Chapter 26:Fractured Paths

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The night was cold, and the air felt suffocating with the tension of impending violence. Word had reached them—Death Eaters were attacking Hogsmeade. It was no longer just a place for Butterbeer and carefree weekends; now it was another front in a war that threatened to engulf them all.

In the Gryffindor common room, the atmosphere was tense. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, and her friends were crowded around the fire, their faces grim. The news had hit them hard.

"They're attacking *Hogsmeade*," James said quietly, his jaw clenched. "Elias is there. We need to move. Now."

Sirius rubbed the back of his neck, exchanging a look with Remus. "We'll never make it in time without help," he muttered, his voice low. "Ariah. We need Ariah."

James's heart lurched at the sound of her name. He hadn't spoken to her in weeks—she had made sure of that. Ever since they returned to Hogwarts after that summer, Ariah had frozen him out entirely, treating him like he didn't exist. It hurt more than he'd ever admit.

"She won't help us," Remus said, his voice sad but resigned. "Not after... everything."

Lily looked at James, her eyes narrowing. "You have to try. You *know* she's the most powerful witch at Hogwarts—maybe anywhere. And Elias is her closest friend."

James hesitated, but there was no time for doubt. He had to convince her.


They found Ariah in the Astronomy Tower, staring out into the darkened sky. The moon cast a pale glow over her, illuminating her sharp features, her cold expression. She didn't turn when they approached; she didn't need to. She already knew they were there.

"Ariah," James said cautiously, stepping forward, his heart pounding in his chest. She didn't acknowledge him. "Death Eaters are attacking Hogsmeade. *Elias* is there."

Still nothing.

James swallowed hard. "We need your help."

Ariah's eyes remained fixed on the stars, her voice as cold and distant as ever. "That's not my problem."

James exchanged a look with Sirius, who bristled but kept quiet. It was Lily who spoke next, her voice full of urgency. "Ariah, you know you're the only one who can help us get to him. Please. *Elias is in danger*."

For the first time, Ariah's cold mask faltered. Her eyes flickered, just for a moment, and James noticed it—the slightest crack in her ice-cold demeanor. Then she spoke, her voice sharp.

"Where is the attack?"

"Hogsmeade," James said, watching her carefully. "The Death Eaters have already started. We don't have much time."

For a long moment, Ariah didn't respond. But then she turned, and James saw something fierce flash in her eyes. Not for them, not for the fight—but for Elias.

"Fine," she said, her voice steady but lethal. "But I'm doing this for *him*. Not for any of you."

James felt a bitter sting at her words, but he swallowed it down. It didn't matter. What mattered now was saving Hogsmeade—and Elias.


Hogsmeade was a warzone.

The village's narrow streets, once filled with laughter and warmth, were now filled with screams and the sounds of dueling wands. Cloaked figures moved in the shadows—Death Eaters, their hoods pulled low, casting spells that sent buildings crashing and fires raging.

Ariah led the way, her wand out, her expression cold and focused. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, and Marlene followed, trying to keep up with her relentless pace. They could feel the power radiating from her like a tangible force, and for the first time, James understood just how far out of their league she was.

"There," Ariah said sharply, pointing toward the Three Broomsticks. A group of Death Eaters had converged there, sending blasts of green and red light through the windows. "Stay out of my way."

Without waiting for a response, she dove into the fray.

James watched in awe as Ariah moved like a force of nature, her wand cutting through the air as she sent curses flying at the Death Eaters with deadly precision. Every spell she cast was devastating, knocking her opponents down before they could even react. She didn't hesitate, didn't pause. It was as though she had become pure magic, wielding her power with terrifying efficiency.

Sirius ducked as a spell flew past him, whistling. "She's bloody terrifying!"

James nodded, still staring at Ariah as she fought. He had known she was strong, but seeing her now... she was on a completely different level.

"James!" Lily shouted, snapping him back to reality as a curse flew in their direction. He raised his wand, blocking it just in time, but his focus kept slipping back to Ariah.

As they fought, James saw Elias up ahead—cornered by three Death Eaters, his back against the wall. His heart pounded harder as he watched Ariah's reaction. The moment she saw Elias, she moved like lightning.

"*Elias!*" she shouted, her voice slicing through the chaos.

Elias looked up, eyes wide with surprise, as Ariah blasted the Death Eaters away with a spell so powerful that James swore he felt the shockwave from where he stood. In seconds, the Death Eaters were on the ground, unconscious.

Ariah rushed to Elias's side, pulling him into a tight embrace. James's heart sank as he watched them, something bitter twisting in his chest. Elias held her like she was the only thing keeping him grounded, whispering something in her ear that James couldn't hear.

Ariah pulled back, her hand lingering on Elias's arm, her eyes softening for the briefest of moments. It was like watching a different person, someone who wasn't buried under layers of cold indifference. For Elias, she wasn't a distant stranger; she was someone real, someone who still cared.

But then they turned back to the battle. And Ariah, her face hardening again, joined Elias as they fought side by side, moving in perfect sync. Elias cast defensive spells while Ariah struck with devastating precision, their teamwork seamless, like they had done this a hundred times before.

James couldn't take his eyes off them. As much as he wanted to look away, the sight of them fighting together—so close, so in tune—gripped him. Every move they made was a reminder of what he had lost, of how far she had pushed him away.

Suddenly, a loud crack split the air, and the ground shook beneath their feet. James turned just in time to see a massive figure, cloaked in darkness, stepping out from behind the Shrieking Shack.

"*Get down!*" Elias shouted, shoving Ariah behind him as a curse shot toward them.

But Ariah was faster. She raised her wand, her voice ringing out in a deadly calm as she cast a powerful shield spell. The curse ricocheted off, slamming into a nearby building and sending debris flying.

James watched, his heart pounding, as Ariah's eyes darkened with fury. She stepped forward, her wand raised, and unleashed a spell so fierce it sent the Death Eater flying into the air, slamming against the wall with a sickening thud.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent.

Then Ariah turned, her eyes scanning the area—and that's when she saw them. Those eyes.

Deep brown, watching her from the shadows of an alleyway.

Her heart stopped. She knew those eyes. She had seen them once before, years ago, in a moment of terror she had tried to forget.

She froze, her breath hitching. The battle raged on around her, but all she could see were those eyes. Staring at her. Waiting.

"Ariah!" Elias called, pulling her back to the present.

She shook herself, the cold mask falling back into place. But the memory of those eyes lingered, haunting her as she turned back to the battle.

And all the while, James watched her, his heart breaking with every step she took away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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