21. Bound by Blood

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Rika takes me to campus later that morning in her supercar. The looks from everybody as we drive through campus to get to the main library make me feel like I'm rich myself even though that's the furthest from the truth. She's driving barefoot again. Maybe that's just the way she likes to drive this car, feeling the pedals on the bottom of her feet while she shifts the gears with her right hand. We say our goodbyes and I get a kiss, and she speeds off a bit too fast in the direction of Hardric's Gym.

I meet up with Scott and Allison to study before the midterm, who tease me about spending the night with Rika. Of course, nothing happened... unless getting choked out and establishing rules counts as sleeping together. Technically, we slept together, just not that kind of sleeping together. Scott seems jealous, and that's a good feeling that someone is jealous of me for a change rather than the other way around. His face shows the same expression that all the others did as Rika drove us through campus. Pure envy. Pure jealousy mixed with some anger.

Rika and I exchanged numbers, finally, so we can stop relying on messenger. We've been communicating off and on throughout the day. I told her the exact time of my last mid-term and when I would be done, which is late in the afternoon, before we go on our mid-semester break. Some people call it fall break. Whatever it's called, it's a break that's much needed for every student on campus. We text about how Denise could have found me, and I make the connection between her finding me and removing all the privacy settings from my social media. Sometimes everything being public for everyone in the world to see is not the best idea. Sure, my family knew what university I attend, but beyond that, that's all they knew. Not even my dad knew where I was living while I pursue my degree. Regardless of the how, I've been found out and there's no taking that back.

My family is... oh, what's the right word? Corrupt? Maybe the word I'm looking for is cult, but that word scares the shit out of me. Denise ruined us and dad just sat back and let it happen. She took over as head of the family while my dad acted like a puppy, refusing to do anything about it. I'm paranoid now, since I know Denise is in town and she never travels alone. So I wonder who else is with her.

During lunch, Scott and Allison go with me to buy a video doorbell, one of those refurbished ones that are on sale. I told them what happened, and they seem spooked. I've told them bits and pieces of my family story, but never the entire picture. I didn't drive to campus today, so I didn't have any way to go to the store without them. Despite the video doorbell being on sale and being refurbished, it's money I don't have, but that's what credit cards are for, right? My credit limit is very low and I'm not even going to give a number since it's embarrassing. I'm able to get a deal that doesn't break my already broken bank account. The interest rate might, though.

We go to my apartment next and once we get there, I instinctively scan the parking lot for any sign of Denise. I don't see her car or anything suspicious in the parking lot. If Denise is here, it's fair to assume other members of my family are, too. Scott and Allison accompany me up the stairs to apartment nine and stand watch while I follow the instructions of installing the video doorbell. I got my landlord's permission to install it, so long as it stays with the property and I can't take it when I move out. Fine. Whatever. That's a price to pay for a little peace of mind, so I know when and who comes to my door. It's easy enough to install, feeling like a handyman, the second good feeling I've had today. I'm on a roll.

We head back to campus after I sync the doorbell with the app on my phone, making sure it works. I got a free trial for the premium service, so I activated it and set myself a reminder to cancel it the day before the trial ends so I'm not charged. Calendar reminders are lifesavers, people, especially for free trials of any service.

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