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Ace's P.O.V~
Hallo there my name is Ace Heart. I was born in southern Germany in Munich. My parents never actually liked me, haha well my mum grew a bit to me and that was all. My father was the one who hatted me the most. I was beaten multiple times from bolth of them. I was merely just a stress toy for them. Now I am on my own to face the world by myself. A lot of shit goes down but in the end it is an amazing experience. I shall tell you my story. Now let's see here, where to begin.Um... ah yes. The day after my birthday when I turned ten I was in my room examining and playing with this magnificent sword that my mother had giving to me. It was passed down to me since I was the middle child. My two older and two younger brothers and sisters left the family to be on their own.
This sword was simply beutiful and I was having a good old time right there, buuuut that didn't last long. I heard yelling and screaming once again from the hell outside of my bedroom door once again, but that was normal so I thought that I was just going to get beat again. Then my fother barged in with a knife screaming that he was going to kill me and he took bolth hands standing above me starting to bring the blade down on me. My mother screamed and came dashing in, taking the blade to her neck... moment's later she was dead from blood loss. My father stood there in shocked, petrified and shaking. He looked down on me and my now dead mother. He glared at me in tears yelling that it was all my fault, and I was the one who was to blame. He barged out of my room and ran down the hall. I sat there laying my mother to the side taking the knife out of her neck and putting it aside. I heard a gunshot and I flew to my feet scurring down the hall the sword at my waist running out to see a gun to the side and my fothers body, bloody and lifeless. I took one last look before I ran in fear out the back door to the woods. I ran and ran and ran until I got tired, even then I managed to keep running. I stoped and broke down near a river bank. I looked around not knowing where I was, and fome that time on I had lost my sence of direction. I sat there In a daze watching the river flow over the rocks, softening them as time passed. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jumped turning to see a tall man with an eyepatch and short Grey ish hair look down at me with a grin. He placed a hand on my head and I passed out. By the time I awoke I had anger replace my fear and rage replace my sadness. A man walked up to me and I stood up looking at him. He gave a cold smile handing me some new clothing. I looked down at myself in horror, finding myself bear and a lot taller and Masculine than before. I put the bits of clothing on to find that they fit with ease. The man then had held up the sword my mother had given me. He had it floating in between his fingers and then he expanded them, stretching the sword. He then handed it to me with a struggle, I picked it up with ease. The old man grinned looking at me like I was a masterpiece of his. I stood in confusion until the old man became a bright light. Once it dimmed I stood in horror for I knew this man. He has been haunting me ever since I was little. He's the one who screwed up my family.
He chuckled and spoke in a cold Suttle tone "hello Ace, like your new body? And your sword?? Well with all of these purks you now work for me." I started to get pissed but he spoke again
"You boy, you can't run away or deny anything that I say. If so and you decide to rebel, you shall get massive torture. This will be fun because you are immortal."
I looked at him confused "what?" I said.
"Ugh you never have listened to me, let me just put this straight I have something of yours so you can't die. Done."
"Oh screw you"
"I'd rather not. Now bye bye"
He disappears and I'm left alone by the river bed where my spirit from my youth lays.

???'s P.O.V.
    Haa I can't wait for this game, it's only just the very start and I'm already exited. I lay back in my chair and kick my feet up watching Ace wonder the woods through the glass ball that floats in front of me. I smile and look behind me where km greeted by a woman with blazing red eyes. I laugh at her.
You, I will call you when I need you. Now go back somewhere else Miss. Kawashima
So? How shitty was that? cx Ahh whatever. But ANYWAYS! I hope u enjoyed! Comment what u should fix and or any ideas I should add in later I the story! Now~
*places hand over heart*
I bid chu a good day

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