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Seiichi: "Rena, why did you want us to come here so early in the morning?"

Oshita: "Yeah. I'm so tired.."

Iwata: "If the reason isn't good enough then I am telling higher rank Murakami."

Rena: "No, no! Please don't! It is good, I promise!"

Oshita: "Then spit it out!"

Rena: "Have you guys ever traveled to any place before?"

Iwata: "No, I don't think so."

Oshita: "Yeah! Its sooo fun! But It is so hard with everything! The luggage, check in, getting on the right plane, so troublesome!"

Seiichi: "I never have. But it sounds so fun! I wish I could do it!"

Rena: "Well you three, along with one other are... going to America!"

Iwata: "Huh?!"

Oshita: "America?! Really?! Ohh! That sounds so fun! God! It is going to be so exciting! I can feel my heart racing with excitement!"

Seiichi: "A trip to America?! Wow! It sounds so fun!"

Iwata: "It sounds treacherous."

Oshita: "Shut up, Iwata! You always make
thing sound so not fun!"

Seiichi: "Yeah, come on, Iwata! Have some joy! We're going to America! Thats a fun thing!"

Rena: "Iwata! Stop being a buzz kill! Be excited like Oshita, and Seiichi!"

Oshita: "Also, you said that there was another that would be accompanying us. Who's that?"

Rena: "Well.. surprise!"

Rena: "Izumi Uchida is going to tag along with you guys! Everyone else has other missions and matters to attend to, so Izumi is going with you guys!"

Rena: *whispering* "And that no one wants to go on a mission with stater grade 1s.."

Uchida: "Hey!!! It is so exciting to be going on a mission with the you stater grade 1s!"

Seiichi: "Hi! This is so exciting! We are going to America!"

Uchida: "I know, right?! It is going to be so fun!"

Oshita: "Great, its that weirdo."

Iwata: "This will be interesting, isn't it?"

Uchida: "And.. here we are! The place we are staying at!"

Oshita: "Oh my god! This so fancy! I feel like a princess going here!"

Seiichi: "This is awesome! This place must be so expensive! Just look at it!"

Iwata: "Okay, but why are we here, exactly? Theres gotta be a reason on why where here."

Uchida: "Well, apparently there are people with certain crystals that we are unknown to the color, so we were sent here to find out what color the crystals are and to stop them! Or more like, kill them."

Oshita: "Wait.. did you say 'crystals?' Like, more then one? Like, plural?"

Uchida: "Yeah!"

Seiichi: "But, we never dealt with multiple crystals at once! We only ever handled one!"

Oshita: "Yeah! And just that one was difficult on its own!"

Seiichi: "Also! Iwata almost got killed! And Koj- Rena!"

Iwata: "Well, it wasn't that bad. I mean, I didn't die."

Oshita: "But you almost did!"

Uchida: "Whatever! They're fine now, anyway! Lets just enjoy this trip while we can, okay!?"

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