A Push

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*time zoooooooooomm*
Grey's P.O.V.~
Today is the day. Three months have passed and it is now December. Soon Ace's birthday will be here. I don't think that that man even celibates his birthday. Christmas will also be here.... God I hope this Christmas I don't get another fifty shades of grey book. Man that book sucks and I got it as a joke! Whatever! I need to not get my mind on those things. Today's all I need to think about.
    At about three o'clock in the afternoon I shall make my first actuial move. Haha let's see how that old man Suga will take this. Haha I can't wait to see his reaction when he has to face one of his good old friends.
This will be fun. I can't wait to start.

Ace's P.O.V.~
It was a nice December morning with slight chill and snowfall. I was outside on the porch in deep thought. Me and olivia have been getting along well over the past months. She's shown me a lot and taught me some things about love. Love is the weirdest thing in the world... Also over the past months Olivia has moved in fully with us and Sugar already has her working! Whoch is actually amazing.
    This December I will have to keep my eyes out though. Lately I've been getting terrible headaches and I've passed out from a few. I'm afraid to. I know that Grey is behind all this. IM scared though... I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt my friends or Olivia, this is the last thing I want... Not even.
I walked back inside, my cheeks red and I smiled and walked over to Olivia who was sitting on my bed. She smiled at me and I took a seat next to her.
"How's it been going Ace?"
"Good. And you?"
"Nothing much haha. Hey how is your head?"
"Right now it is ok... but there may be another."
She looked down a bit saddend and I lifted her head to meet her gaze. I felt myself freeze when I saw that there was fear in her eyes. She smiled at me and I huged her scared myself. What happened? Why is she scared? Oh god I hope I didn't do anything when I passesouth before.
She huged me back then she let go. I looked at her and then clenched my head. Olivias eyes widened and placed a soft hand on my shoulder.
"Ace... is everything all right?"
I shook my head feeling that something was off.
"Olivia. I need you to go."
"But I can't just leave you... What happens if you pass out!?"
"Olivia. Go get Suga and come back then. Please." I asked as I clenched my head harder.
Just then she left and I stood leaning onto the bed post for support. The headache got worse and I dropped to the ground clenching my head with bolth hands as I bared my teeth from the pain.
I heard... I heard the laughter. The laughter from the dream I had. My ears started to ring as it got louder and louder. I couldn't do anything so I yelled for it to stop. I couldn't concitrate as my mind spun and my vision went blurry.
I stood and wobbled twards the balcony slightly, but only able to take a few steps as I heard the door fly open and I turned around. The last things I remember were seeing Olivia running in with Suga behind her. Olivia screaming and glass flying every where. I hit something hard and slumped to the ground. My mind went blank after that.

Suga's P.O.V.~
I was in my office when I saw olivia burst through the door. She was crying and in fear. I stood up and nodded no words comeing from either of us. We bolth ran to Ace's room and ran in.
When I took a step in I saw Ace flying out the glass dores to the balcony. After a split second Ace was motionless and there slumped down on the ground with Olivia running over. I cursed under my breath and ran over holding Olivia back for I knew that something wosent right.
Olivia was trembling as tears were going down her face watching Ace. I continued to hold her back then I heard a faint laughter. I watched Ace as he stood up laughing his bangs covering his eyes and a smirk on his face.
This laughing didn't sound like Ace's laughter though. My eyes widened as I watched. This wosent Ace anymore... something or someone was inside him... using him like a puppet. Now... I know exactly who it was.
Ace didn't say anything... No...Grey didn't say anything. I snarled and held the trembling Olivia away from this man. The laughter stopped and Ace jumped off the balcony. I ran out and looked down half in shock but to see that he was... gone.
I didn't know what he wanted but I'll soon find out. That bastard has gone too far this time. I left with Olivia and rounded up the people in the mansion who were my fighters and left to go seek out where that bastard has taken my friend.

