You go to Disney Land

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Michael: "I'm tired of walking," you whine, trotting to keep up with Michael. "That sucks," he says with a shrug. You glare at him and he laughs, grabbing your hand and pulling you along. "Michael," you groan, "Can't we sit down?" "If you want a good view for the firework show we have to keep walking," he explains, finally stopping and turning to you. "My feet hurt," you reply, pouting. You look pleadingly up at Michael, eyes wide and lip jutted out as you wait for him to crack. "Fine," he sighs, fighting a smile. He turns around and you cheer, hopping on his back for a piggy-back ride. "You're lucky you're cute," he mumbles as he starts to walk again. "I'm lucky I have the best boyfriend ever," you add, grinning. "That's true," Michael agrees with a light laugh. After a few minutes he sets you down, pulling you onto his lap on a nearby bench and waiting for the fireworks to start.

Calum: "I don't wanna get wet," you explain as Calum pulls you into the line for Splash Mountain. "Come on," he pleads, "The line is never this short and it'll be fun!" You sigh, but give in, following Calum toward the ride. You take your seat at the front of the log with Calum behind you when you feel him tap your shoulder. "I forgot to tell you," he says as the ride begins, "The person in the front gets the wettest." "Calum, I'm gonna kill you!" You scream, but it's too late. He laughs hysterically as the two of you exit the ride. "It's not funny," you sigh, wringing out your hair. "Awe, I'm sorry babe," he says, "But it's a little funny." You glare at him before getting an idea and smiling evilly. "What?" Calum says in alarm. "Come here," you say quietly, holding your dripping wet arms out for a hug. "No!" Calum yells. You take off towards him and he sprints away. The next ten minutes are spent with you chasing him through the crowds of confused people, before finally he gives up, allowing you to give him a wet hug.

Ashton: "You're such a dork," you laugh as Ashton forces you into a Minnie Mouse hat and places a Mickey one on his own head. "Are we cute and tumblr-y now? Would you reblog us?" He asks hopefully. You laugh but nod. "You're lying," he says with a frown, "What do we need to be tumblr-y?" "Why do you wanna be 'tumblr-y'?" You ask, making air quotes around his made up word. "So people reblog us," he explains. "They reblog you all the time," you tell him, laughing. "I wanna be romantic!" He cries out in anguish. "Fine," you laugh, "Um, let's take a picture then." You pull out your phone, holding it up so you can see yourself and Ashton on the screen. Before you can take the picture Ashton grabs your chin, turning your face and kissing you. You laugh into the kiss and snap the picture. "That's cute!" You say after as you look at it. "Perfect!' He says with a nod. You go on twitter later to see yourself tagged in Ashton's tweet. 'I'm romantic ;) @Y/n' You click on the link and laugh at the picture before replying, 'Tumblr fame here we come xx'

Luke: "We haven't moved in 3 hours!" Luke complains. "We've only been in line for 10 minutes, babe," you laugh. "Well it feels like 3 hours," Luke mumbles, sitting back on the railing. "Just have fun," you tell him, standing in front of him and playing with the tips of his hair. "It's hot," he sighs, resting his head on your shoulder to hide it from the sun. "You're hot," you return, pushing his head back up. He grins down at you, taking your wrists and pulling you closer to him. He kisses the top of your head and you squint up at him, the sun obstructing your view. He kisses your noise and you crinkle it, giggling. When Luke kisses your lips you kiss back, feeling him smile into the kiss. You hear a loud, purposeful cough and pull away, turning to see a large family watching you. "The line is moving," the father says gruffly. "Right," Luke mumbles, hopping off the railing, "My bad." He grabs your hand and pulls you ahead, blushing immensely and burying his face in your shoulder again once you stop.

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