Chapter 1: The Idea

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Anthony always saw the good in people and was always a cheerful person with little sister Molly and older brother arackniss they're father wasn't really a good person but they're mother was a saint they were in a mafia family so they didn't have it easy Angel didn't want any part of the blood shed from the family business but his father forced it on him and his brother he was horrified at everything they did he came to father one night and said he was having no part of it anymore and wanted to start something of his own he and his father bickered til suddenly a rival gang shot them all dead then the next thing he knows he was in hell with his brother and father his mother and sister were now in heaven he,his brother and father got used to hell after a while he definitely didn't suspect his father would become a big named overlord not at alostor the radio demon level but like Carmilla carmine level being a feared overlord in hell his brother joined in on it as well Angel didn't he became a theater actor and called himself Angel dust he didn't like the yearly exterminations on hell heaven unleashed to prevent overpopulation in hell though he thinks there's another way he thought long and hard if there was something that heaven could agree on instead of bloodshed he didn't even know how he was going to do it until it dawned on him Redemption that would work it hasn't been done before so it could work he got another idea for his redemption plan he would make it a rehabilitation program he went and bought a building and fixed up most of the place he tried to get people on the idea but no one was interested all accept for a certain demon he saw was hurt on a extermination it was a cat demon named husk his wings were hurt badly and he brought him to the hotel and nursed him to health after a while they became friends and then into lovers once they realized they fell for one another as they tried they still didn't get any guest until as they thought they're luck was out someone knocked on their limo window "Hello There! In For The Mood On Looking At The Latest On Velvet's High Fashion Line Or Cause I Have No Other Choice In The Mood For A Good Time-" she stopped as she looked at the two with Angel waving at her with a smile and husk giving her a suspicious glare "Wait Aren't You That Mafia Demon's Kid?" She asked narrowing her eye Angel nodded and stretched out his hand for a shake "Yep Names Angel Dust And If You Don't Mind Could We Interest You In A Project Of Mine?" She thought for moment then answered "Sure, As Long As You Buy This Tie And hair Gell So My Boss Won't Get Pissed" she cringed at the mentioning of her boss and Angel just says "Sure!" And she backs up and Angel opens the door he then grabs vaggie and pulls her in the limo as she yelps "Wah!" She shouts and enters the limo as the driver starts driving she looks at the two demons Angel of course is excited and husk just gives her a suspicious glare "Is He Always Like This?" She asked pointing at husk and Angel then looks at husk then to vaggie "Oh Yeah He's Like That At Times He Doesn't Always Trust People" he chuckled and vaggie gave him a nod Angel sits up right and continues "So Mind Telling Us You're Name Miss?" He asks her and vaggie "Vagatha, But I Go By Vaggie I'm A Famous Woman Around Here You Probably Heard Some Songs I Made" she said in a prideful voice and husk rolled his eyes and Angel was thinking about something "I'm Not Sure If I Have Maybe Name A Song" he said and Vaggie named a song she did a collaboration with from wrath "I Did This Song With Someone Named Versosika Mayday Called (Livin In A Fire Dome)" she said and angel's eyes and vaggie swore she saw literal stars in his eyes as they sparkled "That's One Of My Favorites!" The two started chatting before husk had to remind Angel what they asked to talk about he then got to the point "Okay So...I Purchased An Old Building And Turned It Into A Rehabilitation Program To Redeem Sinners To End The Yearly Exterminations And We Haven't Gotten A Patriot To Do It Yet But We're Looking For Someone Who Wants To As A Test To Prove Redemption Works!" Vaggie looked at him blank and his smile turned into a sad frown "You Think It's Silly Don't You?" She looks at him feeling a lot guilty and says "Well It's A Little Ridiculous But If It Means I Don't Have To Live In A Crappy Apartment Sure I'll Give It A Shot" she says and Angel hugs her tightly with small tears "Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You!" Husk then separates them to give vaggie the ground rules "Okay So Here's What You Have To Know If You Want To Stay
1. No Alcohol!
2. No Drugs
3. No Fights
4. No Killing
5. No Inviting People Who Don't Want Redemption
6. Attend To Daily Activities and Finally
7. No Bad Language...Sometimes
Got It?!" He says firmly Vaggie just rolls her eye and says "Yes" and with that she got dropped off by her apartment and was given some cash and the two went back to the hotel she walked upstairs and into her apartment and pressed her back against the door and slid down and sat on the floor as her cat which was a cyclops walks up to her and brushes against her legs and purrs trying to comfort her, she smiles and picks up the cat and looks at the cat in the eye with a soft smile "Redemption, Silly Huh KeeKee?" she says and walks up to her balcony and looks up on the light in the sky which was heaven, she touches her shoulder and ponders til she says something to herself "Maybe This Could Be A Way To See If I'm Not Worthless"

*End Of Chapter One*

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