Pt. 3

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(Book characters are from: Two Degrees)

George: *walks into house* "hello people who DONT live here.
Akira: "hi"
Natalie: "Hey!"
Owen: "we were outta Doritos"
Akira: "Okay, you just jump up like this." *Mounts Dodger*
George: "You said that last time and you fell off."
Owen: "Yeah, but I got it this time!"
Owen: *falls off*
(Book characters are from: Projekt 1065)

Simon: "I'm afraid of birds."
Micheal: *trying to hold in a laugh*
Simon: "Go ahead, laugh, I know, it's-"
(Book characters are from: Allies)

Dee: "Huh? Where am I?"
Dorothy: "Don't worry, Dr. Monique will take care of you."
Dee: *Grabs Monique's arm and whispers* "I see the light"

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