(Short) Chapter 3: You woke me up

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   The next morning, I opened my eyes to see Ash's face pressed against my forehead, with eyes seeing his chin right in front of them. I felt his legs tangled around my body, grasping me tightly. "Why..." I breathed. He took a deep breathe, and held me tighter, my whole body flaming up. I couldn't feel his lips smooshes against my forehead. 

   I tried to remove myself, but he was too strong. "Ugh, Ash" I murmured. 

   Then I felt his lips move, "Yeah Goh?"

   My whole body flamed. How long has he been awake?! "Could you let go?!" I hissed.

   "Oh yeah. My bad" he let go, and back away. He grinned at me, "Good morning." I was finally free from his iron grip.

   " How long have you been awake?!" I whisper harshly.

   "Seconds. You woke me up"

   I felt a flush of relief flow my body, "Oh, good" I said that because I was worried that he wss cuddling me like that on purpose.

   "Goh...?" His beautiful amber eyes shone into mine. I never thought brown eyes could be so beautiful... Green eyes like Tokio's were stunning, but this pair in front of me made me melt everywhere.

   "Yeah..?" I mumbled back. At moments like these, when our eyes are locked into each other, I want to tell him how beautiful he looks, his beige skin, his raven hair, his cute lightning bolt marks on his rosy cheeks. He has everything. He's perfect.

   "H-how did you sleep...?" He asked, sounding a little unsure. I am positive that he is unsure because of our conversation last night. 

   "I slept well.." I mumbled. It was true. Everything seems to be perfect if Ash is nearby. I am always in a good mood, everybody is when he's around. I wonder what he does to get that affect on people.

  "That's great!" He grinned at me. There my heart goes again, beating happily against my ribcage. My cheeks warmed up at the sight of his smile.

   "Satoshi, you know you have an amazing affect on people, right?" I nudged him playfully.

   He froze, looking at me, "What do you mean..?"

   "Have you seen your smile?!" I laughed, fighting of the urge to pull his cheeks.

   "Gooooohhhhhhhh, you're making me blush!" He teased, covering his face. I laughed. His teasing always made everything better, even if it hurt a little. But I know he would never mean to hurt anybody on purpous.

   I sat up and stretched. I looked at the microwave and saw the time, 7:46. "Ash, we gotta get up" I muttered. I was about to side off the bed when he grasped my wrist. "A-Ash?" I asked, keeping my cool.

   "Lets sleep for a little while longer.." He yawned. That made me blush wildly because my dumb brain thinks he wants to sleep to be with me in private. But knowing him, he just wanted a couple more minutes of sleep.

   "No." I said sternly, staring down at his hand, holding onto my wrist tightly. "We gotta get up.."

   "Why?" He asked, innocently, his amber eyes glistening.


   He loosened his grip on me and fell back down, "Oh- what do they care?! They are only going to mock us" he closed his eyes.

   "Mock us for what?!" I asked, shocked.

   "Well, I'm guessing Serena told them." He rolled over., "Now get back in bed." He demanded.

   I rolled my eyes, and crawled back under the covers, his back facing my side, "What do you care if she told?! And what does that have to do with us?" I asked gently.

   "I don't know. I guess I have a straight reputation." He groaned, "And we are really close. Just because two friends are both gay, doesn't mean they are dating.."

   That hurt. Being gay doesn't change personalities. He can be whatever he wants, and still be attracted to guys, "Satoshi.... You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself..." I thought for a second. I realised he just friendzoned me. Wait.... What does that matter?

   He rolled over and grinned, "Easy for you to say, you are comfortable with yourself!"    

   "What do you mean..?"

   He hummed, "Well, you have always been... well you. And you don't care!"

   "Yes, I do care. I am not confident, but I try to act it so it doesn't affect me..." I looked down.

   He rolled over, and messed up my hair, "You are such a liar" he laughed. This wasn't true, as I am actually self conscious.

   "A-Ash!!! Stop!" I yelled as his hands flew over my hair, messing it up. I sat up and looked in the mirror on the wall, "Ah, I won't be able to fix that!" 

   He grinned as he took out my hair. I looked at him, "Stop!"

   "Are you planning on keeping it like this?" He asked, twiddling a strand with his fingers.

   "No... I was planning to cut it this trip..." I say, batting his hand away.

   He got up and got close to my face, "I can cut it for you~"

   My whole face turned red, "NO! I DON'T TRUST YOU! YOU HAVE TERRIBLE MOTOR SKILLS!"

   He laughed, "Don't make fun of my ND!" He playfully shoved me back onto the bed. 

   "Ash........." I pouted teasingly.

   "Lets go now! I'm starving!" He got up and took my hand.

   "Wait!" I grabbed my red hair band and tied my hair back.

   "If not me, you should get D to cut it." 

   I thought about it for a second, "Is she good?"

   "Yeah! She cuts my hair!" 

   It took me a minute to process, but then I remembered him and Dawn are roomates, like me and Chloe, "Sure..." 

   "Ill talk to her about it!" He said, dragging me out the room.

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