Its always been you.

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  Bradley knew there was only three places he could be..and one he definitely knew he would be..the skatepark. Bradley ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the skatepark. When he approached. He heard the noise he hated most..sounds of gentle crying..

   Bradley approached the skatepark, his heart racing with anxiety and guilt. As he got closer he heard the sound he dreaded most - gentle crying.

He walked over to the area, his heart dropping when he finally spotted Max sitting on a bench, tears streaming down his face. Bradley's heart twisted in his chest at the sight of Max crying because of him.


Max quickly wiped his face and threw on a smile. "Oh hey B! Sorry I was just..uh..relaxing for a minute.." He lied..his beautiful deep blue eyes watery. "No biggie!"

Bradley could clearly see right through Max's attempted lie and fake smile. His eyes were watery and his face looked a little red.

"Max, don't lie. I know you've been crying."

Bradley moved closer to Max, sitting down next to him on the bench.

Max sniffed and he looked at Bradley annoyed.

"What do you care?! I'm just some what? Servant! You lied to your dad and yelled at me.." His face drops.

"Is that really what you think of me? That I'm just some poor worker because of the way I dress?"

Bradley winced as Max threw his harsh words and accusations back at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again, feeling ashamed of his actions.

"No, no..Max, it's not like that at all I swear..I don't think of you like that at all..."

Bradley looked away, unable to meet Max's angry gaze. He knew he had done wrong, but he didn't know how to fix it.

Max looked at him confused. "Then do you think of me? Because..I've just been confused. Y'know? So please..tell me." He said softly, little tears in his eyes.

  Bradley sighed and looked back at Max, feeling a pang of guilt at seeing the tears in his eyes


He paused, trying to put his thoughts into words. He wanted so badly to just say "I love you" or "you mean so much to me" but knew those words would come off as just excuses or empty words.

"'re everything to me. More than just a 'friend.' More than anything."

Max sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"What does that even mean B.." He said softly. "I know you're straight but when you call me 'pretty boy'..I just.." He looks away embarrassed.

"forget it.." Max mumbled.

Bradley's heart sank as Max brought up the "pretty boy" comment he had made a while ago. He realized how conflicted Max must feel...he sighs slightly.

"No...listen, Max. I have to tell you something... I'm not straight."

Max looked shocked and looked up at Bradley confused. "W..what?" He said confused and looked at him.

Bradley took a deep breath and looked at Max directly in the eyes.

"I'm not straight. I never have been. I'm...I'm gay, Max. I'm attracted to guys."

Max smiled a little and shrugged. "That's..well that's great! I didn't expect it's still wonderful!" He says softly and takes Bradley's hands.

Until I found youWhere stories live. Discover now