He comes back from tour

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Luke: You sit on the bench in the airport, scrolling through your twitter feed while you wait for a text from your boyfriend, Luke. Hearing whispers, you look up to see a group of young teenage girls watching you from a distance. You smile at them, knowing they're waiting for Luke just like you. You return to your twitter and notice the girls approaching out of the corner of your eye. "Are - are you waiting for Luke?" One girl asks nervously. "Yeah," you sigh with a tired smile, "His flight was delayed a bit so I've been here a while," you explain. "Do you miss him?" A second girl asks. "Like crazy," you reply, "It'll be nice having him back for a while, and I -" you stop suddenly, noticing the girls' faces change to awe. You wonder what you said when strong arms grab you from behind. "I've missed you, too," Luke whispers in your ear. "Luke!" You shriek, whirling around and standing up. He grabs you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you as he kisses you passionately. Setting you back down, he leans his forehead against your own and whispers, "I've missed that, too." You giggle, standing on your toes to kiss him again when you hear a small cough. Luke pauses, remembering the girls watching you. He looks at you for permission and you nod, smiling. He grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers before moving to the girls watching in awe. "Hey," Luke says, grinning. The girls all start speaking at once, asking for autographs and pictures. "I'm gonna wait over here," you say, nodding to the bench you had been sitting on before. Luke reluctantly releases your hand and you go, watching him interact with his devoted fans. "Hey, it's been awesome meeting you guys, but I gotta get going," you hear Luke tell the girls after a few minutes. "Y/n has been waiting a really long time," he explains. The girls nod, hugging him goodbye before scurrying off. Luke turns back to you, exhausted but smiling. "Ready to go?" Luke asks, pulling you close to him and kissing you gently.

Calum: You were finally drifting off to sleep when you hear a crash coming from downstairs. Your eyes shoot open and you sit up, alert. You wait for another sound, thinking maybe you only imagined it. Then you hear a second clatter. Leaping out of bed, you grab the nearest weapon you can find, which happens to be your hair dryer. Hair dryer in hand and heart pounding, you sneak down the stairs. You pause at the foot of the stairs, waiting for a sound. Hearing footsteps coming toward you, you raise the hair dryer up to strike. A hooded figure rounds the corner and you scream, to your surprise the hooded figure does too. "Stop!" He cries out, raising his hands above his head. "Calum?!" You shout in surprise. He lowers his hood and grins at you sheepishly. "Calum!" You repeat, this time relieved. You fling yourself toward him and he grabs you in a tight squeeze. "What are you doing here?" You ask into his chest. "I wanted to surprise you," he admits. "Surprise me?!" You repeat, "You just about gave me a heart attack!" You punch Calum lightly in the arm and he laughs. "I ran into some, er, unforeseen troubles," He replies. You give him a confused look. "And that vase in your hallway, well, it's broken," he adds. "That's okay," you laugh, "You're home!" You kiss him and he kisses back, cupping your face. You pull away shortly, looking up at him. "You know, Calum, you shouldn't try to surprise me like that. I could've killed you!" You say seriously. "With a hair dryer?" Calum asks, glancing at the one lying by your feet. "Ooh I'm scared," he teased. "You seemed pretty scared when you screamed like a little girl," you counter, smirking up at him. He laughed, kissing your forehead and mumbling, "I missed you."

Michael: "Are you sure there's no way out of this dinner?" Michael whines into the phone. "Michael, it's your family," you sigh, annoyed. "I know, I know," Michael mumbles, "Well my flight just landed, so I'll see you there." "Can't wait," you reply, grinning. You hang up before he can return to complaining about the dinner. You didn't want to go either, but his parents thought it would be fun to welcome him back home with a family dinner and you told him he had to go. He said he'd only go if you went with him, so you finished getting ready and drove to his parents' house. You greeted Michael's parents warmly and helped set the table, then you had no choice but to endure conversation with his grandparents, uncles and aunts waiting eagerly for his arrival. After what seemed like hours, you received a text from Michael: "almost there..:)" You reported this to his mother, who seemed positively ecstatic about having her son return home. Before long the door swings open and Michael walks in, lugging a large suitcase behind him. "Michael!" His mother exclaims, enveloping him in a hug and kissing his cheek. "Hi, mom" he greeted, blushing. You watched from a distance as each of his relatives hurried up to him, hugging him, asking about America, or commenting on how big he was. After a few minutes Michael looked up and met your eyes, grinning broadly. "Excuse me for a minute," he said to his uncle who had just been commenting on his hair color. He made his way over to you and picked you up in a bone-crushing hug. "I missed you!" He says, still squeezing you tightly. "I missed you, too," you say as he sets you down."Can we get out of here for a few minutes?" He mumbles, glancing toward his family. You nod quickly and leave through the back.

Ashton: You pace around the living room, looking out the window every few seconds for a sign of Ashton's car. He was supposed to be home a half hour ago. You look out the window and grin broadly when you see a car pulling up. Yanking the door open, you take off down the porch to where Ashton was getting out of the car. Without a word you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him hard. You felt him smile widely as he kissed you back. "I missed you so much," you mumble into his mouth. "I missed you, too," He replies, tangling his hands in your hair. "What do you say we move this to the bedroom?" He asks, pulling away from the kiss to catch his breath. You open your mouth to reply when you hear a squeal. You look to where the sound came from and see a small group of teenage girls hiding in your bushes. "What the -?" You murmur, looking to Ashton for answers. "That's awkward," Ashton mumbles, blushing as he turns to the girls. "Hi," he says, trying to sound excited. The girls step toward him cautiously and he smiles. You take a seat on the trunk of his car, watching as he smiles for pictures and signs autographs. "Look, uh, I gotta get going," he says after a few minutes of talking. "Oh, right," one girl says with an embarrassed glance in your direction. They start to walk away when one turns around, yelling, "Use protection!" The girls all giggle before jogging off. Ashton turns back to you with an embarrassed smile and you smirk, hopping off of the trunk. "Where were we?" He asks, kissing you against his car again. "We were going inside before any other fans show up," you tell him, laughing.

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