"Chasing the Storm: A Thrilling Pursuit"

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(Faith running over to StormPAR)
Javi: Talk to us.

Faith:We want the cells to the west.

Scott:Uh, the one to the east has much better numbers.

Faith: Mm, conditions don't feel right. Cap is too strong. It'll never break.

Javi: You heard her. Let's move. All right, let's move, fellas.

[claps hands]

Scott: All right. Guess we're listening to dandelions now.

(When Storm PAR was leaving)

Ben: I thought she told us east. She going the wrong way?

Tyler: Nope.

[wind turbines whooshing]

Javi:What did the tornado cowboy have to say?

Faith:Exactly what you'd expect. Oh, updraft is cycling. Okay, let's take a right up here.

[tires squealing]

[wind turbines creaking]

[thunder rumbling softly]

Javi: It's forming just like you called it. Scarecrow, Tin Man, get into position. Wizard, stick with me.

Faith: What's the plan?

Javi: So, we want a 3D scan of the entire area around the vortex, which means we're gonna surround it with three radars, each one pointed at the tornado. Tin Man will get
behind the tornado and plant his radar on the right-hand side. Scarecrow is gonna get behind the tornado and plant his on the left. And all the data that they send will be received by Wizard.

Faith: And how about Lion?

Javi: We got to complete the triangle. We get right in front of that thing and set up our radar.You got this, Faith. Just tell us where the front of the tornado is.

Faith: Okay.

Javi: That's our tornado, baby!

(Tyler cuts them off the dart road)

♪ Took a Nine-Eleven 'Bout a hundred and seven ♪

["Arkansas" by Chris Stapleton playing]

[ Faith muttering, grunting]

Tyler: All right, what's up, chat?

[Boone whoops]

Tyler: Welcome back.

[Ben laughing]

Tyler: Thank you for joining us. It is a perfect weather day. We just had tornado genesis. I'm looking at a tall rope due north of us, and she is pretty.

Javi: Dumbasses! It's like the wild, wild West out here.

♪ Havin' so much fun That it's probably... ♪

(Javi drives the truck back on the road)

Some Storm PAR guy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.

[tires squealing]

♪ All the boys and the girls Down there ♪

♪ Sure do know How to have a ball... ♪

Tyler: Joining us today, per usual, got my chief storm hound, Boone.

Boone: Boonie, baby. [whoops]

Tyler: We got Dexter and Dani in the caravan behind us.

[both growling playfully]

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