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-months later-
Ace's P.O.V~
"Man... another dead end... haha oh well I guess I'll take a left here and go down that path... the mansion should be that way."
*looking the opposite way of the mansion*
I started to walk down the path and looked around at the beautiful forest. It was nice, birds flying here and there and some lil animals running around everywhere.
"I think suga is going to be mad at me again haha. I'm never going to get those reports done for him...oh well he'll get over it" I said to myself as I continued down the path with a smile.
The path seemed to last forever and I got bored after a while and decided to cut through some bushes and go off road. Maby I'd get there quicker, but I just ended up by a small river. I sighed and looked up seeing that it got rather late. "I guess when your on a journey time flies" I said to myself again with a chuckle. My journeys are always intresting in some way... I guess.
I smiled to myself but that faded shortly after when it grew darker and my time to get to work crept up on me, I threw on my cloke pullinh up the hold placeing the maskon my face starting to move down the river to a small house at the end of it.
When I arrived people were walking around the front, back and all over inside of the house, all armed with a gun. I sighed and saw a man wondering off out a bit further from the others and the house, so I snuck over to where the man was going. I stopped behind a bush behind him and looked around to see if anyone was near. When the cost was clear I poped out and taped the man on the shoulder.
He turned around started but then his eyes went wide when he looked at me. He screamed "IT'S YOU!" and backed up falling onto the ground. I smiled and drew my sword holding it up to his neck. He froze and drew his gun, in fear of death standing in front of him. Before he could fire his weapon he was dead.
I wiped off the end of my sword and made my way back to the house where the men were all ready to fire. I sighed once more making a big entry grinning as I could feel my body warm up, my hand gripping the sword tighter with it still drawn.
One of the men yelled pointing at me screaming "IT'S HIM, HE'S THE ONE BOSS TOLD US ABOUT, FIRE!" People without hesitation turned and rained down bullets onto me. I dashed away Into the woods to then turn and make my appearance once again behind a group. Many of them didn't even have the chance to blink before they dropped to the ground dead. I maneuvered my way through the mobs of people making my way inside the house blood everywhere. There was silence. The only thing I could hear were the grasshoppers and frogs outside from the river and the sound of my breath.
Once more I cleaned off my sword and put it in its holster finding my way around the small house to the room I was looking for. I opened the door slowly finding money stacks thrown here and there with bits and bobs of things everywhere. Finally finding a golden box sitting on the desk at the end of the room. I pulled the bag off of my back and picked up the valuables around the room along with the box and left out to the river.
Once there i walked down the river a bit slipping off my mask pulling down my hood holding the golden box in one hand looking up to the man who had ruined everything of me. I held the box out to that wreched man, with the bag in my other. He smiled and took them giving me back a small rucksack and leaving. I shook my head taking off my cloke putting it away, walking off to who knows where.

???'s P.O.V.~
I watched my lil pet through the glass ball I had along with me and waited by the bank of the river for when he finished my bidding.
I grinned when I saw the gold box sitting there on the desk and my patience was growing unstable. I waited for him, and saw him leave so I put the ball away and waited some more. Finally he walked out with a bag and my box, I grinned and took the box and the bag throwing him his small reward in a rucksack I found somewhere in my mansion.
I left soon after looking at the box with a smile. "Bits and pieces of my plan are coming together so nicely. It would go quicker if that twat wouldn't get lost all the time... but oh well, at least it's comeing together and soon ill be able to win over suga. That asshole beat me once. But not again. I won't allow it from the embarrassment he left me with, along with a weak body and mind. No. I shall win this time." I cut off my thinking so I wouldn't get all worked up about it.
I sighed and and placed the box next to a fiew other things on a shelf with a smile. "At least suga dosent know that I have the heart of his knight. I can gladly kill him off any time I'd like" I sat down snickering to myself closing my eyes and crossing my legs over my desk resting my head on my fist with a smile.
"This game shall be verry intresting... let's see how we will play this out"
*places a hand on my heart*

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