Diagon Alley

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After reading the letter and packing my stuff, Lady Mary said that she would take me to diagon alley. On our way there she explained everything I needed to know. No more, no less. On diagon alley we bought everything I needed for hogwarts. The last thing you need Cloë, are hogwarts cloaks. We went to the store to get them when I saw a really big person waiting in front of the store. I stopped walking and Lady Mary saw it. "There is no need to be afraid Cloë! That's just Hagrid!" We went over to Hagrid. After a little conversation, I knew he was a nice person and there was nothing to be afraid of! We walked into the store and that's where I saw him......!

There was a boy. He was around 5 inches taller than me, he had the same dark coloured hair, the same green eyes and the most schokking was that he had the same scar on his forhead! He is my twinbrother! I wanted to run to him, but then I saw him talking to a boy, a blond and grey-eyed boy. I didn't know if I should walk to them because Harry seemed really angry. When I saw Harry angry like that I wanted to help him. I went over to the boys and asked what was wrong. Who do you think you are? the blond haired boy asked. I reached my hand to shake his and said: Hi I'm Cloë, Cloë Potter may I say. Both mouths of the boys fell open. I'm sorry I have to tell you this like this Harry, but i'm your twin sister!

After a, for me, really awkward silence the blond haired boy started talking. You're his sister? Hi I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. If you want some good friends I can help you! But don't be as stupid as your brother and turn my afford down! Draco said. I'm sorry? Did you just say my brother is stupid? Do you wanna have a black eye on your first schoolday? I don't think so, so I would stop saying those things to my brother if I were you! I was mad, really mad. He ruined the first meeting with my brother! Harry stood there not knowing what to say. Even Draco had no words. I grabbed Harry's hand and walked away from the stupid Malfoyboy.

Draco's POV

That was his sister? I must say, she looks like Harry as a girl, but she not as shy as Harry. I liked that... Wait, what am I saying? She is his sister! I hope this will turn out well on hogwarts!

Back to Cloë's POV

The rest of that day, I was with Harry in Diagon Alley and we got to know each other. I was so happy! I finally had familiy and that was the same with Harry. Yes he had our aunt, uncle and cousin, but they were awful for him. After two hours we saw Lady Mary again. Cloë, we really have to go now! Say goodbye for now to Harry! You will see him sooner than you can say hogwarts. Harry and I hugged and said that we would sit together on the hogwarts express!

On the hogwarts express Harry and I became friends with Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger. Hermoine is a really sweet girl. I think we're going to be good friends, if I don't get sorted in an other house. Harry, Ron and Hermoine want to get sorted in Griffindor. Me to. I just got a brother and two friends. I don't want to lose that with getting sorted in Slyterin or something like that!

The twin sister of Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now