The Lost Child

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~in Aces head . he is in a coma~
Ace's P.O.V.~
I couldent rember anything. My head still spinning, feeling pains and shivers run running through my body constantly. All around me it was black but there were some dim lights floating here and there. Where am I? What happened to me? Did die?
These questions kept running through my head along with several others.


Nothing could be heard. My body felt numb and cold. What has Grey done to me? I swear I hate that wretched man, all his dumb so called games and useing my old friends and family as pawns or stupid cards. I can't believe him!
A small noise came out from the darkness behind me. I quickly turned around, a dim ball of light was in front of me and slowly drifted away. The light was a nice calming when it started to leave I couldn't help but follow.
I walked, and walked, and walked following this light into the nothingness, like a child blindly following its mother.
I ended up in front of a door. nothing was around the door though, it looked like it was just a door in the middle of nowhere. The ball drifted through the door and I looked around one last time at the darkness and grabbed the knob.
I slowly open the door and blinding rays of light came in. I shielded my eyes and felt around. I couldn't feel the door knob anymore. I slowly took my hand off my eyes and looked around. I was in the middle of a forest thick with graveyard fog.
I looked around more and saw that there was no door anymore. Like it wosent ever there in the first place. I blinked in confusion and looked down. I was thinner, much shorter and younger, and less stronger than I originally felt, my clothing changed also. Instead I had on a nice blue and white collard shirt.
I had my brown boots on with some dark blue pants on and a brown sword holder running across my hips with my sword there. I looked at my hands and I had on blue fingerless gloves on.
I looked at my surroundings one last time before I heard the sound again. It sounded more clear now and it sounded like a woman screaming. I started to follow the sound this time.
This time running, I felt lost, confused, and guilty. Something wosent right... I ran and eventually stopped in an opening surrounded by trees and thick bushes. I catched a breather and looked around, there seemed to be no exit and the trees combining and twisting together with each other so there would shirley be no exit for me.
The screaming started to get louder and louder. My ears started to ring and I covered them. I was doing circles in the center of the opening looking for the sorce of the screaming but there was nothing there. I knew there was nothing there.
I fell to my knees yelling back in hopes that the yelling would stop but it didn't. it just kept getting louder and louder. My ears felt like they were bleeding and my head felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't take it... I took my hands off my ears and screamed at the top of my lungs "STOP!"

I opend my eyes, my heart raceing and now my throat felt like sandpaper. It was dark again exept for the single light that shown above me from a lampoast.
I examined myself again and I saw that I was a small child. Oversized sword in one hand and a teddy bear in the other. I stood up and leaned on the sword feeling overly tired and weak. There was a faint noise again and I looked out to see two balls of light blazing twards me. I couldn't move, my body stiff and my lil hands shaking.
All I did was watch. The lights got closer and closer coming at me like bats out of hell. When they got so far as a yard away I heard a loud screaching noise and the large black shadow in the night stopping next to me.
Large hands came out and grabbed me by my collar pulling me in. I lost grip of my bear and turned back to grab it but it was too late. I was looking out the window at my bear left deserted and to decay in the wild as we sped off.
A hand was placed over my mouth and my eyes grew heavy. It became hard to even breath. My consciousness left me and I soon fell into a deep sleep.
When I awoke I saw a blinding light and doctors dressed in white. I was strapped to a table and on one side of me there were utensils of all sorts. Some sharp like for pearcing the skin, others looking like to scoop out an eyeball, some even looked like saws to cut your bones into two. I turned to the other side of me and there were men and women tied down to tables too.
Some had covers over their bodies others yelling and making a ruckus but soon becoming still and silent. The white around the people soon becoming a deep red the doctors too.
The pert next to me turned and saw me, looking at me with complete shock and horror, but when the doctors now in new white gowns came over the man started to squirm and scream begging for mercy.
The doctor held up a sharp object that shimmerd in the blinding light and soon crashed down on the man below. The doctors gown soon becomeing covered in that deep red again as he played around, slamming his utensils into the man until he stopped moving. Not even after that, he kept going till he got to his heart.
Riping it out and placing the still beating organ into the tray and then moving to me. I looked up at the man and he glared back down at me. He smiled a grim smile behind his mask and lifted up a tube like thing above my chest.
I watched like nothing was happening to me, until it came crashing down. The tube came down and crashed straight through my hallow chest, pain slowly starting hit me. The doctor let go then started to play with a sharp knife. He cut off my shirt and started to run the knife along my stomach.
He quickly made swift cuts and my stomach started to be riped open. The man reached his hand in and I felt some parts of me becoming empty, for he pulled out my organs and kidneys.
All of this happened right in front of my eyes. I looked to the man who was cut up besides me, his eyes white and everything bloody. I started to hear loud crying and i thought to myself. Why am I still awake!? What is going on that I didn't die like the others!? What's with all the noises!?
Just then I closed my eyes tight for a sharp, peirceing pain hit me.
When I finally open them I was in a hospital bed in the mansion and Olivia crying besides me.
Heyyy im back c: Hope you liked this chapter! thank you for reading cx I'll get back into writing again >u< But now...
*Places hand over heart*
I bid chu a good day!!

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