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"So has Olivia got any dietary requirements?" I ask, bringing in new children was always a lot of paperwork and meeting new parents is a nerve-wracking experience for me. Though I'm always happy to have new children in, my job always felt fulfilling to me.

"Oh yes, I don't want her to have any sugar," The mother says quite matter-of-factly.

"You mean like treats and cake and things?"

"No, I mean any sugar, at all."

"I'm not sure I understand sorry," I say and she huffs a little.

"No sugar in the breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks. Nothing, no sugar, I want her meals to be completely clean." She says and I take a moment to process what she says.

"Okay well of course we can make sure she gets no treats or added sugar but unfortunately we can't track how much sugar is in her meals since most food has natural sugar in it so in that aspect we couldn't ensure that it was absolutely sugar-free" I say, knowing full well she was going to debate me on the subject.

"Surely you can find a way to get in clean meats and fruits and veg that has no sugar in it?" She says crossing her arms.

"Uhm, I'm not sure if those things even exist and regardless we can only order produce that is approved by head office and is in accordance with the nutritional guidelines, but I can assure you that we won't give Olivia any added sugar or sweets." I try to reassure her, though I desperately want to tell her how insane she sounds. She huffs once more and rolls her eyes.

"Fine, but if she develops an unhealthy addiction to sugar or gets diabetes, I will be blaming you!" She says and I give her the sweetest smile I can muster up.

"That's perfectly fine. So, Olivia, we will see you and your mummy on Monday!" I say looking down at the sweetest little girl who smiles brightly at me.

"See you Monday, goodbye," The mother says abruptly and walks out. I let out a big sigh and turned around to Sorcha, who I am very glad is in my room today.

"Some parents are off their rocker d'ya know that?" She says and I laugh.

"Well she's not the worst we've had" I say and help her clean up the breakfast table.

"No, but for Christ's sake Charlie, sugar-free fruit and veg? Like, c'mon, it's common knowledge that those things produce sugar naturally!" She says throwing her hands in the air and I'm glad for her antics. I tend not to complain about the parents too much because god forbid their kids tell them later and there's conflict but Sorcha does not care at all so I get to vent vicariously through her.

"I know, it is a bit bizarre, but Olivia seems like such a sweet kid," I say trying to find the silver lining.

"Ah no, she really does, it's amazing how uptight parents can have such gentle kids."

"Well, children have their own personalities for the most part." I shrug

"Very true, speaking of, how are your two?" Sorcha asks and my shoulders find that all too familiar tension.

"They're good, y'know the usual, one loves school, one would rather walk across coal," I say and she laughs, I love talking about my kids if someone asks but recently I've been afraid that a conversation about them will lead to questions about my husband, or ex-husband should I say. Though thankfully, Sorcha is not someone who presses for information unless she knows she has permission.

"Oh that's always the way, I hope to high heaven that ours comes out liking school because otherwise, I'm afraid they'll be like my brother"

"Why, what's wrong with your brother?"

"Nothin', he's just as thick as two short planks" She says and I can't help but laugh.


"What? I'm only telling the truth, now if you'll excuse me, I think Michael is in need of a wee" She says and I look over to Michael who is doing a cross-legged dance.


"No but honestly, sometimes parents are so lax with how their kids smell!" Carly says. I've been in the staff from for the last fifteen minutes while she complains about the state of some of the babies that come in.

"I know, I agree with you but I guess some parents don't find it necessary to bathe them too often"

"Well, it's rank!" Carly grunts and I laugh at her. It's always refreshing to have a conversation with her because she makes everything seem so simple.

"Hello, my loves!" We both jump at the abrupt sound of Marjorie's voice coming into the room.

"Wow, since when do you come in here?" Carly says and I look between them waiting for a fight.

"Y'know you're getting way too cheeky" Marjorie says sitting down but Carly just shrugs at her.

"Anyway I just came in to let you both know something, well mostly Carly" She says and I put my cup down, suddenly feeling nervous.

"What is it?" I ask and she takes a deep breath.

"Well, Reece just called to say that Mia is coming in this week" Marjorie says and Carly's mouth hangs open.

"Wait, isn't Mia the one who-"

"Made me feel gross for getting my period? Yes! But why, why is she coming in?" Carly asks frantically.

"Well, you're both going on the trip with the kids this week and I'll be at a managers conference and there needs to be a manager on site, Mia is the only available one we have" Marjorie explains and I can see Carly's face growing in fear.

"Look, I'm letting everyone know so that you can all be prepared and so that you don't have to deal with her on your own okay?" Marjorie says rubbing her arm gently.

"Of course, we can all look out for you," I say quickly.

"Char, you've not met Mia yet and no offence but I don't think you could handle her" Carly says and it stings a little but she's also not wrong.

"She can't be that bad can she?"

"Oh you have no idea, but not to worry, Reece is on the other end of the phone if you need, Autumn will be in and out and Sorcha can handle her I'd imagine"

"Yeah okay,"

" You'll be fine Carly don't worry," I say and she gives me a weak smile. I head back to my room as soon as Marjorie leaves and immediately speak to Sorcha.

"Is she really that bad?" I ask.

"Well, I've seen worse but she is a real weapon" Sorcha says and that does not put my mind at ease at all.

"God I hope this isn't an absolute nightmare" I say and Sorcha gives me a knowing look.

"Oh it will be, Mia knows how to cause an issue where there isn't one" She says and I sigh in defeat.

"Gorgeous lookin' though" She says and I whip my head around.



"You're married, AND about to have a baby!" I say and she laughs.

"Yeah but I'm not blind Charlie, I mean you'll see it yourself in two days time!" She says and I settle with the notion that the tension in my shoulders is going to stick around for the remainder of the week. 

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