Chapter 3

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Karlee was in her room reading when she heard yelling coming from downstairs. She walked down and saw her family fighting...well her mother and Edward fighting. The rest of the family was trying to calm them down. They don't notice that she has joined them.

"You made her curious. She hasn't stopped staring at us, especially Karlee! Bella has been staring at Karlee more than any of us and I'm sick of it! You need to fix it!" Rosalie yells to Edward.

"It's not my fault that she is curious." Edward defends himself

"Bullshit!" Karlee exclaims, making everyone stare at her in shock. Karlee never says anything that is remotely related to a curse word and she rarely yells. Since Karlee was doing both, they knew she was pissed. They were right, she is pissed and is glaring at Edward. "You treated her like utter crap on her first day and then disappeared out of nowhere. Then she starts staring at us constantly and she doesn't stop, even if she is caught. She'll sit there during any class I have with her and stare at me. She doesn't take notes, she doesn't do classwork, she doesn't participate, she doesn't do anything else but stare, even if I look at her she doesn't stop. None of us have done anything to make her curious. So all of this is on you!" Karlee says to Edward before storming out of the room.

The family watches her leave in shock. 

"I'm going to go calm her down." Emmett says before leaving to find his daughter.

"I'll help." Jasper tells him as he follows.

"See. All Bella's staring has made Karlee frustrated." Rosalie says to Edward. "Make her stop staring and then leave her alone. We don't need her to be curious about us or finding out what we are or what Karlee is." Rosalie says to him with a glare before walking off to check on Karlee.


School ended relatively quickly the next day. Bella was still staring at the Cullen family, but that was really only because Edward wasn't showing himself until biology class. 

Karlee was sitting on the hood of Emmett's jeep with her sketchbook out as she was waiting for her family to leave. She wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings until she heard a screech from the tires of a car. She looked up and saw Tyler's van skidding out of control right towards Bella's truck. Edward immediately sped over and stopped the van with his bare hands, protecting Bella. Karlee looked at Edward wide-eyed. He just exposed his speed and strength in front of all the people in the school parking lot, putting herself and their entire family in danger.

"I'm going to the hospital to talk to Carlisle." Rosalie says before getting in her car.

Emmett goes up to Karlee. "Hop in the Jeep, sweet pea. We better get home." Emmett tells her. 

Karlee nods and gets into the passenger seat of the jeep as Alice and Jasper get into the back. Emmett quickly drives them home.


Karlee was sitting on the couch watching her mother and Edward yell at each other in the living room of the Cullen House after they returned from the hospital with Carlisle. 

"You exposed us! Putting us all in danger!" Rosalie shouts at Edward

"I saved Bella!" Edward shouts back defending himself. "What was I supposed to do? Let her die?" Edward asks sarcastically with an eyeroll.

"Not use your speed and strength in front of everyone in the school parking lot! This doesn't just affect you! It affects us all! The Volturi could kill us all and who knows what will happen if they find out about Karlee!"

"Nobody is going to find out."

"What about Bella? She saw you across the lot with us before you sped over to her." Karlee says

"She won't know."

Karlee scoffs out a laugh. "Based on how she's been acting, I wouldn't put it past her to try and figure it out. She was already curious before, she will definitely be more curious now."

"Karlee's right! You shouldn't have done anything, Edward!" Rosalie says

"I saved my mate. I'm not going to apologize for that." Edward says crossing his arms

"Your mate? Bella is your mate?" Karlee asks confused



"She just is."

"But she's your blood singer." Karlee says and Edward nods. "How is she your mate if she's your blood singer? Doesn't it kind of go against what a mate does for a vampire?"

"She's both." Edward says getting annoyed.

"But I thought even if a vampire's mate was human then their scent calms them?" Karlee says questioningly. "Bella's scent does the exact opposite for you since she's your singer. Are you sure she's your mate?"

Edward growls loudly and yells "She's my mate! Don't talk about things you have no idea about!" Karlee flinches and looks down at her hands.

"Hey!" Emmett stands in front of Karlee protectively with an angry look on his face. "Don't you talk to her like that. Do it again and I'll rip your head off." Emmett growls to Edward. 

"Don't ever raise your voice at my daughter!" Rosalie snaps. "Especially when she's right. Bella isn't your mate. Bloodsingers aren't mates. It's impossible."

"Not this time. Bella is my mate." Edward says sternly.

Carlisle sighs. "I'm glad you found her, Edward. But be careful about what you expose from now on." He says and Edward nods.

Rosalie scoffs. "That's it? Are you kidding me, Carlisle?!" Rosalie says and Carlisle looks at her. "You know there is no way she could be his mate. She's also human and shouldn't be involved with us. It will get her and all of us killed!"

"Edward says she is his mate." Carlisle says

"She's his human bloodsinger." Rosalie says, but Carlisle stays silent. Rosalie scoffs. "When I found Karlee and you thought she was human, you were saying how we should give her to the state and let her have a human life. She was abandoned in the middle of the freezing woods all alone and you wanted us to give her up and now that Edward's stupid bloodsinger, who is actually human and not an abandoned baby, shows up and is curious about us, you're just going to let Edward do whatever he wants, involving her in our lives, even if it leads to all of us being killed?!"

"She'll make him happy. I've seen it. She will be part of the family." Alice says

Rosalie shakes her head in disbelief. "This is absolutely ridiculous." She says before glaring. "If she does anything, and I mean anything, that puts Karlee in danger, I will kill her myself." Rosalie says before going over and grabbing Karlee's hand and pulls her out of the room. Emmett follows them after sending the rest of the coven a look.

 Emmett follows them after sending the rest of the coven a look

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17 ⏰

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