Chapter 17: Breaking Point

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Ariah had always been strong. It was a quality that defined her, something she clung to even in the most difficult times. But when she found out what James had done, her strength wavered, cracked under the weight of betrayal.

It was early in the morning when the whispers reached her. She'd been walking through the halls, still reeling from the almost-kiss with James the night before, her heart a tangled mess of confusion and longing. But then she overheard a group of Gryffindor girls gossiping, their voices carrying just loud enough for her to catch the words that shattered her world.

"...can you believe it? James and Lily, finally! I heard they spent the night together after the party. Everyone's talking about it..."

The words hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs. She felt the ground sway beneath her feet, the walls of the castle closing in as reality set in. James hadn't just been with her last night—he'd gone to Lily after, seeking comfort in her arms, crossing a line that tore at the fragile connection they'd shared.

Her chest tightened with a pain so deep it nearly brought her to her knees. It wasn't just the betrayal—it was the cruel, cold reminder that James would always choose Lily, no matter what passed between him and Ariah. She was nothing more than a fleeting moment, a regret in the making.

With her heart splintering, she made her way to the courtyard, needing air, needing space to breathe through the suffocating pain. But the agony followed her, wrapped around her like a shroud, refusing to let go.

As she stood there, trying to hold herself together, Elias appeared. He didn't need to ask; one look at her, and he knew something was terribly wrong.

"Ariah, what happened?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

She tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Her throat tightened, and her vision blurred with tears. "He... he went to her, Elias. After everything, he went to her."

The admission broke her. She collapsed against the stone wall, her body trembling with the force of her sobs. Elias was at her side in an instant, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her close.

"It's okay, baby. I've got you," he whispered, his voice gentle but firm. He held her as she cried, his own heart breaking with every tear that fell from her eyes.

Ariah clung to him, burying her face in his chest, her cries of agony tearing through the quiet morning. It was a sound that cut Elias to his core, a sound he never wanted to hear again. The strongest person he knew was breaking, and he felt utterly helpless to stop it.

He cradled her in his arms, rocking her gently as she wept, whispering words of comfort that did little to ease her pain. Tears slipped from his own eyes, unbidden, as he watched the woman he cared for more than anything in the world unravel before him.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice rough with emotion. "Tell me, Ariah."

"He... we almost..." Her voice broke, and she took a shuddering breath. "We almost kissed. I thought... I thought maybe... But then he went to her. He went to Lily."

Elias's jaw clenched, fury boiling in his veins. He had warned James, told him to stay away, to be careful with Ariah's heart. But the idiot had ignored him, and now Ariah was the one paying the price.

"I'll kill him," Elias muttered, his voice laced with barely controlled rage. "I swear to God, Ariah, I'll make him pay for this."

Ariah shook her head, her sobs quieting but her pain still raw and deep. "It doesn't matter, Elias. It's done. I was foolish to think it could be anything more."

But Elias couldn't accept that. He wouldn't accept it. Ariah deserved better, and James Potter was about to learn that the hard way.

He kissed the top of her head, his hold on her tightening. "It does matter, Ariah. You matter. And I'm going to make sure he knows that."

After a while, Ariah's tears began to subside, leaving her drained and hollow. She pulled back slightly, looking up at Elias with red-rimmed eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice raw but grateful.

"Always," Elias replied, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "I'm always here for you, Ariah."

She managed a small, sad smile before pulling away completely, needing space to process everything that had happened. Elias watched her go, his heart aching with the need to protect her from any more pain. But he knew what he had to do.

As Ariah disappeared from sight, Elias turned and made his way back into the castle, his mind set on one thing: finding James Potter.

James was in the courtyard, chatting casually with Sirius and Peter as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't just destroyed Ariah's heart hours before. The sight of him, so carefree and oblivious, fueled the fire in Elias's chest until it became a raging inferno.

Without hesitation, Elias marched straight up to James, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him against the stone wall with a force that silenced everyone around them.

"Elias, what the hell—" James began, but Elias wasn't in the mood to talk.

"You don't get to speak," Elias growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Not after what you did to Ariah."

James's confusion turned to realization, his face paling as he understood the gravity of the situation. "Elias, I didn't—"

But Elias wasn't listening. His fist collided with James's jaw, sending him stumbling back, pain flashing across his face.

"You hurt her," Elias spat, his fury barely contained. "You broke her, Potter. And for that, you're going to pay."

James tried to defend himself, but Elias was relentless, landing blow after blow, each one fueled by the image of Ariah's tear-streaked face. James was strong, but he was no match for Elias's rage. Within minutes, he was on the ground, bloodied and gasping for breath.

"You think you can do whatever you want?" Elias snarled, his voice a dangerous whisper. "You think you can hurt her and just walk away? You don't deserve her, and you never will."

James struggled to push himself up, his vision swimming, but Elias wasn't finished. He grabbed James by the collar, pulling him close, his voice deadly calm. "I warned you. I told you to stay away, to treat her with respect. But you didn't listen. And now, you'll regret it."

With that, Elias threw him to the ground, leaving James lying there, bruised and broken. Sirius and Peter rushed to help their friend, but Elias ignored them, his focus solely on James.

"If you ever hurt her again," Elias said, his voice cold and final, "I won't stop next time. Remember that."

He turned and walked away, leaving James in the dirt, the weight of his actions finally sinking in. As Elias disappeared from view, the courtyard fell silent, the tension in the air palpable.

James had crossed a line he could never uncross, and now, he would have to live with the consequences of his choices. The bonds between them were fraying, and Elias knew that nothing would ever be the same. Ariah's pain had brought them to the breaking point, and all that was left now was to pick up the pieces and try to move forward—if that was even possible.

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