Chapter 2

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When the Cullens arrived at the school they noticed Bella across the lot staring at them. Karlee was walking next to her parents and she felt Bella's eyes on her and her family until they went into the school.

"Do you think she is going to keep staring at us since Eddie left?" Karlee asks

"I hope not." Rosalie says and everyone heads to their classes. 


A few days have passed since Edward left. Karlee was in her class before lunch. It just happened to be the one class that she didn't share with any of her family, which normally didn't bother her since she shared it with her friend Angela. They were tablemates. Angela was really Karlee's only friend in town, outside her family. She was sweet and Karlee liked her a lot. Rosalie was apprehensive about Karlee being friends with her at first, but now she doesn't mind as much. Angela isn't curious about their family or always asking Karlee questions and Karlee and her get along well.

But today was different and she hated that none of her family was in this class with her. Karlee was itching to get out of class because Bella happens to be in the class and she has been staring at Karlee non-stop. Even when Karlee looked over at her, Bella didn't flinch, she just kept staring.

Angela noticed Karlee's discomfort and Bella's staring. "Why is she staring at you?" Angela asked Karlee in a whisper.

"I don't know, but it's making me uncomfortable. I'm going to run out of here when the bell rings." Karlee responded in the same tone and Angela nodded.

After another agonizing 25 minutes, the bell finally rang. "Oh, thank god. See ya later, Ange." Karlee says before she quickly gets up.

"Bye." Angela says and Karlee dashes out of the classroom.

Bella sighed knowing she lost her chance to talk to Karlee. She figured she would be the easiest target since she was obviously different from the rest of the Cullens. She didn't have the same eyes and she noticed that Karlee was the only one that was actually eating during lunch. Bella figured Karlee would be the easiest to talk to and get information about Edward from. She decided that she would just have to try again later. She leaves the classroom to go to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Karlee is in the hallway walking quickly and dodging other students. Anyone looking at her can tell she isn't currently her happy bubbly self. She's frustrated and it shows. She didn't even notice her dad and Jasper on the other side of the hallway as she stormed through the students.

"That was Karlee." Jasper says looked towards the direction Karlee went.

"Something's wrong. Let's go." Emmett says and they quickly chase after her.

They manage to stop her when she gets to an empty hallway. 

"Karlee." Jasper calls

"Karlee, wait." Her dad says

Karlee stops but doesn't face them as she clenches her fist that isn't holding her textbooks and breathes slowly, trying to calm down.

Both Jasper and Emmett notice her tense posture and her clenched fist. Emmett steps forward and grabs her clenched fist in his hand, slowly turning her around. He holds her fist in one hand and places the other on her shoulder.

"Karlee, sweet pea, what's wrong?" Emmett asks and Karlee looks up at him for a moment before dropping her books and hugging him around his waist as tight as she can. She burrows her face into his chest. Emmett hugs her back immediately and shares a worried look with Jasper before they both look back down at Karlee. "Princess, what happened?"

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