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My mind was a complete mess. As I returned to the room, my head was spinning. I had just tricked Mia, flirted with her and used her care for me against her. On one hand, I felt guilty for doing what I did, for lying to her and essentially coning her, on another hand I was sure that I was doing the right thing because she was doing the same thing to Jody, if not worse and then on top of that, there was a part of me that liked flirting with her, regardless of how bad it was. Something was exhilarating about the knowledge that I could flirt with someone, show affection to someone or have some fun. I walked back into the room to find Carly returning from the sleep room. Her head snaps toward me, eyes wide with excitement for the gossip that I could possibly have for her. Sometimes I think she should be a journalist, since she's so good at getting information and gossip out of people but then I remember that a nursery is always full of drama and stories and she gets to witness it all in real time.

"I hope what you found is good enough to help Jody!" She says panicked.

"I reckon it is"

"You need to tell me what it is, I am dying here!" She feigns pain.

"OK, well I check-" I stop and remember that I had moved my wedding ring, I switch it over quickly.

"Oh my god," I look to see Carly's mouth open wide in shock.

"Oh god, don't ask!" I say, hoping she won't press me for more but I should know better than to think Carly won't want every single detail.

"Char, did you do what I think you did?"

"That depends...what do you think I did?" I cringe.

"Did you go in there to flirt the information out of Mia?" She asks her face a picture of excitement and fears all at once.

"No.Maybe..a little?" I say and she grabs both of my arms and shakes me a little.

"What?! Oh my god, you have to tell me everything! Did she flirt back, what did you say, was it bad? I feel like you can't flirt," She's speed-talking now and I take her hands from my arms to get her attention.

"Okay, first of all, ouch, my flirting wasn't..that bad and secondly, No she did not flirt back, but I still got exactly what I needed,"

"Which was what?"

"I used the paper trail. I found out what time the Louis Vuitton site was opened and I matched that with the time Jody uploaded her observation when Mia came to get her"


"And, the time stamps prove that it couldn't have been Jody because she was in the room writing observations with us!"

"This is perfect Char, are you gonna tell the owner?" She asks and I shake my head

"No, but I am going to tell Marjorie if I can get her on the phone. I don't want to be in a room with the owner," I shiver. There was something about Rodger that just always made me uncomfortable like he's always hiding something. I pick up the phone and dial Marjorie's number.

"Hello?" Her voice comes down the phone.

"Marjorie! Hi, it's Charlotte, I need you to come to the nursery right now" I say quickly.

"Oh don't worry, Reece and I are jumping in the car as we speak," She says and I look over at Carly who is trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Carly rang you didn't she?"

"Yes but don't worry, we'll sort it all once we get there, this is insane!" She says.

"Well actually, I may have found something that could help,"

"What did you find?" She asks and I contemplate whether or not I should go through it with her over the phone.

"She had to flirt with Mia to get it!" Carly jumps in and I hear a gasp on the other end of the phone.

"Carly!" I scrolled her but she doesn't look the least bit sorry.

"You flirted with Mia?" Marjorie says.

"No, Marjorie, I'm married I would never do that," I say innocently and I'm glad the words don't get stuck in my throat.

"Who switched her wedding 'cause Mia's got the hots for her!"

"CARLY!" I raise my voice and Carly covers her ears but she's still got a childish grin spread across her face.

"Excuse me, am I hearing this right? Mia fancies you and you were just flirting with her for information?" Marjorie asks and I laugh nervously.

"Y'know it's alot to explain, I'll just wait until you're here"

"We'll be there in like ten minutes!" She says and hangs up the phone. As I put the phone back I see a Range Rover pulling into the car park, no doubt the owner's car.

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