11| 𝔥𝔦𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰

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𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔩, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔥

— VALIRA LEFT HER CHAMBERS WITH A LIGHT HEART, HER MIND STILL OCCUPIED WITH THE SWEER MEMORIES OF HER NIGHT WITH JON. As she wandered through the corridors of Winterfell, her thoughts were interrupted when she encountered Robb Stark.

"Good morning, Princess," Robb greeted with a warm, friendly smile. "You look rather cheerful today." Valira blinked, slightly caught off guard by his unexpected appearance. "Good morning, Robb. Yes, I suppose I am. It's a beautiful day." Robb's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "It certainly is. I was just heading to the dining hall. Care to join me? I could use some company for breakfast." Valira hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"Breakfast does sounds lovely."

Robb's smile widened as he fell into step beside her. As they walked towards the dining hall, Robb initiated a conversation with his usual easy charm. "So, Princess, have you had a chance to explore more of Winterfell? I hear there's still plenty left to discover."

Valira shook her head with a smile. "Not as much as I'd like. I've mostly been getting accustomed to the cold and catching up with Sansa. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her much today. Do you know where she might be?" Robb's expression shifted to one of mild concern. "Ah, I'm not entirely sure. She's probably with Prince Joffrey. They've been spending quite a bit of time together lately." Valira's brow furrowed slightly.

"With Joffrey? I see. I hope everything's alright. I know she's been dealing with a lot lately."

Robb's tone softened. "Yes, Sansa's been through quite a bit, but she's a strong girl. I'm sure she's handling it as best she can." Valira nodded, though a hint of worry remained in her eyes. "I just wanted to make sure she's okay. I've been trying to be a good friend, but it's not always easy to know what's going on." Robb gave her a reassuring smile. "I understand. It's tough when you can't always be there for someone you care about. If you ever need to talk or need help finding her, just let me know." Valira appreciated his kindness. "Thank you, Robb. That means a lot to me."

As they reached the dining hall, Robb held open the door for Valira. "Let's enjoy some breakfast. We can talk more about Sansa later, and I can fill you in on any updates I hear." Valira smiled as she entered. "That sounds like a good plan." As they settled in for breakfast, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Robb shared amusing stories from his recent training exercises, and Valina found herself laughing, the earlier concern momentarily forgotten.

They finished their breakfast, and Robb walked Valira back towards the main hall. As they approached a parting point, Robb took a moment to address her with a touch of playful flirtation. "I enjoyed our breakfast, Princess. Perhaps we can do this again sometime?" Valira chuckled, feeling both amused and slightly awkward given her recent experiences. "I'd like that, Robb. Thank you for the company." Robb's smile was genuine as he gave a small bow. "Until next time, then." As Valira watched him walk away, she felt a mix of emotions. The morning had been pleasant and filled with light-hearted conversation, but she couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of Jon and the strange, yet exhilarating, complications their relationship had introduced.

Valira wandered through the castle corridors, her thoughts a mix of concern for Sansa. Absorbed in her reflections, she barely noticed Jon standing just around the corner. His gaze fell upon her, and a knowing smile touched his lips. Quietly, he moved to intercept her path, gently taking her by the arm and guiding her into a nearby, less frequented room.

The moment they were inside, away from prying eyes, Jon closed the door behind them with a soft click. Valira turned, startled, and her breath caught when she saw him, her heart racing. Before she could say anything, Jon stepped closer, his eyes dark with a mix of longing and affection. His hand cupped her face gently, and he leaned in, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was fervent and immediate, both of them seeking solace and passion in the embrace.

Valira's initial surprise melted into eager response. Her hands found their way to Jon's shoulders, pulling him closer as their kiss deepened. Their bodies pressed together, and the heat between them grew intense. Jon's hands roamed to her waist, pulling her firmly against him. In the heat of the moment, their kisses became more urgent, each touch and caress filled with unspoken yearning. The room seemed to shrink around them as their shared desire took center stage.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching the door. Panic momentarily replaced their passion. Jon, quick to react, grabbed Valira's hand and pulled her toward a small closet in the corner of the room. They squeezed inside, the tight space forcing them into close proximity. Their breaths mingled in the dim light, and Valira could feel Jon's heart pounding just as fiercely as her own.

Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark entered, their conversation muffled by the walls of the closet.
Valira looked up at Jon, her face flushed. "What are you doing?" she whispered, trying to keep her voice steady. Jon, his face a mix of confusion and embarrassment, glanced down at himself. "I'm, um, doing nothing," he stammered, his cheeks reddening as he realized his physical reaction to their earlier encounter. "I... I can't control it." Valira tried to stifle a laugh, the absurdity of the situation breaking through her worry. She looked around the small, cramped space. "Okay, I'll... I'll just turn around," she said, her voice still hushed but with a playful edge, but the movement only made things more awkward. Valira couldn't help but laugh softly. "This is actually worse," he said, embarrassed the situation.

Valira gave a small smile, realizing the humor in their predicament. "I know. I'm sorry." Their laughter was cut short by the sound of their fathers. Robert's voice was casual. "Ned, I need to discuss a few things with you." Ned's response was hesitant but agreeable. "Of course, my King. What's on your mind?" Valira and Jon exchanged glances, their breaths shallow as they listened. There was a serious edge to Robert's voice. "I want you to become my Hand." Ned was surprised but his response was measured, a mix of surprise and concern.

"That's a significant position. It's not a responsibility I can take lightly."

Robert's voice grew more resolute. "I understand the gravity of it, Ned. But I need someone I can trust, someone who understands the realm and its people. I can't think of anyone better suited for the role than you. Your King commands it." A sigh escaped Ned, revealing his internal struggle. "You ask a lot. But if it's my King that asks it, then I will accept." The conversation continued, and after a few moments, the two men left the room, closing the door behind them.

As the sound of their footsteps faded, Jon and Valira cautiously emerged from the closet. Jon looked at Valira, his face a mix of relief and chagrin. "That was close," he said, running a hand through his hair.
Valira nodded, still smiling despite the tension. "Yes, it was. But at least we're safe now." Jon chuckled softly. "I guess we are. So, what did you hear from our fathers?" Valira shook her head, still amused. "Not much. Just that my father was talking about some official matters with Lord Stark. Nothing too surprising."

They both laughed, the earlier tension dissipating. Valira took a deep breath. "Well, I suppose I should get back to my wandering. And you should probably head off before someone else sees you." Jon nodded, his expression softening. "Yes, you're right." As Jon turned to leave, Valira watched him go, her heart still racing from their close encounter. The rest of her day seemed to stretch before her, but with a sense of exhilaration and the promise of more to come.

Things are about to get more interesting. What do you all think of this chapter?
Also thank you so much for reading my story. It means a lot to me <3
Love you all!

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