Ace's P.O.V.~
I was in darkness. Nothing around me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them I was standing besides a chair. I looked up and then bared my teeth at the man in front of me.
"Pleas. Take a seat. I'm not here to bite." He said with a slight chuckle.
I took a seat and kept my eye on him.
"What is is you want Grey?"
"I told you to not call me that didn't I?"
There was a slight silence till he spoke again
"Let me say this again. I said not to call me Grey. Do you remember?"
"Yes. I remember."
"Haha good. Now was that so hard? At least you wernt so stubborn like last time. You wouldn't like punishment now would you?"
"I'm not here to play games! Now why am I here."
"Haha well. I'm going to use you for a small trick I've had up my sleeve."
"Use me!? In what do you plan on doing with me."
"Oh nothing much, but here why don't we play a small game? I'm in need of a game to play right now."
"You didn't answer me."
"Chess? Ok welk play chess haha I didn't know you liked chess."
I sat there in silence as he pulled out a chess bored and set it up in front of us. He laughed and looked at me.
"What's with that face?"
I didn't say anything.
"Oh come on... now I'll be nice and give you the first move. Make yours wisely"

Grey's P.O.V.~
I prepared a pathetic army of a nearby towns people and put them under my spell so they would fight till their deaths. I smirked as I placed them in rows upon rows in the woods behind the mansion. I felt a presence and smirked as I made my way to the front drawing Ace's sword and standing in the front.
I looked around and saw that there were many hiding behind bushes and trees and or wherever they could find a place to hide. I saw a man pop out of the bushes with green gloves on and the battle started.
Men and women from bolth sides charged at each other. Bullets, weapons, dirt, and blood were flying everywhere and body's from bolth sides dropping. I smirked and joined swinging ace's sword here and there covering ace's body and sword with blood.
I immediately stopped when there was lighting crashing down in front of me and saw a boy with white hair summoning it. Many people incenerating from the bolts touch. I took a quick look around before being lifted into the air by a man with mechanical wings.
I quickly grabbed his arm tying him up and got on top of him. Standing on his back and holding the rope I crashes him into the ground and jumped off heading back to the center of battle.
I got so agitated when people kept takeing me out of battle. It pissed me off more when Suga grabbed me and took me into a dimension. I knew I couldn't escape from this scince it was a special dimension where no body could enter or leave unless they had Sugas permission but I could for Ace wosent my body.
I sighed and looked at suga who glared at me. I held Ace's sword out and glared at him. He stood there and I attacked. I landed a blow onto his left arm leaving a deep wound. He clenched his arm and drew his Sythe.
"Why are you doing this Grey!? Let Ace go!"
"Haha I don't think so. Oh and you better be careful there with that Sythe. If you attack me and leave any cut you'll be damaging Ace's body."
"I know! Now answer me damnit! Why are you doing this!"
"Oh you know why... don't you?"
"No! Now tell me!"
"Wow this is a shocker. Suga the man who knows everything and is the head of the mafia dosent know?"
"I now don't say that. That isn't a nice thing to say."
"I'm going to ask one last time. Tell me why you are doing this!"
"Well I see that that girl my brother is obsessed with... Olivia isn't it? Yes. Well I see that she has fallen for my lil pawn here. Now if things tend to go further I will be takeing their first child and use them to destroy this wreched world."
"Now that is nonsense Grey!"
"Haha no its not."
Just then Suga attacked me. I smirked and stood there. He swung and there was a huge gash now in Aces chest. I smirked and attacked back.

Ace's P.O.V.~
I started to feel pain around my body and my head spun. I looked up at Grey and made my move. He looked at me and laughed. I clenched my chest as I looked into his eyes feeling an immense pain in my chest. Like if someone cut it open.
My legs and arms becoming weak and the feeling of being cut open started to course throughout my body.
I fell to the floor and continued to hold my chest and then looked up at Grey who smiled and made a move on the chess table.
"Check mate"
At that moment I passed out.

Grey's P.O.V.~
I saw that Ace's body was horrifically cut up with black blood seeping out. I laughed and looked at Suga.
"It was nice talking to you Suga. Now I'll just me on my way."
"Yes we are... now good day"
"Don't you have enough?" Then I left Ace's body and let Ace go. I went back to my home. I also have a new guest his name is Max.
Max here is becoming strangely odd lately, I wounder what is going on with him, but I guess that'll wait for a later time. Right now I want to see where Suga will go with this.

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