Chapter I: Under The Microscope

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The crisp morning air of autumn swept through the courtyard of Targaryen University, rustling the neatly trimmed hedges and lifting loose leaves into a swirl of color. The towering spires of the ancient campus buildings gleamed in the early light, casting long shadows over the cobblestone paths below. Students hurried between classes, lab coats flapping in the breeze as they balanced coffee cups and textbooks, the weight of the semester pressing heavily on their shoulders. Among them, Rhaenyra Targaryen strode across the quad, her polished shoes clicking against the stone in a steady rhythm. Her hair, platinum blonde and neatly pinned back, shimmered as the sun caught it. She walked with the kind of confidence that only someone raised in the shadow of greatness could. Her father's name was etched into one of the buildings on campus, "Viserys Targaryen Research Center," a constant reminder of the legacy she was to uphold. 

Rhaenyra was used to the whispers. The subtle glances from her classmates, the murmured comments about her father's donations, and the occasional sneer from those who believed her place in the graduate program had been bought, not earned. It didn't bother her. Or at least, that's what she told herself. After all, she knew the truth, she had earned her place here, with long hours in the lab and a sharp mind that few could match. She adjusted the strap of her leather satchel and entered the imposing doors of the Biomedical Sciences building. 

Her footsteps echoed in the sterile white hallways, the scent of disinfectant sharp in the air. Students milled around outside lecture halls, some hurriedly discussing assignments, others simply trying to wake up for the long day ahead. As Rhaenyra approached the research lab, her eyes narrowed slightly. 

Alicent Hightower was already there, hunched over a microscope, her curly chesnut hair tied back in a loose ponytail. She had been working in the lab long before Rhaenyra arrived, and it showed in the way she owned the space, as if it belonged to her. They hadn't said more than a few words to each other since the semester began. What was there to say? They weren't friends. They weren't even colleagues. They were rivals, trapped in the same space, competing for the same limited resources, and vying for the attention of the same professors.

As Rhaenyra slid into her station across from Alicent, the tension in the air was palpable. There was always tension. The silent competition between them hummed beneath the surface, unspoken but ever-present. Neither of them would admit it aloud, but they were watching each other's every move, each mistake, each success. "You're late," Alicent said without looking up, her voice clipped as she adjusted the lens on the microscope."I'm exactly on time," Rhaenyra replied coolly, setting her bag down beside her station. "Not that it matters. It's not like we're on a schedule.""Every minute counts," Alicent shot back, finally glancing up from her work. Her brown doe eyes met Rhaenyra's, a challenge lingering just behind them. Rhaenyra suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. She didn't have time for this, not today. There was too much riding on the research they were conducting, and she wasn't going to let Alicent distract her. Besides, they both knew what this was really about. Alicent resented her, plain and simple. And Rhaenyra? Well, she had learned to let people's opinions roll off her back.

The hum of machines filled the lab, a steady, monotonous drone that underscored their work. Rhaenyra focused on her tasks, calibrating her equipment and reviewing the data from their latest experiment. She could feel Alicent's presence across the table, a constant reminder that this wasn't just about science it was about proving who was better. As the hours wore on, the tension between them ebbed and flowed, broken only by the occasional sharp comment or the clatter of lab equipment. The rivalry was exhausting, but it was also a motivator. Neither of them would ever admit it, but they pushed each other to be better, faster, sharper. 

By late afternoon, the once bustling halls of the Biomedical Sciences building had quieted, and only the faint sounds of distant conversations echoed through the empty corridors. Rhaenyra leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms. Across from her, Alicent was still focused, her brow furrowed in concentration as she scribbled notes on her clipboard. Without thinking, Rhaenyra found herself watching her rival, noting the way her hands moved quickly, precisely, over the page. She hated to admit it, but there was a certain grace to the way Alicent worked. For all their differences, there was no denying that Alicent was brilliant. It was one of the few things Rhaenyra could respect about her.

"You're staring," Alicent muttered without looking up.Rhaenyra blinked, caught off guard. "Just thinking.""About what? What your next big donation will be?" Alicent's voice was sharp, her words barbed. Rhaenyra sighed, the familiar frustration rising in her chest. "You know, you might not believe this, but I'm not here because of my father's money."

"Sure you aren't," Alicent said, finally looking up, her expression unreadable. For a moment, the two women simply stared at each other, the silence between them heavy with unsaid words. Then, with a sharp exhale, Rhaenyra turned back to her work, shutting Alicent out once again. The rivalry would continue. It always did.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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