So I did take revenge of what Malfoy did to Hermoine, but I wasn't done with kicking his butt. If he would make another mistake then he should really watch out. Dumbledore was right. I do want to step up for my friends and I like it that it was my father who did that too. The week after the galleon with paint was relaxing because Malfoy minded his own business and we just ignored him. But then it went wrong again.
Me and Hermoine were just walking around the school and talking about everything that happened today and there was loads to discuss. Malfoy was being rude the whole day and all me and Malfoy did was discussing and fighting. And then again we met Malfoy but this time I bumped into him.... this wasn't gonna end well.
We were just talking about schoolwork and what classes we have tomorrow when we walked around the corner and I bumped into someone. I fell over and looked up to who I bumped in. I was about to apologize when I saw Malfoy. Weren't you about to apologize to me Potter? I was until I saw it was you my always so friendly friend Malfoy!!
Don't you dare to talk to me like that! I will tell my father. Stay out of my sight you and your mudblood friend. That was it! I am not gonna let him talk like that! I stood up and punched him in the face. He looked confused for a moment en than gave me a 'shove so I fell over again and hurt my ankle. You git hurt my ankle! Ms Potter and Mr Malfoy to my office immidiately!!
It was Mcgonagall..... we were in trouble!! We walked with her and what she told us there was the most terrible thing I had ever heard. Apperently there were some kids who saw us fighting and want to get Mcgonagall. She said that we were from now on studiemates. It means that we have to sit togheter in class and that we have to studie and make homework togheter. She said that by this we will learn how to become friends with our enemy's and not to fight.
When she was done talking and explaining we could go. When we got out of her office Malfoy started again with being annoying. Seems to me that we have to become friends and that you can make my homework! I will never make your homework Malfoy so forget about that. And about making friends? I would rather be friends with a pig! Well well I thought we would be nice to each other.... I will see you tomorrow in class then? I couldn't believe him. I just went back to the common room and told everything to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Malfoy's POV
I annoy her so much. But since the first time I saw her I can't stop thinking about her. And the worst thing is that I think about her in a positive way....! This shouldn't be like this but I can't help it! We were fighting a lot and I pretented like I liked it but I didn't. We were both silence for a week and I liked it that I didn't have to be a jerk towards her but I didn't like it that she ignored me!
One day I was walking around the school when someone bumped into me. I heard that she wanted to apologize but the person didn't. And then i saw it was her, Cloë Potter. Me shoving her away was just a reaction to her punch. I was shocked when we had to come with Mcgonagall, but maybe this fight will make everything just better for me.....!
Thanks for the comments! yay cliffhangers. I like to write cliffhangers ;P
I hope that I'm able to write again as soon as I can!!!!!