Chapter Six - Guardian Beneath The Waves

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The Lanayru Sea, just off the coast of Hyrule.

The sea was mildly choppy and there was a light shower, but underneath the sea was very blue. The soundscape was dominated by the chorus of whales and dolphins singing serenely. In the distance, a submarine came into view. It had the markings of the Zora sapphire on its hull. The submarine's command bridge was occupied by a Zora crew wearing full body suits, sitting at different holographic computer monitors, It was filled with air, as they can breath air like non Zoras. The navigator, a female Zora with aqua blue skin, was looking at a full topographical map of the sea bed displayed on a holographic sand table.

"Navigator, anything out of the ordinary?" the captain asked. He had grey skin like a reef shark and had a pin badge on his uniform showing his rank.

"No sir, just another day in the office for the Royal Zoran navy" the navigator replied jokingly.

"Hey, an uneventful mission means we get back to port, and our families see us in one piece!"

"Yes, captain, I agree, my parents are always hoping I get back home with no injury, I would have joined the Royal Marine Corps if my mum did not disapprove!"

"Maybe she doesn't want that beautiful face of yours to be riddled with nasty scars" the captain replied with a kind smile. "No, I'm guessing she doesn't want you at high risk of coming back home with missing limbs and fins!"

On the surface there was a jet black ship that looked very menacing. It was following a whale that had come up for air.

"Captain, we have an unknown surface vessel due north of our location!"

The sonar tech chimed in on the intercom.

"Can you identify it?" he asked.

"I'm working on it sir" she replied.

"I'm suspecting it might be a whaling ship; it has that sound signature."

the sonar operator stated.

"Damn them surface dwellers! They got no respect for the marine life!" the Captain exclaimed angrily slamming his fist down on the map table.

"Send a surface ROV to its location!" the Captain ordered.

"Understood Captain, I'm doing it right now" another submariner acknowledged.

A drone sub was deployed from the Zora sub as it made its way to the surface. When it broke through, it spotted a rust-riddled hulk of a ship.

The Captain and his crew watched the monitor as the ROV drone fed back the live footage.

"That looks badly maintained, this vessel; can it be from the forsaken city?"

They soon spotted a Bokoblin on the deck.

"That definitely belongs to Ganon, what can their intentions be?"

Before long, they saw a harpoon attached to the top of the prow of the ship and torpedo launchers on the broadside.

"That does not look good," the captain said as he pulled a handset to the PA system.

"Attention all crew. All hands on deck, we have a whaler ship in our territorial waters, it belongs to Ganon. Battle stations!"

The alarm was raised as they prepared to receive orders from the Captain.

Whaling in Zora waters was made illegal a century ago. They care about the health of the undersea environment, it was only more recently that Hyrule had banned that practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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