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Each Grade Described:

Grade Head: The Head, meaning head of the government for assassins, is the strongest assassin in Japan. They are the person that decides who gets to be an assassin and/or official, and what mission each assassin and/or official gets to go on. They also inform the officials when they spot a crystal user. The Head is also in charge of the crystals. Making sure they don't get lost, or stolen.

Grade Ofiicial: The officials, that work close to the Head, and are very powerful assassins. They are next in ranking with the Head being first. They get the choices the Head gives to them or the higher ranks of the organizations for a mission, when a crystal user is spotted and who gets to go on that mission.

Grade Higher Rank: The higher ranks are the assassins that are in charge of the Labyrinth and Fantasm organizations, and are next in ranking to the officials. They are somewhat like teachers to the lower ranking assassins that attend these organizations, or in the eyes of the normal people, are "schools". They go on missions that the officials inform them on, and if the lower ranking assassins get a mission, the higher ranks inform the lower ranks of that mission.

Lower Ranking Grade- "Students": These assassins, or so called "students" are the lower ranking assassins in the Labyrinth and Fantasm organizations, or "schools." They are taught what the higher rank were taught, and are trained almost every day to increase in skill level. These assassins are based on their skill level when they enter the organization and are given a grade between "semi-grade 5" being the strongest, to "grade 1 starter" being the weakest.

Organizations Faculty: These people are either people being pulled from their daily lives to work at these organizations, or are old assassins that were accepted to be a faculty member of the organizations from their demand, which is quite hard to convince the officials who make the decision. They are either an assassins assistant, who only helps the higher ranks and take orders for those higher ranks, and high grading students, and the medics, who help the injured assassins after missions.

Summary Of Story:

There are two secret organizations for assassins located in Japan in this society. In this world, there are many different kinds of crystals and each hold a different and special power. However, each crystal in this world has only one copy of each other. And yet, for some instants one crystal could be divided into two parts or more, and the more a person divides a crystal, the less strong that crystal becomes. Some of the kind citizens of Japan don't know anything about these crystals, organizations, and the government and the government wants to keep it like that forever. Making the citizens unknown of what the world really is. Still, some of the citizens that live in Japan know what is happening that others don't. They know what the crystals do, and what they can cause. These people want collect them, take ahold of them for them self, to have them for power, money, and just greed itself. Naming them "Corrupted Crystal Users". Those assassins that work for the organizations to kill those that have obtained those crystals and take them back to the government to keep them "safe". And how do some people know about these crystals? Because they were found by a citizen named Motoko Masumoto. He decided to start the government to keep the crystals "safe". And select people only know because they worked for him. His, people called "Officials", the second strongest assassins, select the most born powerful people in Japan, taking them away to train to be an assassin. Each organization is called a "school". The Labyrinth School, and the Fantasm School. Each "school" has two or more higher ranks, meaning they are in charge of the students there and higher ranks are the third most powerful assassins. The students and higher ranks are all graded by their skill level as an assassin. The better you are, the higher grade you are in.

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