Chapter 9 James POV : Unyielding Justice James POV

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It was their third year at Hogwarts, and the sun was dipping low over the courtyard, casting long shadows that stretched across the grounds. James Potter and his friends—Sirius, Remus, and Peter—were lounging on the stone steps, enjoying their break between classes. The usual banter flowed easily, their laughter a welcome distraction from the rigors of their studies.

Suddenly, a commotion near the edge of the courtyard drew their attention. James squinted and saw Elias standing in the center of a gathering crowd, his posture rigid and eyes cold. Across from him was a Gryffindor boy—an older student—whose smug expression indicated he was looking for a fight.

"Looks like trouble," Sirius said, his tone serious as he observed the scene. "Let's check it out."

The Marauders made their way over, weaving through the crowd. As they got closer, James saw Elias's anger barely contained. The Gryffindor's taunts were met with a chilling silence from Elias, and then, with a sudden and brutal movement, Elias struck. His punch landed with a sickening thud, sending the Gryffindor crashing to the ground. The courtyard erupted into gasps and whispers as Elias continued to pummel the Gryffindor with relentless force.

James and his friends rushed forward, trying to intervene. "Elias, stop!" James shouted. "This isn't going to help anything!"

Sirius and Remus joined in, their voices rising as they attempted to break up the fight. But Elias was beyond reason, his blows landing with precise and calculated fury. It was clear he was not listening to anyone but himself.

Ariah stood apart from the chaos, her gaze fixed on Elias with an unsettling calmness. Lily Evans and her friends were also present, their expressions a mix of surprise and disapproval. Lily's eyes were locked on Ariah, her frustration evident.

"Ariah's the one pulling the strings here," Lily muttered to her friends, irritation seeping into her voice. "She thinks she's superior just because she's smarter."

As the fight dragged on, Elias's cold rage showed no sign of abating. Finally, Ariah stepped forward. Her voice was firm and commanding as she spoke. "Enough."

The single word cut through the chaos, freezing Elias's fists mid-air. He turned to look at Ariah, the rage in his eyes dimming as he reluctantly stepped back.

Ariah walked over to the battered Gryffindor, who was lying on the ground, dazed and bruised. She leaned down, her voice a low whisper that carried a chill. "You think you can disrespect anyone here without facing consequences? Remember this moment."

The Gryffindor's eyes widened in fear, and he nodded weakly. Ariah stood up, her expression as impassive as ever, and turned away from him. Her gaze briefly met James's before she walked off, her silhouette framed by the twilight.

As the crowd began to disperse, James approached Elias. "Why did you—"

Elias cut him off with a cold glare. "He disrespected Ariah. I dealt with it."

Lily, who had been watching the entire scene with growing irritation, stepped forward. "You've got a lot of nerve, Elias," she said sharply. "Don't think you can just—"

Before Lily could finish, Elias turned to her, his gaze icy. "Watch your tongue, Evans. You don't want to test my patience."

Lily's face flushed with anger, but she held her ground. "You think you can intimidate everyone?"

Elias's expression remained unchanged, his tone as cold as ever. "I don't need to intimidate. I just need to make sure certain people know their place."

James, watching the exchange, could see that Elias's demeanor was more complex than he had first thought. The confrontation had shifted something in the way Elias interacted with others, and it was clear that he was a force to be reckoned with.

As the Marauders gathered to discuss the day's events, Sirius looked at James with a mix of awe and unease. "That was intense. Elias is something else."

Remus nodded, still processing the scene. "And Ariah—she didn't even flinch."

Peter added, his voice trembling slightly, "It's like they're playing by a different set of rules."

James glanced at Lily, who was still fuming, her frustration evident. "What's her deal? Why is she so irritated?"

Sirius shrugged, a smirk on his face. "She's clearly not a fan of Ariah. And Elias? He's got this cold edge to him that's hard to ignore."

James nodded, his curiosity piqued. "I can't deny it's interesting. There's definitely something different about Ariah and Elias."

As the evening settled into darkness, the Marauders sat in the Gryffindor common room, the weight of the day's events heavy on their minds. The dynamics at Hogwarts were shifting, and James couldn't shake the feeling that their time at the school was becoming more complicated by the day.

The confrontation with Elias and Ariah had revealed a side of Hogwarts that was far from ordinary, and James knew that whatever came next, it would be anything but simple.

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