7. #premedboner

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I watch Lucas and Scott disappear through the doors. "Do you have any idea how serious this is?!" Coach Perez yells into my face.

My eyes widen and I snap back at him, "He's too big of a pussy to do anything!"

Coach Perez walks away for a second and then turns back around. "I thought we worked on controlling your anger. Either take it out in the ring or when sparring with your training partners. Do not take it out on those who can't fight!"

I clap my hands. "It was a demonstration! It was okayed by Dr. Offolberg..." I look off into the distance. "That was his name, right?"

Coach Perez points his finger in my face, making me turn my attention back to him. "It doesn't matter! He'll deny ever suggesting this little stunt to cover his own ass." Now, he points toward the main floor where everything happened. "The university will do the same and find a scapegoat to pin everything on, and guess what? You have deep pockets and they have evidence of everything! Rika... how can you be this stupid?! Just what did this guy do to piss you off?!"

"I—" I pause, wondering the same thing myself. Is it because I found him in the gym? Is it because he shoved and bit me? Is it because he said that gross thing on messenger? "I've been trying to figure that out..."

Coach Perez removes his sunglasses that were clipped to his shirt and puts them on. "Well, I hope you figure it out, and quick. I'm not sure what's going to happen. You could be in deep shit regardless of whether Lucas decides to press charges."

"I can make it right... I can go talk to—"

"No, you aren't talking to that guy again. You're not going to make this situation worse." Coach Perez grabs my wrist and pulls me through the same door Lucas and Scott just walked through. Though they are nowhere to be found. If Coach Perez won't let me talk to Lucas, maybe I can find that Scott guy. A friend, I assume? That might be my best option. Coach Perez continues to ramble on about something and I finally tune back in. "We're going to meet with Ellis and figure out what to do."

"Oh, please... not Ellis. Anything but that asshole," I mumble.

"Enough, Rika!" Coach Perez yells, walking down the hall. He adds a slap to the back of my head for good measure. I wince and rub where he hit me. I guess I deserve it and maybe more. "Ellis works in public relations for a reason. He may know how to salvage this mess."

Coach Perez bursts through the building doors and out into the sunlight. I'm not even sure what time it is. Maybe around lunch? I shutter at the thought of checking my social media or even my phone notifications. If Coach Perez found out about this from the live stream, who knows how many others were watching it and he's barely even on social media as it is. I better not have trended... Actually, correction. It better not still be trending. He opens the front passenger door for me. "You will not put out any statement, comment, or even think about what to say about this without speaking with Ellis first. You got that?"

"Ellis is a dumpster fire... Why do I need his approval for a statement?" I ask.

"Get in the damn car, Rika," he snaps.

"Fine..." I get in the car, and Coach Perez walks around and gets into the driver's seat, immediately taking off and flying down the road before reporters or anyone from the media show up and ask questions.

When we arrive at the Hardric Gym and drive by the front entrance, I see papa already standing right inside the doorway. Both of us get out of the car and walk to the door, with Coach Perez still running his mouth. "I hope you're ready to face your father."

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