He's leaving America

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Ashton: "Do you have to leave?" You whine into Ashton's chest, breathing in his scent in hopes of memorizing it before he boards the plane. "I have to finish the tour," he sighs, rubbing your back comfortingly. You sniffle, wiping a tear away quickly to keep Ashton from seeing you cry. "Babe, don't cry," Ashton coos, kissing the top of your head. "I'm just being selfish," you sigh, "I don't want to share you with all those other girls." "You know that you'll have my heart the whole time," Ashton reminds you, pulling you even tighter into your chest. "Australian girls are really pretty," you point out. "You're really prettier," Ashton argues. You look up at him, scrunching your nose and making a face of disbelief. He smiles, pecking your lips softly. You stand on your tiptoes as he begins to pull away and you pout, showing him you want more. He giggles, kissing you again, this time with more passion. "I love you," he mumbles into your lips. "I love you too," you reply, pulling away to look up into his tear-filled eyes. "I'm gonna miss that," he says with a watery laugh. You chuckle sadly, nodding in agreement. "I'll see you in a few months, though," he adds. "You make that sound so easy," you sigh. "We'll talk every day," he insists. "Ashton! We gotta go!" You look over to see Calum give you a sad smile. "Bye, baby," you say one last time, kissing Ashton again and letting your lips linger on his. "Okay," Ashton says, his voice catching as he fights tears and continues, "I'll call you when I land." He pulls away from your arms and you immediately miss his touch. "I love you," you add, quickly swiping tears from your cheeks and smiling at him. "I love you, too," Ashton says, pecking your lips one last time before jogging after Calum and the others, turning one last time to blow you a kiss.

Luke: "Are you boarding yet?" You ask eagerly, checking the time once again. "No, we should be soon," you hear Luke say through the speaker. "I can't wait - what is it again - 16 hours?" You ask, checking the time yet again as if that will bring him closer. "Something like that," Luke mumbles. "I need you now," you whine. "It's been four months. We can make it one more day," Luke encourages with a laugh. "I don't know about that," you say thoughtfully. "I've misses you so much," Luke sighs. "I'm sure I've missed you more," you insist, "You've had concerts and recording and song writing to distract you." "I wrote a song about you," Luke says shyly. You can tell even through the phone that he is smiling proudly. "Sing it for me!" You beg. "No way," Luke laughs, "You'll have to wait." "You can't tell me you wrote a song and not sing it!" You insist. "You can hear it in 16 hours," Luke chuckles. "What a tease," you mutter, making him laugh again. "You know I love you," Luke adds. "Ya, ya, ya, whatever you say," you joke. "Is that Y/n?" You hear a voice from the other end ask hopefully. Luke must nod, because the next thing you hear is, "Let me talk to her!" "No! She's my girlfriend," you hear Luke argue. You sigh, waiting momentarily for the winner of the argument to receive the phone. "Y/n!" You hear Calum yell, "Luke won't give me the phone but I have to tell you something!" "I'm listening," you laugh. "Luke misses you so much! He won't shut up about you!" You hear a thud and a few choice words from Calum and guess that Luke hit him. "I'm sure my friends would say the same thing about me," you chuckle. "Flight 34 now boarding," you hear a woman's voice through the phone. "That's us," Luke tells you. "Yay!" You cheer, grinning broadly. "I'll see you soon, then," Luke states happily. "Have a safe flight! I love you!" You tell him. "I love you, too," Luke replies. "Bye," you sigh before ending the call, knowing Luke never would.

Calum: "Can't we just stay here forever?" You sigh, playing with Calum's hair lazily as he lays his head in your lap. "I wish," Calum answers, smiling up at you sadly. "Goodbyes suck," you mutter bitterly. "I know, baby," Calum sighs, sitting up and scooting next to you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you towards him, and you rest your head on his chest, your fist gripping his shirt as if that will keep him from leaving. His chest rises and falls as he sighs heavily. You look up at the clock and then at Calum. "We have less than 12 hours left together," you tell him. "Shh, don't think about that," Calum instructs in a whisper. You sigh, laying your head against him again and shutting your eyes as you feel his fingers run up and down your back softly. "This is the stuff I'm gonna miss, ya know?" He asks sadly. You nod, hugging Calum's torso tighter. "What if I can't do it, Cal?" You ask quietly. "What are you talking about?" Calum asks, confused. "What if I can't be away from you for months at a time?" You explain, "What if I can't handle the hate? What if - if I need a hug and there's no one there to hug me? What if -" "Y/n," Calum cuts you off, "Relax. Deep breaths, okay?" You obey, inhaling in sync with Calum and letting it out slowly. "I love you so much," Calum says seriously, "And I know we can make this work." "But, what if -" "Let me finish," Calum says patiently, "You are so strong, Y/n. And I am not at all worried about you being able to handle me being away. You are - you are so much stronger than I am. You're gonna be alright! We're gonna be alright!" "I'm just scared," you whisper. "I know, babe, I know," Calum coos, "But you don't have to be scared. I can protect you." "I love you," you sigh, smiling up at him. "I love you, too," Calum replies, kissing you gently.

Michael: "We already aren't in the same state," Michael points out over Skype as he packs his suitcase for the next morning. "But you'll be so much furthur," You explain. "It won't feel like it, I swear," Michael insists. "You'll be in a completely different time zone," you add, frowning. "I'll stay up all night or day or whenever it's convenient for you to talk," Michael offers with a smile. "What if it's convenient at 6 in the morning?" You ask, laughing when you see Michael grimace "Then I'll wake up at 5:30 so I can do my hair for you," Michael replies. "You must really love me then,
you laugh. "I do," Michael agrees. You watch in a sad silence as he grabs all the clothes he finds in his room and tosses them into his suitcase. "I wish I could be there to pack for you, at least," you sigh, "All of your clothes are gonna be wrinkled!" "You're like my mother," Michael groans, "I'll wash them when I get home." "That, my love, is the biggest lie you've ever told," you point out, chuckling. "I'll wash them eventually," Michael corrects. You shake your head, laughing while Michael searches under his bed for any missing clothing items. "Michael," you say quietly. "Ya, babe?" he says, taking a seat in front of his laptop. "What if - what if you meet someone prettier in Australia?" You ask fearfully, looking away from the screen to avoid Michael's eyes. "You know that's impossible," Michael sighs, "Babe, I love you!" You smile sadly, trying to believe what Michael tells you. "Besides," he adds, "Who else would put up with me?" "I guess that's true," you joke, making Michael laugh. "So don't worry," Michael insists, "We're gonna make this work." You open your mouth to reply but your words turn into a yawn. "I should go to sleep," you sigh, "I have school tomorrow." "Okay," Michael says sadly, "I'll call you before I take off." "Deal," you say with a nod. "I love you," Michael whispers. "I love you, too," you reply, fighting another yawn. "Sweet dreams," he adds before the screen goes black.

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