The New Resident(TVHKTRS Part2)

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Alostor and the other two V's were in they're meeting room a fizzy robot giving them they're drinks as they discuss the hotel and it's inhabitants "We Have A Problem" alostor said and took a sip of his drink and Val mostly stayed on his phone and velvet was given a printed photo of Charlie and stuck it on a blow dart target and kept throwing blow darts at the picture "Vox And Along With Charlie Are Getting Close To The Son Of One Strongest Overlords In Hell So We Have To Make Sure There's No Deal Struck With Them" Al said then Val looks up from his phone and asks "And How Are We Supposed To Do That?" Velvet spoke still throwing darts at the photo of Charlie with a shot eating grin "We Could Put Something In Them, That's How I Get My Bitches To Behave" she said still grinning til Val commented on her and her grin turned into a angry frown "Except Vaggie Apparently" she glared at the moth demon who put down his phone and faced her "She Belongs To Me! She Apparently Doesn't Recall That Since She Moved, And Apparently She Fancy's The Princess Over Me! I Mean What Makes Her The Total Package?!" She Said in frustration and Val just answered this with no hesitation what's so ever "1. She's Taller 2. Very Rich 3. Makes Good Drinks 4. Stronger&Smarter 5. She Has A Life and 6.... She Looks Hot, C'mon Could You Blame Vaggie For That?" Velvette's eye twitched then lunged at Val and the two began to fight Al found it amusing at first but to this point it was annoying and so he broke up the fight "Well Someone On The Inside Could Help Us...You Think Vaggie Would?" He turned and asked velvette "The Bitch Doesn't Even Return My Calls" she said in an irritated voice and Alostor continued to think "We Need Someone Who Mr. Bleeding Heart Would Take In" then Val spoke while on his phone "Someone Sad, Pathetic And No Direct Ties To Us" then velvette spoke still throwing darts of the photo of Charlie (Yeah She's Going To Do That A Lot) "I've Recruited Every Low Life On This Side Of The Ring Who The Fuck's Left?" Then as alostor looked the desks that showed items from previous foes or returning sinners he notices a fused out bomb and gets an idea of who to send "I Think... I Have... Just The One" deer antlers grew from his head and his smile grew with red stitches on his face

*At The Hazbin Hotel*

Vaggie was sitting on the couch on her phone and Charlie with Razzle and dazzel were at the bar and the hole was fixed then Angel and husk came back and Vaggie asked "Sooo How'd It Go?" Angel flopped onto the couch and groans as husk sighed "Not A Single New Recruit" vaggie shrugged and turned back to her phone "Well Who Would Want They're Last Few Minutes Not Fucking Or Fighting?" husk groans but hears a knock on the door and answers it to reveal Cherri bomb? "What Up Du-Agh!" He punched her in the face before she could finish and pointed his cards at her but Cherri put her hands up In defense "Wait, Wait! I'm Not Here Fight!" She said then husk asked "Then Why Are You Here?!" Angel came out the door to see what was the problem was "Husk What's The Problem- Oh Hello Again!" He said enthusiastically at her, Cherri dusted herself off when she got on her feet and looked to Angel, husk and vaggie "I'm Not Here To Fight.. I Heard You Want To Help People Be Better So Can I Join?" Angel's smiles grew wider than ever before and took her hand and led her to the hotel "You Heard Right! Welcome To Our Place Of Healing,Love And-" he was suddenly stopped and interrupted by vaggie who didn't seemed pleased with this "She Tried To Kill Us An Hour Ago You Really Gonna Let Her Stay Here?!" She said to Angel who nodded at her "Of Course This Place Is For Second Chances So Why This Special Little Lady?" He said gesturing to Cherri who chuckled nervously and Vaggie just narrowed her eye and then looked at husk for back up "Aren't You Supposed To Protect This Place?" She said and husk looked at her and Angel who was closer and made a little face and said "Please" and he couldn't resist it and he couldn't bring himself to break angels heart "Fine I'll Consider It But No More Explosions" he said and Angel squeezed him into a hug and went to lead Cherri in the hotel "Welcome To The Hazbin Hotel Let Me Show You Around!" She follows him into the hotel as vaggie looked at her and said "Suspicious" and went inside, husk took a notice of her words and thought he should keep an eye on Cherri and went inside as his boyfriend showed her almost everything at this point "Babe You Don't Have To Show Her Every Detail" he said to Angel who calmed down a bit and then spoke "Sorry I'm Just So Excited That We Finally Have A Guest!" He said excitedly then Vaggie jumped in a little hurt "Uh What The Hell Am I Then?!" She said offended then Angel replied "Well You're Apart Of Our Family Vaggie But You-" before he could say anything else husk interrupted him "Constantly Make Us Look Bad, Sexually Harass The Staff, Never Once Tried To Improve" Angel then prevent husk from saying anything else then looked at Cherri "What Husk Means It's Nice To Have Someone Interested For Once" he said looking at cherri as she looks around the hotel and he and husk go to her and vaggie drops her sarcastic look into a sad face hurt by his words true she hasn't done her best to improve but she at least wanted show up to prove she could be something rather than nothing, Razzle And Dazzel looked at her sympathetic and turned to they're owner who just put down her bottle and turned to look at what they wanted her to do and saw Vaggie upset about something "What's Wrong With You?" She asked the one eyed girl who jumped a little at her question before changing her attitude rather quickly to Charlie "I'm Fine, Why Do You Ask Sexy~?" She said and Charlie rolled her eyes and answered "Razz&Dazz Wanted Me To See What The Problem Is So What Is It?" She asked again a little annoyed but vaggie didn't want to open up and still chose to cover up her act "Don't Know What You're Talking About And I'll Be In The Lobby Lounge If You Need Me Strong Mommy~" Charlie groaned and went back to drinking then her little goat butler's just rolled they're eyes a face palmed themselves on seeing how the conversation went and vaggie was with Angel and husk with Cherri doing a get to know each other circle and clapping their hands vaggie said it was stupid then husk spoke and clapped just to Annoy her and later her and cherri were dressed a drug addict and a child and she look at the script and thought it was stupid after Cherri giving a accepting performance to Angel, vaggie got a little jealous that she was being praised and vaggie was just old news to them and just decided to leave the room "I'm-I'm Going To Bed" and walked off, Razz&Dazz looked at Charlie again as Vaggie went upstairs and Charlie gave them a confused look "What?" She asked her goat dragon companions who replied with "Bahh(Go Talk To Her)" said Razzle and Charlie just got more confused "Why? It's Not My Fucking Problem" she told the goat demons but Dazzel continued the argument for Razzle "Baaah(Cause You Know What It's Like To Be In Her Position)" She sighs and knows they're right and grabs a beer a goes up stairs

