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xxxx: "Hmm.. why would he do that, though? It's just.. doesn't sound like him."

Rena: "Don't you think it is weird that you put three starter grade 1s on a mission made for semi-grade 4s? Whats up with that?"

- Rena Kojima - Semi-Grade 5

Norio: "Don't worry, Rena. I put them on that mission for a reason."

- Norio Murakami - Higher Rank
- Age: 30

Kojima: "Really?! Whoa! It is absolutely hilarious that you're really trying to kill the starter grade 1s! And, they're just starting out! Let me guess... the officials put you up to this, right!?"

Murakami: "No, no, no, Rena. Why would I try and kill the grade 1 starters? Now thats just cruel. Even.. for the officials."

Kojima: "Haha.. Huh? Then.. why send them on a mission for, like, semi-grade 4s?"

Murakami: "Well, first, Rena, they won't be alone. They will have someone who is in a much higher grade level then themselves accompany them on that mission."

Kojima: "Then.. who will be accompanying with them? Who will that be, hm?"

Murakami: "Well, of course, you will, Rena. Who else? You are the strongest student there is at the Labyrinth School."

Kojima: ".... HUH?!"

Oshita: "Wow! So pretty! So elegant! Such a lovely mansion! Oh how I wish I could live here!"

- Sachiko Oshita - Grade 1 Starter

Seiichi: "Yeah! Its so big! How does someone not get lost in it?"

- Seiich Kojima - Grade 1 Starter

Iwata: "You two need to calm down. We are here for a reason. We need to assassinate the person who has one of the crystals."

- Satoshi Iwata - Semi-Grade 1

Oshita: "Lets ditch this mission and just live here!"

Seiichi: "But thats a dumb idea. The person who we need to kill is in there."

Oshita: "Yeah, I know, Kojima! I mean kill the bitch, then live in their mansion!"

Seiichi: "Then.. aren't we just stealing?"

Oshita: "No, no, no! It.. its not stealing! Besides, we're assassins! We can do whatever we want and not worry about a thing because we're approved by the government! Duh!"

Seiichi: "Well, who are evening killing here?"

Iwata: "Well, first of all, his name is Nori Sato. Age, 30. Supposedly, he has the red crystal."

Seiichi: "Wow! I heard that a red crystal is one of the more powerful crystals!"

Oshita: "Really?! Cool! I am so excited! This is going to be the best first mission ever!"

Seiichi: "I still can't believe where going to kill a guy..! I never would have thought I would be doing this.."

Oshita: "Same here! Its so unbelievable!"


Iwata: "A red crystal? They're right. A red crystal is one of the more powerful ones. This mission is not made for grade 1 starters. It's too dangerous for them."

Seiichi: "I can't believe I am going to assassinate someone! So weird.. Moreover, we are going to be a reason for saving people!"

Oshita: "Omg! It so exciting! I feel my heart racing with excitement! We're going to save hundreds! Be heros to society!

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