I hadn't come to see you until now. I wanted to give you time to remember on your own. I thought it would be the best thing for you. I should have known that was wrong. I should have been here. There is no excuse for the fact that I let you suffer in here alone. I will never forgive myself for that."

"No, please. It's okay. There's no point in both of us suffering like that."

He gave me a soft smile. "You really are still my Chrystal. That's good to hear." He then lifted my left arm in between us and made the mark visible to the both of us. "I know you're still confused, and I know it will come back to you in time, but for now, just know that this mark binds us." He then showed me the back of his left hand. On it was a mark that matched mine. "If you are ever in need of anything, whether you be in danger or you are simply lonely, call my name. I will come."

I looked up at him. "Are you leaving?"

He reluctantly nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. I have some things I need to take care of. Besides, I'm sure you need to rest after your little burst of energy.

I hadn't noticed until then, but I was a little tired.

"You're still adjusting to this life and these powers of yours. Rest up, and I'll come visit you again tomorrow." He leaned forward and kissed me again. "I swear to you, My Love, I will not let you suffer alone anymore."

I nodded, and then he was gone.

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