*Vaggies Room*

She flops down onto her bed and pulls out her phone and looking at the millions of messages from velvette she's been ignoring all day

Message 1
"Vaggie~ Come Back Please It's Not The Same Without You"

Message 2

Message 3
"Sorry Love It's Just That I Get Crazy Without You Here"

Message 4

Message 50
"You Really Think You Can Change? Someone Like You Will Never Change...See You Soon Lovely"

Vaggie turned her phone off and sighed heavily and rested her head on her pillow, her cat keekee went up to her and nuzzled against her owner to give her comfort and vaggie appreciated it and held the cat in her arms and brushed her hand against her fur "Thanks KeeKee, I've Had A Rough Day" she said then heard a knock on the door and went to answer it once she did she saw no one there accept a bottle a light beer and a note attached to it and she read what the note said "I Thought You Needed Something Light After Today. And If You Need Someone To Pour You A Drink After Something Rough I'm Your Gal. From Charlie" vaggie grew a small blush at the note from the princess, she didn't think the princess would ever do something like this for someone like her but her thoughts were cut short do to hearing someone sneaking around the hotel and she goes to investigate, She sees the room Cherri went in and saw her put a Radio Of Alostor's behind a book shelf and she burst into the room scaring Cherri and catching red handed "I Fucking Knew We Couldn't Trust You!" She shouted at the cyclops demon and Cherri gave her a response that got under her skin "Well You Can Try To Expose Me But Like They Believe You!, Little Whore Tool!" Then Vaggie lunged at her and the two began to fight causing books to shake and fall off the shelves during the ruckus Razzel&Dazzel saw vaggie fighting Cherri, Dazz told Razz To get Charlie and he'd help vaggie he bit down on Cherri's ponytail and she yelps and punches him into the bookshelf Vaggie is now more angry and tackles her again Charlie and Razzle show up and the two see Cherri and Vaggie fighting and dazzel on the floor weeping in pain and Charlie grew angry and grabbed Cheeri by the neck and held her up high and vaggie stepped back, Angel and husk soon entered the room hearing the commotion "What Is Going On- Charlie Put Her Down!" She does so and the two owners of the hotel are confused and demanded answers "This Bitch Is A Traitor!" Said Vaggie holding Dazzel and pointing at Cherri who tried to lie her way out of it "What?! No! You're My Friends And Besides Where's Your Proof?" Just as she says this Charlie pulled the radio out of the bookshelf and shows it to everyone and Angel and husk gasp then Cherri started to panic and grabbed the radio from Charlie's hand and messed with the dial a bit before talking to someone "Help! I've Been Compromised And I Need To Get Out Of Here Quickly!" She shouted at the radio and then Alostor's voice came on the radio "Hm? Dear It hasn't Even Been A Day And You Miserably Failed So Quickly?" He said clearly disappointed at his inside informer got caught and Cherri tried to get him to help her "Please You Have Help Me!" She said to the radio but got a bitter response by alostor "Help You?! How About You Let Them Slaughter You Like The Rat You Are!" She began to tear up as he said that and Angel showed a face a sympathy Cherri drops the radio and is ready to accept her fate until Angel holds out his hand to her

After the odd encounter with Mimzy all headed back to their rooms "What A Good First Day" Angel said and they left the room but before Charlie could get to hers Vaggie grabbed her hand and slid the note she got from her in Charlie's hand and softly said "Thanks For Having My Back" and went to her room as Charlie gave a small smile it was small but it was still a smile and headed to her room with Razz&Dazz then someone went to the room a grabbed the radio it was vox who then activated "What Do You Want Now?!" He said til he heard a familiar laugh he didn't want to hear "Better Next Time Old Pal!" He laughed and destroyed the radio and vanished into the shadows

*End Of Chapter Six&Part2*

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