Chapter 14

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Charlotte's pov

I didn't know why my heart was beating so fast. Maybe it was the stairs... I took a few deep breaths while listening to the music that was playing in the cafeteria. A quick glance at my watch told me it was already 12:28pm... This was not making my heart go slower... Why was I so stressed out? I was the one who asked her out... Who asked her to go to lunch! Fuck this dumb brain of mine!

As I was trying to shut my intrusive thoughts, Engfa got out of the staircase. My brain froze like everything went into slow motion mode. Engfa walked towards me to the beat of the music, step by step, making the rest of the room go all blurry. It was like a drama or a movie scene... The light only shining on her... making me realize how beautiful she was... how her eyes were so glossy... looking at me as she came closer and closer...

"Miss Austin?"

"Hu?" I blinked a few times, coming back to reality.

"Are we going?" Engfa asked.

It was like I was gone before. Her face was so close now.

"Yeah..." I said, nodding.

What the hell just happened?

Engfa's pov

"Are you ok?" I asked walking with Charlotte towards the salad bar.

She nodded, smiling politely but I could tell something was off. She looked mad earlier in the restroom and she seemed completely panicked when I came up here. I heard Pitchy in the hallway before leaving my office... Maybe Charlotte was finally discovering how she was... Maybe it was her turn to get down from her high and realize how complex and deceiving the situation was...

"How's it going? Finding your marks around here?"

"Yeah... I think... There's still a lot I need to learn though..."

"Can you pass me a bowl, please?" someone interrupted us.

Charlotte took a bowl from the pile and gave it to Faye's assistant.

"Oh Charlotte! Fancy seeing you here. How are you?" he asked, stepping in between us.

I didn't like this guy suddenly but I didn't feel like getting mad at someone right now. I finished garnishing my bowl with a few prawns and made my way towards the desserts. I shifted my focus to the food, debating if I wanted some mango sticky rice or if I was gonna try the chiffon cake... Everything looked so good...

I looked back, seeing that Charlotte was still talking to that Jeff guy... Focus Engfa... Mango or cake? Maybe I shouldn't eat dessert... but it looked really yummy... Mango or... cake...? Pfff... Why was I getting frustrated over this now? Mango... or... cake...?

"Oh wow that cake looks delicious!" Charlotte said, standing next to me.

For how long was I debating which one to take? Did it take really long or did Charlotte come back faster than I thought? Why was I thinking about this right now?

"Oh no... the mango sticky rice looks so perfect too..." Charlotte whined.

"I was thinking the exact same!" I said, surprised to hear my voice so high.

"Wanna take one of each and share?" she offered.

I felt a genuine smile appear on my face. Why was I so food driven? Such a kid... I nodded happily like a 5 years old... I followed Charlotte to the cashier and then to one of the tables.

"So... I heard Pitchy was wreaking havoc earlier in the hallway?" I asked.


"Yeah... You seemed pretty... on edge? You know... when we crossed paths in the restroom." I tried.

"I'll be honest with you... She got on my nerves... My night was restless. I even had nightmares about her..."

Charlotte was dreaming about Pitchy?

"Really? What did you dream about?" I asked, feeling way too curious about it.

Charlotte chewed on her salad, looking into the void as she was trying to remember.

"I don't know... It's not as clear in my head now... But she was like painting your nails in one of our offices while I was pushing chairs around..." she said, blushing as she realized what she had just said.

I was in Charlotte's dreams too? Pitchy painting my nails would NEVER happen in real life, though...

"Don't worry I already had bad dreams about her too... If it can reassure you I would never let her do my nails."

"She's good at it."


"Does that make you mad?" she tried.


She looked at me with a slight smirk.

"Yeah, ok, ok. Yes it does." I admitted.

Charlotte's pov

I smiled. It felt good to see her opening to me this way. Engfa had this captivating vibe where she seemed so inaccessible and very soft at the same time. I didn't know why but it made me crave to get to know her, to understand how she was functioning, to make her like me... Just thinking about me made me realize how crazy it sounded...

"I'm gonna start with the mango sticky rice, I think..." she said, her eyes filled with joy at the sight of the food.

"Ok, I'll try the cake then."

