Chapter 17

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Hello, I'm Maraiah Queen Arceta!

Now navigating my fourth life with an unwavering hope of finding my destined wife. Well, we're not married yet but I know in my heart that she's the one I'm going to marry.

I earnestly yearn for this lifetime to be the lne where our paths intertwined once more. Yet, fate seems unrelenting in its cruelty, as if the universe conspires to keep us apart.

In every life, she's the one aho completes me, fhe missing piece. This strong connection lasts through time, a powerful force that goes beyond generations.

I remember bits of our past lives, moments where our souls briefly came together before being separated by forces we can't understand.

Then, maybe be some cosmic chance, that crucial moment happens. On a meaningful evening,

I see Mikhaela, and my heart jumps with a feeling that's hard to explain. Spotting her again in our quiet neighborhood, I sense fate's unmistakable influence.

Every week, I penned a letter, it's an unusual thing to do, but every letter holds my strong belief in our destined bond.

I sent them to Mikhaela Janna Lim through a trustworthy courier, hoping against all odds that they'll somehow find their way to her.

I do not expect a reply because these letters aren't just words; they reflect how deeply I yearn for her.

They're like signals across time and space, showing a love that goes beyond our mortal lives and has lasted through many lifetimes.

As I write, I find solace in the act itself, believing that each stroke of the pen brings us close together, bridging the gap between our separate lives.

For in my heart, I carry the certainty that one day, our souls will reunite, and the promises made across lifetimes will be fulfilled.

So, I keep waiting, hoping, and writing, believing our love is stronger than fate and the universe's vastness.



The letter puzzled me from the start. Each one was elegantly written, sealed with a distinct was stamp, and always signed " Maraiah Arceta. "

Seeing my exact name as the recipient stirred a strange sense of familliarity every time I handled them. Curiosity gnawed at me with each delivery. Why was Maraiah writing to someone who shared my name?

But when it came to delivering this particular letter, I could only guess where fo take it since there was no address written on it.

I hid there letters away, thinking that someone might claim it one day. Yet as I continued to delivery letters with no destination marked, irritation began to set in. Was I being played by this person?

And why did they keep sending letters without a location? What could possibly be written inside?

I hesitated to kpen these letters, but after weeks of battling my curiosity, I gave in. Carefully unfolding one, my heart raced as I read the delicate words inscribed on the stationery.


My Dearest Mikhaela.

I remember the day we met as if it were yesterday. Your laughter was like music to my ears, your touch a soothing balm to my soul. We promised each other that our love would endure beyond the confinesp of time, and that we would always find our way back to one another.

I am Maraiah Arceta, your wife from a past life. It may sound unbelievable, but my heart knows this truth. The memories of our past life are vivid and clear. I remember the way you used to bring me flowers, the nights we spent dancing under the moonlight, and the promises we whispered to each other as we lay beneath the starts. These memories have stayed with me guiding me to you once again.

Every week, I write to you, pouring my heart into each letter, hoping that somehow, they will find their way to you. It has become my ritual, my way of staying connected to you, even when we apart. I never included an address, trusting that the universe would guild them to where they needed to be. When I saw your name, Mikhaela Janna Lim, it felt like destiny was at work, bringing us together once more.

Do you remember, my love? Do you feel the pull, the inexplicable connection that we share? As you read this letter. I hope it stirs something within you, a fragment of s memory, a whisper of a dream. Our love has endured countless lifetimes, and it is this love that has led me back to you.

The recognition I felt when I first saw you delivering messages was immediate and profound. It was as if time stood still, and my soul knew, without a doubt, that I had found you again. The familiarity, the sence of déja vu—it all makes sense now. We have always found each other, no matter the distance, no matter the lifetime.


As I read, I felt a rush of emotion. It wasn't just a live letter, it was filled with details that felt eerily familiar. The words spoke of a love that spanned beyond time, of vows made in another life. My mind swirled with confusion and a strange sense of dèja vu, as if the memories described were fragments of a dream I struggled to piece together.

With each sentence, an inexplicable connection deepend. The love, the promises, the life shared—everything felt undeniably real. These weren't mere letters; they were meant for me. Maraiah, the sender, claimed to be my wife from a previous existence. The realization was both astonishing and heartwarming.

Outside, the rain poured heavily, yet I sat by the window, reading the letters.

Driven by nerves, I decided to meet Maraiah, the sender, to uncover the truth behind these letters.

I trembled at the thought of meeting her, unsure of.what to do when face-to-face.

When we finally met, it felt as if time had paused. The recognition in Maraiah's eyes and the overwhelming sense of familiarity in my heart affirmed what the letters had revealed.

In that moment, I understood that some promises are so profound, they endure across lifetime. These letters weren't just correspondence; they were a testament to a live thst never faded, a love that found its way back, one letter at a time.

Reality snapped back when she uttered my name.



Finally, the universe allowed us to reunite, this time to fulfill the promises made in our previous life.



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