Chapter Three: Again?

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   After the beach, we were all tired. We have been there for three long hours. But Serena insisted that we all go to the cafe, and of course, Ash with his appetite, shot up to go. So we all went home, to get changed. Ash being very sweet and kind, let me rinse off first. When I got out, feeling more refreshed, Ash got up, and walked past me, our arms brushing lightly. 

   At the cafe, Serena ordered the same coffee as Ash, and she was sitting next to him, squished as close as she could get. Iris, Dawn, and Chloe kept giving her ugly faces. I kept noticing Chloe glancing at my sympathetically. I know Dawn is very protective of Ash, and loves him very much. And I'm so glad to have three best friends. But they keep acting as if I am so emotionally attached to him. 

   Chloe, sitting next to me, put her hand on mine, and stroked it. I shot my head at her, this isn't 'Not normal' but she usually holds my hand when I'm upset. I was so confused. I looked down at my coffee, and saw a big frown on my face. I was frowning without even noticing it? 

   I looked at Ash, and he was staring into my eyes, with a curious face. I quickly changed my face to a more pleasant one to look at, but Serena's being all over Ash disgusted me. 

   Eventually Ash put his hands on her shoulders, and looked her in the eye. I saw her blush madly, "Serena, that's enough. I am not comfortable with you being this close to me" I saw a flash of embarrassment cover her face, and almost everyone in the room snickered. Except me. I was shocked. Did Ash like Serena or not? 

   Serena moved over and took a big gulp of her coffee, I saw her eye twitch, everyone knew she didn't actually like the type of coffee she chose. 


   When we got back to the house, I dragged myself up the stairs. The coffee wasn't really helping me. I was just mentally exhausted. I wasn't used to being around so much people all day. It was really draining. Ash followed me up the stairs and into the hall. When we got into number 6, I plomped myself onto my bed, facefirst, and groaned. 

   Then the bed springs creecked as Ash fell on the bed with me. I felt my face and neck burn. He kept his distance, but I knew he was looking at me. I rolled over, and looked into his eyes. My cheeks were still warm. He smiled, "You okay?"

   I felt a grin crawl over my face. Why was his smile so contagious? "Yeah! You?" 

   He sighed, "yeah. Just wish Serena would keep her distance."

   I froze, staring into his eyes, "But.. Don't you like her..?" I asked hesitantly. 

   He laughed and rolled onto his back, "No! She's too clingy! And besides, she's not my type"

   I kept my eyes in his, "then what is?" I almost mumbled.

   He looked at me, his mouth open the tiniest bit, and his eyes stared at me curiously. I regreted saying that. Oh no... Now he is going to think I like him. "Eh- not girls" he said casually.

   I almost yelped. What? Has my best friend been gay this whole time? I thought he would of told me if he was... I guess were not as close as I thought...

   But at that second, he moved closer, and my face blazed. "This has been tiring for you, huh? I know you are introverted" He gave a soft smile. 

   I broke my stress into his eyes, and stared at the balcony, "I'm fine"

   He gave a giggle, "do you need a hug? Yeah.. You do.."

   I looked at him, shocked. But before I could say anything, his arms were around me. I sucked in some air, his arms firmly grasping me. Then it hit me. Ash doesn't like Serena. Someone has to tell her before her heart gets broken. I had to. She's too sweet to be rejected by him. But for now, I was enjoying this hug. 

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