I watched her take a little bit of everything with her spoon before putting it in her mouth. Her face went from impatience to pure ecstasy. Her eyes rolled like it was the best thing she had ever eaten.

"God..." she moaned, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

My own mouth watered at the sight. But for a second I didn't know if it was really the dessert that I was craving...

"That good?" I asked, trying not to stutter.

"Yeah, try it!" she said joyfully.

"Wait, I didn't even have the cake yet." I said, cutting a piece with my own spoon and adding a little bit of whipped cream on top.

The cake was indeed really good. There was a faint hint of earl grey tea, which mixed so well with the vanilla whipped cream.

"Is it good?" she asked eagerly.

"Yes, delicious. Let's switch!"

We tried the other dessert and shared a sigh of approval. I smirked at our quirkiness and little creased formed on the top of Engfa's cheeks. Dimples. Wow. I wanted to ask about them. I had never seen them... and never seen some like these... like ever.

"What..." I started.

"That's where you were!" Sun said, sitting down with us suddenly.

"Sun, you took the mango sticky rice too!" Engfa said, the sugar rush getting the best of her.

"Yeah, for sure!"

They started talking as I was reflecting on my life... Too many thoughts were starting to invade my brain... I wanted Engfa to like me but what I was feeling right now seemed to be on another level...

"Miss Austin, you should eat more dessert or I'm gonna finish it all." she said.

I nodded, taking a bit more from both plates but I didn't feel like I was hungry anymore...

"You can have the rest, I'm full. I've gotta go, Snack is waiting for me." I lied.

Engfa's pov

"Oh, ok." I said, watching Charlotte get up, leaving Sun and I at the table.

"What did you do again?" he asked me when she was far enough.

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"Did you ask her to go to lunch with you to scare her away again?"


"What didn't you tell me that you were having lunch with Charlotte then?" he asked.

"I... I... She's the one who asked me to have lunch..." I stuttered.

"What did she want to talk about?"

"I don't know, nothing in particular."

"What did she leave so fast?"

"I... I don't know either. Why are you asking so many questions!?" I said trying to get the upper hand back in this damn conversation.

"You seem shady..." he said, squinting his eyes.

"I do not!" I scoffed.

"Faye wants to go back to Elite tomorrow, it was so fun last week. You're coming with us."

"No way. I told you I'm never stepping in that place ever again."

"Then we're going to Sonic Boom!" Faye said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Fuck! You scared me! Since when are you spying on people's conversation?" I asked.

"I've been here for the last 10 seconds. Guess I arrived at the right time." she winked.

"You're not sitting with us?" Sun asked.

Faye took a look around, acting kinda weird before she replied.

"Mmm not today. I just grabbed a sandwich and some dessert to go. Talk to you guys later. And don't forget, tomorrow, 11pm at Sonic Boom!" she said, walking away while waving at us.

"I'm not coming." I said.

"I know. If you're not finishing the cake I'd like to try it." he said.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the plate towards him.

Charlotte's pov

During the afternoon, I went to check on everybody, making sure that they were almost done with what they had to do. Meena and Aoom had booked new meetings with some brands, thanks to Nudee on Friday morning. And even if it wasn't the strategy I had in mind I could understand that they needed to end the week on some sort of "win" to feel good about their usual work. Change was a slow process, I knew that. I couldn't push too much too fast.

Once I was reassured that everything was on track and that only a few tasks were remaining I went to do a quick rundown of it with Sun. Thankfully, Engfa wasn't in her office when I came in. Sun checked everything and said that we were good. I smiled, feeling proud and 99% sure that we were really going to move things around the next day.

"You did really well. That's impressive." Sun told me.


"I mean, even Engfa's impressed!" he added.

"Oh, she is?" I asked without trying to stop the words from coming out of me.

Sun looked at me with a little twinkle in his eye but said nothing.

"I'll better go finish this." I said, taking the last stack of paper from his desk.

"Right. I'm gonna get off work soon, see you tomorrow Charlotte."

"Thank you for your help Sun." I said, leaving his office.

I got back to work until 6:30pm. My head was boiling at that point but I was finally done with all my tasks. I cleaned the room a little bit, even though it was still quite empty... with the hope of finally moving to room 429 tomorrow. I went back home exhausted but happy. A quick shower and a bowl of stir fry noodles later, I was laying on my couch, looking at the ceiling. This day had been so strange again...

