6. The Demonstration

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Damn... calling Rika strong would be an understatement. She's on top of me, my head and neck wrapped in her arm with her own body extending out to the side. Side control. She smells natural, no perfume or makeup of any kind. Just a mix of sweat and musk and it's oddly... refreshing. I'm not sure if that's the right word yet there's something unique about it.

I struggle against her. Push, pry, arch my back, anything to break the hold that she has over me. She isn't choking me, just keeping me locked down in this position so I can't break out. Rika acts like it's nothing, just keeping my head firmly in place. She turns to the crowd, looking at those sitting at our ground level and then up into the audience. "What do you want to see first?" she asks.

"Remember..." Dr. Offolberg warns. "Don't actually break him, please. He sounds like a promising student."

"Oh, of course..." she says. Rika turns and looks at me and we lock eyes for the first time. She leans down, getting right in my face with her breath fanning out against my lips. Minty... At least she brushed her teeth. "No promises," she whispers. Rika moves herself and swings her legs out over my chest, pulling my arm in between her legs into an armbar.

Rika leans her head back, looking at the audience. "Okay, actual medical students, come closer, pre-med, watch from the seats, please," she demands.

Many students jump out of their seats and practically leap down the steps to the floor. They surround us and Dr. Offolberg walks over with the laser pointer Rika was using a minute ago. I zone out while the doctor and the medical students examine my ligaments, tendons, and bones. Rika extends my arm, and all the anatomy becomes strikingly defined. I'm not in pain yet, but it's getting more and more uncomfortable. There's so much talking and questions and answers and whispers around me that everything finally goes silent. I see all their mouths moving, but all I can hear is white noise, a high-pitched static while I stare up into the lights of the auditorium with Rika's legs over my neck and upper chest.

"What a learning opportunity!" some girl says, kneeling right next to my head. That's when I look away from the lights and see medical students have already formed a circle around us while the orthopedic surgeon goes over every detail.

I see Scott standing behind the sitting circle, his face showing genuine concern.

Rika isn't hurting me. Not yet. She just has me trapped in the submission. I turn my head and we once again stare into each other's eyes. She gives me a large smirk and then bends her knee, pressing her foot down on my throat, which makes me gasp for air. She kicked her flip-flops off before she slammed me to the floor, so at least it's not some nasty and gross flip-flop that's walked all over campus and who knows where else that presses into my neck. This only lasts a few seconds before she stops.

But now, Rika puts more and more pressure on my arm, and it's getting more and more painful. She doesn't stop. My arm keeps hyper-extending and her back arches as she tightens the submission. "Stop!" I cry out. I grunt a few times, almost hyperventilating now out of fear. "Let go!" I tap her leg and suddenly the white noise disappears and I'm right back to reality. I tap her again. And again. And again.

The circle of medical students scoot back at my cries, as does Dr. Offolberg. "Okay," he says. "That's enough. Let him go."

Rika ignores my tapping and also ignores Dr. Offolberg's request. I tap her leg, her thigh, her foot, anything that my free arm and hand can reach, but nothing changes. She's supposed to let go. The crowd of students and staff surrounding us watches eagerly, eating up every second. The orthopedic surgeon can't pass up another learning opportunity, so he goes into more questions as Rika continues to pull and pull at my arm. My eyes water and that salty substance falls down the side of my face. My low screams turn louder. My grunts become stronger. Not to mention, being under the intense heat of the lecture hall lights doesn't help and makes everything worse. Instead of tapping, I now grip and pull at the smooth skin that makes up her thigh and calf. I even try grabbing her foot and arcing it back to break free, but nothing works.

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