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When we entered hogwarts, we saw a old witch who introduced herself as professor Mcgonagall. When we walked into the great hall, everyone was surprised to see how big and beautiful it was. We were standing in front of a little chair with an old hat. The hat sang a song about the houses and then Mcgonagall started to read out our names one by one. Hermione Granger! Hermione looked scared so I told her it would be alright. Gryffindor! Ron Weasley! The hat said something about him being another Weasley and when Ron got in Gryffindor, I saw an identical twin and the prefect with the same red hair.

Harry Potter! Everyone stared whisteling about him being the real Harry Potter. I didn't care about him being famous. I did care about the reason why ofcourse. It took the hat a long time to know that Harry belonged in Gryffindor. Cloë Potter! I was so nervous that I didn't hear the whispering of people who didn't know Harry has a sister. The only thing I could think was: not Slytherin, not Slytherin. The hat talked about how I would be great in al houses, but I was to nervous to really listen. I thought about my mom and dad and about how I wanted to make them proud by being a Gryffindor just like Harry when suddely the hat yelled: Gryffindor!

I was really happy to walk towards my brother and my new friends. The rest of the evening was pretty fun. We ate together and then went to our dorm to sleep. Before I went to sleep I thought about al the good things that happened to me. I was so happy to have a sibling like Harry and to go to a school where I have friends. 

The next day we got our schedule. Just to bad that we have a lot of classes with the annoying Slytherins. The rest of the day went by. It was awesome to learn about wizardy and wichcraft. The only thing going wrong was Draco Malfoy. I think that Ron and Harry almost got into a fight with him when he called Hermione a mudblood. Hermione and I were able to get them away from Draco but not without revange from me!

I heard that I had to ask Fred and George for that. When they heard who and why, they wanted to help immediatly. I came with the perfect plan and they helped me to do it. It's a galleon that, when you pick it up, it wil spray paint all over you. And it was almost perfect. We stood around the corner when we heard Draco and that he took the galleon of the ground. After the screams about being surprised, I jumped from around the corner and yelled not to say anything about my friends anymore.

Draco chased me after that, so I ran and ran untill it smashed into someone. And that someone had to be Mcgonagall. She told Draco and I both to follow and brought us to the office of Dumbledore. When he saw what happend en heard Draco's explanation, he told Draco to leave and go take a shower. When Draco had left, Dumbledore talked to me. You look just like your father in and out. You got his hair but your moms eyes just like Harry. The only difference between you and your brother are your personalities. Witch is as i said for you just like your father. Joking around and standing up for your friends. For this time you can go, but be careful or you will get detention just like everybody else.

When I got to the dorm, I told all my friend about it and they loved it exept for Hermione who told me not to do those kind of things. But I saw in Hermione's eyes that she liked it that I stood up for her. With the thougth of knowing a bit more about my parents and what they looked like I fell asleep!

The twin sister of Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now