Between Pitchy being a pain in the ass and Engfa making my brain faze out... I was there for only two weeks but I couldn't sense that those people were getting to me a little bit differently than the previous places I worked for... Maybe I was getting old... Ew... I decided to stop tormenting myself and went take care of my teeth and face before rolling under my bed sheets.

When the alarm rang on Friday morning, I noticed that once again I had fought many demons during the night. My back was painful, especially my shoulder blades... I really needed to go get a massage at a good parlor... But then I realized... it was Friday! Even if my back was sore, I felt motivation rise inside of me and got up to get ready for the project ahead.

I arrived at work feeling way too happy. I wanted to bring something to celebrate while I was on my way there but I felt like I could wait for it to be done with... I didn't want to jinx myself... I still could bring something on Monday. And maybe some things to decorate my future new desk! I started the day by checking with everyone one last time and around 10:30 we were done.

The girls reunited in the breakroom and shared a high five all together. I could bet that we could hear them from every floor in the building. I felt so proud and I could tell that they did too. Especially Aoom who I saw trying to hide her eyes tearing up. Meena was quick to pull her in a gentle hug. They were cute. I would take some time to debrief what happened this week with each one of them later next week.

Pitchy came into the room, probably lured by the noise but everybody was too busy celebrating and chatting to notice her except Snack and I. She made her way to the intern and started talking with her, a smirk appearing on her face. She obviously knew about the deal I had made with Engfa and even if she didn't help, she understood that she was going to move to and get her office.

I was waiting to see if she was going to congratulate us or say anything really but she didn't. Sun and Engfa came in just a few minutes later. Sun had a checklist on hand, playing along his role of referee. Everybody calmed down but I could see the smiles on all the faces. Engfa sported one too and it felt like it was a good moment.

"I still need to review some of the work you produced this week before I can officially tell you if everything is in order." she started.

Meena whispered something to Nudee who started to laugh a little bit. I raised my eyebrows to them and they got silent again.

"However I can already say that I am quite impressed with the way you all acted this week. I'd like to thank you for all of your hard work." Engfa added before turning to me.

Our eyes met and I felt my heart pounding a little bit faster.

"So, whatever teeny tiny mistake you may or may not have made. We'll be moving offices like Charlotte suggested."

Everybody cheered. I was now certain that everybody in the whole city of Bangkok heard us. Despite her crazy announcement, Engfa stayed quiet and left the room after giving a polite smile. I wanted to run after her and hug her... but I didn't since it seemed like a really weird idea. But I was so happy right now. We all chilled there to chat for a bit, even Sun stayed with us.

"Charlotte, can I talk to you?" a voice said behind me.

It was Jeff, Miss Malisorn's assistant. I nodded and got out of the room to meet with him.

"We received a call from our provider. Your desk and chair will be delivered later today instead of Monday. Is that ok with you? Are you available?" he asked.

"Of course!" I said, really pleased with the news.

This was a really good day.

"Perfect! I'll meet up with the provider on the dock in the garage and we'll take your desk and chair to room 431."

"No, please, to room 429." I corrected him.

"Oh, ok. I must have noted the wrong number. My apologies." he said, typing on his phone.

"No worries."

"I'm a bit silly sometimes." he said, making a weird face to prove his point.

"We all are." I said, nodding towards the break room where the team was still chatting and giggling.

I was about to go back there when Jeff stopped me.

"Charlotte, would you like to have lunch with me today? We didn't get to talk much yesterday."

"Yeah, of course!" I said, happy that somebody from another team wanted to spend time with me.

Plus being on one of Miss Malisorn's assistants' good side could help our team in the long run.

"Fantastic!" he said in a pitched voice.

"Meet you at 12:30?" I asked.

"Gotcha!" he winked before leaving doing some sort of weird moonwalk.

He was definitely quite the character. This day was really great!

"Charlotte, come see this!" Nudee called me, her head sticking out of the breaking room.

I went back with the team, who shared some ideas about the new offices and how to set their things up. They were full of ideas for the break room too. About half an hour later, I dismissed everyone and we agreed to meet around 2pm to start moving furniture around.

Hello, hello, hello!
How are you?
What are your thoughts so far?
Let me know ^__^

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