Cloë's pov
The day after McGonagall's decision I woke up, realising that I would have to spend my whole schoolday with Malfoy. I got out of bed, hopped in the shower, got dressed and put some make up on. By the time I was done, Hermione had also finished with everything. We got in the commonroom where Harry and Ron already were and together we walked to the great hall for some breakfast. Just talking to my friemds and laughing with them made me for a moment forget about my aweful day.
After breakfast we stood up and got ready to walk to potions as that was our first lesson today. We were just out of the great hall when someone stopped me. Hey pottergirl, don't forget about your studymate will you! Malfoy said. Well I'm uhm how do I say this.. o yea NOT sorry about forgetting you... not that we also have to walk to our lessons together. Just studying together is a big enough of a punishment for me! Feisty, I like that, Malfoy said after winking at me. I just rolled my eyes and pulled Hermione with me by her arm to get away and to make sure that we wouldn't be to late for posions.
When we walked into the posions classroom, Snape wasn't there yet. I went to sit in front of the class with Hermione, Harry and Ron behind me. When Malfoy got there he apparently was ready for another discussion as he loudly told me how he would never ever be sitting in the front of the class. Come on loser we're sitting in the back of the class said he and he walked over to a desk that was all the way in the back. I stood up and protested by saying: no way that I will listen to your orders jerk! But being me with my bad luck, Snape had just entered the classroom. Miss Potter as I have heard that you and Mister Malfoy should sit together I suggest you go and sit next to him if you don't want detention in your first week here. But Professor... Don't ignore my orders!
Well I wasn't ready for detention in my first week so I did as Snap said and picked up my stuff and went to sit next to Malfoy in the back but not without a lot of plans in my head to get that ferret back for this. The rest lf the lesson wasn't much better. We bad to make our first ever potion. With Malfoy knowing he is a wizard since his birth, he already knew a bit about brewing a potion. This way the lesson consisted of me trying to concentrate and really trying to make the potion and Malfoy just sitting and doing nothing except commenting on whatever I did.
I couldn't be happier when the lesson was finally over. Not that I had survived the whole day....
The rest of the day was just the same in almost every lesson. After lessons I could finally go to the Griffindor commonroom with my friends and rest after that aweful day. There Harry told about his trip to gringotts with Hagrid and about the weird little package that Hagrid got out of one of the vaults. When none of us could think of what it could be we went to dinner. After that we just had some fun in the commonroom with the weasley twins and went to bed.Hey guys, I know that it's not a really good chapter but I hope that maybe I'll be able to make this a good story if I just start with writimg again. I'm not sure but I might write more after this!