Chapter 6: Haein's Breaking Point

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The penthouse was unusually quiet as the late afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft light on the pristine furnishings. Haein sat at the dining table, her hands gripping the edge as if it were the only thing anchoring her to the present moment. The weight of the past weeks had taken its toll, and she felt a mounting pressure she could no longer ignore.

It had been a long day filled with meetings, errands, and a growing sense of unease about her own health, which she had been trying to ignore. Haein had been feeling increasingly dizzy and unsteady, but she kept pushing through, hoping to maintain a semblance of normalcy for Soobin’s sake. However, the constant strain of dealing with her daughter’s entitled behavior was proving to be the final straw.

Soobin arrived home later than usual, her mood as brash as ever. She strutted through the door, her designer bag slung carelessly over one shoulder and her phone pressed to her ear as she chatted animatedly with a friend. Ignoring her mother’s presence, she continued her conversation, her laughter echoing through the penthouse.

Haein’s patience, already worn thin, snapped. “Soobin, could you at least show some consideration? I’ve asked you several times to be more respectful, and yet you come home like you’ve never been away.”

Soobin barely glanced up, her tone dismissive. “Oh, Mom, not this again. I’m just tired. I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of it.”

Haein’s face flushed with frustration and fatigue. “A big deal? I’ve been running around trying to make sure everything is perfect for you while you act like I’m some sort of inconvenience!”

Soobin’s eyes widened, her reaction more theatrical than genuine. “Seriously? You’re yelling at me over nothing. It’s not like I asked you to do anything. I’m just living my life.”

The lack of empathy in Soobin’s response only fueled Haein’s anger. “Living your life? You mean spending money on things you don’t need and treating me like a servant? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep up with all this while I’m not feeling well?”

Soobin’s face twisted into a pout. “Oh, come on. You’re making it sound like I’m the only problem in your life. Maybe if you weren’t so dramatic about everything, we could actually have a normal conversation.”

Haein’s eyes filled with tears of frustration. “I’m not being dramatic, Soobin. I’m at my breaking point. I’m trying so hard to be a good mother and keep everything together, but I can’t do it all on my own while you continue to act like the world revolves around you.”

Soobin huffed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m done with this conversation. I have other things to do.” With that, she stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her.

The noise of the door slamming seemed to echo through the penthouse, amplifying the silence that followed. Haein remained at the dining table, her hands trembling as she tried to compose herself. The weight of her own exhaustion, coupled with the emotional strain of dealing with Soobin, left her feeling utterly defeated.

She slumped forward, resting her head in her hands as she tried to steady her breathing. The outburst had left her feeling drained, not just physically but emotionally. It was clear that her attempts to maintain control and composure were faltering, and the strain was becoming more evident with each passing day.

Soobin’s dramatic reaction only deepened Haein’s sense of isolation. Despite her daughter’s overreaction, the reality was that their relationship was fraying at the edges. Haein knew that if things didn’t change soon, their already tenuous bond could break beyond repair.

As she sat alone in the dim light of the dining area, Haein realized that she needed to confront not just her daughter’s behavior but her own well-being as well. The pressures of being a mother, coupled with the unspoken health concerns she had been ignoring, were taking a severe toll on her.

The evening wore on in silence, with Soobin remaining holed up in her room and Haein left to grapple with the overwhelming emotions that had surfaced. The conflict between them had reached a new intensity, and the path forward seemed uncertain, with both mother and daughter caught in a cycle of miscommunication and unspoken pain.

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